
If you don't come with a thunderstorm, don't come

author:Read a poem and go to sleep

To want to be with me

The man who fell in love

My life is the sky

Full of life, lightning and anger

If you don't carry a thunderstorm to come

Then simply don't come

Author / [Pakistan] Noor · Unahah

Translation / Three Books

Excerpt from / "Yesterday I Was the Moon", Lefu Culture

to the person who

will want to fall in love with me

i have been a sky all my life

full of life and light and anger

if you‘re not coming with

thunderstorms; do not come

at all

by Noor Unnahar

A poem, a love-seeking notice, clearly sets out the conditions for "bathing in love together": I am lightning, you must be thunderstorm; I have the passion of life full of "anger", and you must be equal.

It's a bit of a martial arts novel's feeling of "competing martial arts": if you want to marry me, first of all, you must know martial arts, and secondly, you must be able to beat me, at least the force value is equal. The bridge section of "competition and pro-kinship" looks sloppy, but in fact it implies a certain rationality: knowing martial arts, indicating that there are common hobbies and topics; having played well, indicating that it is challenging and expected, and that in the future life, you can live "like a discussion, like a grind", discuss with each other, so as not to be lonely. To put it bluntly, it is that the vitality is equal and the like-mindedness is similar.

Such a declaration of love, after reading more love poems of deep love and honey, will not feel how shocking, and even think that the author's expectations of love are too naïve and idealistic. But if we learn that this is a contemporary young Muslim woman's call for love and passion for life, it may feel a little different.

The author of today's poem, Nur Unaha, is a girl from Pakistan who was born in Karachi, Pakistan, in 1997. This is probably the first time that Reading Sleep has recommended Pakistani poetry since its inception, and it is a poet who is active on the Internet today.

If you don't come with a thunderstorm, don't come

Noor · Unahal's handwritten poems on Instagram

Since 2015 she has been updating her handwritten poems on Instagram, accompanied by hand-drawn illustrations. As a Muslim, her poems and paintings not only carry complex and diverse cultural and social backgrounds, but also embody the independent spirit of contemporary women, full of strength and depth, attracting millions of readers and setting off a wave of instapoetry art creation around the world.

In her creation, she talks about the reconstruction of the self:

I am building / a house / its floor / paved by power / built by ambition / its roof / is a masterpiece of forgiveness / I am building / myself

Speaking of Muslim women who are "unspoken" and "unheard":

I was left behind/unspoken/unheard/angry/so I wrote a lot/said very little/I gave life to words that never came out of their mouths/spoken

Talking about her Wish List as a Muslim girl:

1. Great courage

2. The power of forgiveness

3. Energetic energy

4, endless kindness

Her poetry collection "Yesterday I Was the Moon" is gathered in the voice of fans, in this collection of poems, she not only writes a Pakistani girl's discovery and reconstruction of herself, her call for love, but also shows the world the historical fragments, religious beliefs and life thinking behind the growth of a Pakistani girl.

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