
The delicacy of ants

author:Zhang Xiaofeng

With the arrival of summer, some trees began to appear a lot of bugs, and the food of ants came

The delicacy of ants
The delicacy of ants

The honey worm called by the northerners, the scientific name is aphid, also called the greasy worm, sucks the sap of the plant, and will discharge honeydew, so it has the name of the honey worm.

The delicacy of ants
The delicacy of ants

Ants eat insects to supplement protein, usually ants eat mainly honeydew or harvest ants like to eat seeds, these foods can provide the energy needed for ant activities, but the queen egg laying and larval growth requires a lot of protein

The delicacy of ants
The delicacy of ants

The protein content of the above foods is not high, so omnivorous ants will also prey on insects, they are the most direct source of protein, in addition to the ants of the subfamily of mammoth ants are feeding on insects, they are more primitive than ants of the subfamily or leaf-cutting ant subfamily, social is not as strong as the latter, with sting needles to feed on insects, just like wasps.

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