
"Kanaya Zoji"

author:I SV

Warm tips, please do not watch this article after eating and drinking, it is easy to cause extreme discomfort!

Kanaya Hideyoshi

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a eunuch named Wei Zhongxian. At that time, the power was in power, and one person was above ten thousand people!

He was tired of the taste of mountains and treasures, and one day he suddenly wanted to go south to Jiangnan. So he planned a route and ordered him to go down to the more famous restaurants in the place where he passed to prepare dishes that he had not eaten. Whoever satisfies him is rewarded!

For a time, local officials and restaurant owners were trying to prepare, hoping to curry favor with him in exchange for their own glory and wealth. But as a nine-thousand-year-old, he has eaten so many mountain treasures and seafood, but he has traveled to many places to satisfy him. For a time, the heads of the people rolled and the people's grievances boiled!

In Suzhou City, there is a century-old restaurant called Ruyi Restaurant, which is second to none in the local area, and the owner and chef is named Chen Dachuan! The local prefect heard the news that Wei Zhongxian was about to arrive and ordered Chen Dachuan to make him have a delicious meal ready for him within three days, otherwise he would be arrested and imprisoned. Chen Dachuan had no choice but to search for recipes and methods from restaurants and restaurants large and small in Suzhou City, but he found nothing in two days!

The next night, Chen Dachuan was still holding his head in the convenience of the restaurant's hut, and his eyes looked down. Only to see the last guest pulled down the Yoneta Gong at his convenience, Huang Chengcheng was still steaming, seeing here his mind moved!

On the third day, the prefect sent someone to summon him for questioning. After arriving at Yamon, the prefect said, "Lord Chitose will come tomorrow, have you figured out a way?" He patted his chest and said, "Rest assured, my lord, after my careful study in the past two days, I have developed a unique delicacy that Chitose has never tasted." The prefect was very happy to hear this, and asked him to go back and prepare early!

When he returned, he announced that the restaurant was temporarily closed, dismissed all the guys and went home, and went into the kitchen alone to get busy! He first went to the hut to dig up two piles of fresh golden rice fields, and caught a few maggots! Put them in a bowl and let maggots drill inside! Then fry the pan, and finally the rock sugar is burned and drizzled, and the work is done!

The next day, Wei Zhongxian came down to the restaurant accompanied by the prefect, and Chen Dachuan respectfully served the prepared dishes! Wei Zhongxian saw that there were still many small holes in the golden appearance, and there were also faint white objects inside! Pick up the chopsticks and taste it, don't have a taste, I really haven't eaten it! So I asked, "What is the ingredient for this dish?" What's your name? Chen Dachuan listened and replied, "The raw material is my Chen family secret recipe forgive the villain can not tell, as for the name is not yet, please Chitose Adult to give the name"! Wei Zhongxian was in a good mood, and did not bother with Chen Dachuan, looked at the dish and said, "This dish is golden on the outside, and there are white objects inside, I think it is called Jinya Zangjiao!" The crowd echoed and applauded!

After eating and drinking, Wei Zhongxian wanted Chen Dachuan to follow him to Beijing, chen Dachuan stayed on the grounds of taking care of his ancestral family business, and Wei Zhongxian gave him one hundred and two gold! After Wei Zhongxian left, Chen Dachuan sold the restaurant and took his family small and disappeared! And the famous dish he left behind, "Golden House Hidden Jiao", has also become a legend!

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