
The world's most ant chapter

author:Love your fat dad

1. Marico Pashu ant

Mainly distributed in the desert region of the Americas, the Marico Pashu ant is a poisonous ant, it will make people feel extremely painful when stung by it, and it is enough to cause casualties, it only takes 12 stings to kill an animal weighing 2 kg, the most toxic insect in the world, and its venom secretion intensity is twelve times that of bees!

The world's most ant chapter

Second, bullet ants

The bullet ant is a species of paraparane in the subfamily Pseudomorphophinidae, and only one species of ants in this genus exists. The first was described by Jerdon in 1851, the species he described was Harpegnathos Saltalor, who noted that the ant was three-quarters inches long and would jump and flee when frightened or disturbed. Their upper jaws are strong and powerful, and they have strong tail spines.

They nest underground, especially at the roots of plants, and prey on small insects. One of the largest ant species in the world, these one-inch-long insects are named after their stingers, and the pain they produce after being stung by them is like being shot by a bullet, they secrete a toxin, and insects and small frogs are their prey objects.

Bullet ants, one of the largest ant species in the world, inhabit Central and South America, mainly in the rainforests of the Amazon region, and have a similar appearance and appearance to the ancestors of wasps, with little change over millions of years. Due to eating habits and other reasons, this ant living in Latin American forests always forages alone. He is a small poisonous ant.

Bullet ants are about 3 centimeters long and secrete a toxin, so insects and even small frogs are their prey. Due to eating habits and other reasons, this ant living in Latin American forests always forages alone. Its bites are not fatal to people, but they can cause great pain. It is said that this pain is worse than being hit by a bullet, hence the name (bullet ant).

The world's most ant chapter

Three, Jack Jumping Ant

The hairy cattle ant (Myrmecia pilosula) belongs to the genus of cattle ants in the subfamily cattle ants, and the Jack jumping ant is its famous common name. The hairy cattle ant is native to Australia and is most often found in rural areas. Specific origins are Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Southeast Tasmania.

Jack's body is black or red, the legs are yellow or brown, and the adult body is about 10–12 mm long. The queen is about 14-16 mm long and jumps when threatened, hence the name. Their nests are hidden under rocks or the entrance to a rubble mound made of fine gravel.

Jack jumping ants, like many bulldog ants, although they live in groups, usually hunt alone. They are aggressive and even sometimes go to war with nest ants, but this is not common.

Jack Jumping Ant is a carnivore and scavenger. Victims of their pinprick bites have symptoms similar to wasps, bees, fire ant bites. They have the most poisonous venom in the world of insects. Jack jumping ants are ferocious predators, and even wasps are hunted by them. These ants have excellent eyesight, which helps them hunt. The symptoms of being bitten are similar to those of fire ants. Manifested by local swelling, redness, fever, and then the formation of a vesicle. The heart rate of being bitten increases, and blood pressure drops rapidly. People with allergies can be dangerous (about 3% chance of happening) and sometimes lead to anaphylactic shock. While 3% may seem small, Jack jumping ants in Tasmania kill more people than spiders, snakes, bees and sharks combined.

The treatment of being bitten is similar to being bitten by a wasp or bee.

The world's most ant chapter

4. Matabelle ants

The Matabelle ant (Latin scientific name: Megaponera analis) is an ant that lives in Africa and is a species of ant in the genus Giant Ant. The body color is black, the tail needle is more toxic, usually even humans can not withstand its sting, severe dizziness, nausea, spasms and other symptoms, and even life-threatening. The Matabelle worker ant is about 15 mm long and prefers to eat African termites.

The body length of the Matabelle ant is about 15 mm, and the length of the male ant is about 12 mm, and the body color is black, which has strong toxicity. The species is a highly specialized termite predator that feeds exclusively on termites, and their attacks on termite nests usually occur in the morning and evening and last about an hour or so.

In some news and media, including versions of the term before, the toxicity of the Matabelle ant was exaggerated and trumpeted, and descriptions such as "killing people in 2 minutes" appeared, resulting in rumors. In fact, unless it is stung by a large number of times by the ant colony, it is almost impossible to pose a life-threatening threat, and although the ant species is very toxic, it is not actually fatal. The world's most toxic Pogonomyrmex maricopa is also not prone to death. Descriptions from some ant science websites: The stings of a few worker ants can leave an adult semi-paralyzed almost all day and unable to do anything. It can also be seen that the Matabelle ant is not fatal.

The world's most ant chapter

5. Red fire ants

The Latin name of the red fire ant (scientific name: Solenopsis invicta Buren) means "invincible" ants, which are difficult to control and get the name. Its common name, fire ant, refers to the burning sensation that occurs after being stung by it. The red fire ant is widely distributed and is one of the most destructive invasive organisms. In China, the red fire ant is an invasive organism.

The red fire ant is a type of ant, a social insect, with multiple grades, reproductive females, males and worker ants (female ants that are underdeveloped and infertile). Among them, worker ants can be divided into one to many types, including large worker ants (soldier ants) and small worker ants. Worker ants have 2 ventral stalk knots; antennae are generally 10 segments, the last 2 segments are hammer-shaped; and there are longitudinal ridges on both sides of the base of the lip that extend forward into teeth. Females and males have one eye, with 11 antennae for females and 12 antennae for males. And the thoracic and ventral segments do not have spines or teeth.

