
Information | Great Wall Motor's globalization accelerated, Andra Good Cat was listed in Thailand, priced at 197,800 yuan

author:Understand the CheDi report

Text: Understand the original Wei Wei of Chedi

On October 29, Great Wall Motors Euler Good Cat was officially listed in Thailand. It is reported that Euler Good Cat has launched three versions of TECH/PRO/ULTRA in Thailand, with a price range of 989,000 baht to 1,199,000 baht (about 197,800 yuan - 239,800 yuan).

Information | Great Wall Motor's globalization accelerated, Andra Good Cat was listed in Thailand, priced at 197,800 yuan

Euler Good Cat is listed in Thailand

In terms of endurance, the Thai version of Euler Good Cat is the same as the domestic version, and can achieve a maximum NEDC driving range of up to 500 kilometers. It is also understood that Great Wall Motors will also launch a customized energy replenishment ecology throughout Thailand, which will include home refueling facilities and services, as well as a wider multi-touch energy network to avoid the range anxiety problem of electric vehicles to the greatest extent.

Information | Great Wall Motor's globalization accelerated, Andra Good Cat was listed in Thailand, priced at 197,800 yuan

Great Wall Motor has laid out a number of new retailers' ultra-experience stores in Thailand

Great Wall Motor said that in the past year, Great Wall Motor has laid out a number of new retailers' super experience stores in Thailand, built a user experience center in Bangkok, and regularly opened mobile experience spaces in major business districts, building a full-process service system from online to offline, from brand stores to shopping malls, from car viewing to terminal services.

Information | Great Wall Motor's globalization accelerated, Andra Good Cat was listed in Thailand, priced at 197,800 yuan

Great Wall Motor's 2025 globalization strategy is steadily advancing

Before Euler Good Cat, Great Wall Motor Haval H6 HEV was launched in Thailand on June 28 this year. It is reported that haval H6 HEV has been ranked first in the local C-class SUV market sales for two consecutive months. Great Wall Motors said that as the second model of Great Wall Motors listed in the Thai market, The Euler Good Cat will further enrich The matrix of New Energy Products of Great Wall Motors in the Thai market and accelerate the development of Great Wall Motors' new energy strategy in the Thai market.

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