
Clear the heat and throat, clean the mouth and eyes, relieve mouth ulcers, and have a cup of green tea with green fruits

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

raw material 

3 green fruits, 2 grams of green tea, rock sugar to taste.

Clear the heat and throat, clean the mouth and eyes, relieve mouth ulcers, and have a cup of green tea with green fruits


Wash the green fruits and mash them, add green tea and rock sugar, put them together in a cup, rinse into boiling water, cover the lid and simmer for 15 minutes. After cooling, use this medicinal tea in the mouth for 1 to 2 minutes to swallow slowly. Drink casually.

Clear the heat and throat, clean the mouth and eyes, relieve mouth ulcers, and have a cup of green tea with green fruits


It has the effect of clearing heat and throat, purifying the mouth and eyes. May relieve symptoms of mouth ulcers.

Clear the heat and throat, clean the mouth and eyes, relieve mouth ulcers, and have a cup of green tea with green fruits

Author: Qian Jingzhuang, Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor: Huang Menglin

Reviewer: Xie Tao

Issued: Wan Hongxin

Image: Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete.

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