Red fire ants have a distinctly aggressive and repetitive stinging ability to humans and animals. It affects the health and quality of life of people in the invading areas, with serious impacts on agriculture, livestock, wildlife and natural ecosystems, and it also damages electronic instruments in public facilities and leads to financial losses in communications, medical care and pest control. Once the nest is disturbed, the red fire ant quickly leaves the nest and issues a strong aggressive behavior. The red fire ant clamps on the human skin above the jaw, and the sting at the end of the abdomen is used to sting the human body several times in a row, releasing venom from the venom sac each time it stings. The human body is burned with fire after being stung by a red fire ant, followed by burn-like blisters. Most people only feel pain and discomfort, and a small number of people are allergic to the venom proteins in the venom, which will produce anaphylactic shock and risk death. If the blisters or pustules are broken, it is easy to cause secondary infection of bacteria when not paying attention to cleanliness and hygiene.

The world's most ant chapter

6. Marching ants

Marching ants (scientific name: Army Ant) mainly live in the Amazon River Valley, like to live in groups, generally a group of one or two million, they belong to the migratory ants, do not have a fixed dwelling, accustomed to finding prey in the action.

The life history of ants includes four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults, totaling 8 to 10 weeks. The queen eventually lays eggs. Worker ants are female ants that work; Soldier ants are larger and defend the colony. At certain times of the year, many species produce winged males and queens that fly into the air to mate. The male dies soon after, and the fertilized queen builds a new nest. Animals and plants are eaten. Some species, including the genus Formica, often feed on eggs and larvae of other species or of the same species, and some eat the juice secreted by plants.

The saliva of marching ants is poisonous and can easily paralyze humans, destroy synapses and spinal cords, but the venom is not fatal, they do not wait for the prey to die, they begin to swallow the prey, the prey within 2 minutes of being attacked, the flesh is blurred, because of the serious infection and death. Marching ants are the most feared ants in the world and the ants that have caused the most deaths to date.

Marching ants have a ferocious personality, and humans invade their territory, this ant will pay a huge price for humans, it is more dangerous than the water goby, it causes more killings than hippos, and about 400 unfortunate people die each year from their nibbling

The world's most ant chapter

7. Pit Bull Dog Ants

Myrmecia is an ant commonly known as the Bull-headed Dog Ant, Bull Ant, Inch Ant, Sergeant Ant, Jack Jumping Ant, or Jack Jumping Bug (usually referred to as its genus Myrmecia pilosula). Bulldog ants can grow up to 40 mm (1.6 in) in length, and the smallest breeds also have 15 mm (0.59 in). Almost all of about 90 species of bulldog ants live in Australia, except for Myrmecia apicalis, which appear in New Caledonia (located in the South Pacific).

Australia's bulldog ant is one of the largest ants in the world. Adult bulldog ants are more than 25 mm long. The bulldog ant has a fierce temperament. With sharp jagged jaws and hard stings, they dare to fight against any enemy who stands in their way. However, their weapons are mainly used against prey.

The Bulldog Ant has an amazing bouncing ability. It can even jump on the back of flying insects like wasps. The bulldog ant is the typical ambusher. They would hide, sometimes hiding under the leaves, and wait until the prey passed by to swoop down on each other like lightning bolts, inserting thorns into each other's bodies. The bulldog ant then enjoys the juice of the prey and drags the trophy wreck back to the nest to feed the larvae. Their bites are so intense that adults can't stand their stings and are one of the most dangerous ants in the world.

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8. Thick-knotted ants

Pachycondyla, belonging to the subfamily of mammoth ants, is a large ant, the length of the worker ant can reach 7 to 20mm, fierce temperament, with tail spines, stinging will cause redness and swelling and produce severe pain. The genus consists of 17 extant species and 19 fossil species, all distributed in the tropical regions of the Americas and not in China.

Pachycondyla, belonging to the subfamily Of mammoth ants, is a monotypic genus of worker ants, an independent predator, and after taxonomic adjustment, there are only 17 species in this genus, all of which are distributed in the American continent.

Little is known about the ecological behavior of the genus Pachycephalus. Longino (2013) said in his research study that the genus Pachycephalus is predatory and scavenger, but there are few public reports of their food preferences. Wheeler (1900b) reported that captive-bred worker ants would feed on egg yolks and sugar water, but would not prey on termites, Overal (1987) noted that P. Harpax eats soft-bodied insects (including termites) and polypods, while Garcia-Pérez et al. (1997) P. Harpax preys mainly on termites. Therefore, the study of the diet of this genus is unclear.

The world's most ant chapter

9. Red-footed burrowing ants

The red-footed burrowing ant belongs to the subfamily Of the motif, which was once named the red-footed burrow ant, and later this species has been moved to the genus Of the mothri, so it is called the red-footed mothrium ant. It is mainly distributed in Tropical and Subtropical Regions such as Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan and Guizhou.

Nests in the soil prefer cool and moist habitats, and there are granular mud accumulations at the mouth of the nest. The nest is shallow and divided into several layers of duplex structure. The colonies are small, usually only a few dozen or hundred, and worker ants can also breed and lay eggs. Usually the status determines the only force of reproduction, so there will be worker ant forms of breeding ants, female worker ants, which is a more interesting phenomenon. The ant mainly haunts the wet areas of the forest edge, and when caught, its abdomen rises and sprays white foam. People become red and swollen immediately after being bitten by it.

1, stout, mighty looks. 2, can spray foam, very interesting. 3. Will scream and warn the offender.

The world's most ant chapter

10. Red ants

Red ants refer to a large number of ants with red body colors, and do not refer specifically to a specific species. The picture shows the red hummer ant. The red ant is about 3 mm long and has spiny hairs on its antennae and legs. Carnivorous or predatory ants, and are the most primitive lifestyle and morphological structure in the family Antidae.

When red ants are stimulated by foreign, under the awareness of self-protection, they will use their sharp mouths to bite people and animals, and there will be itching and pain after being bitten, accompanied by a faint odor, so people living indoors should not touch them with their hands when they find red ants, otherwise they are easy to be bitten or cause infection that carries germs.

The world's most ant chapter

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