
Harold Bloom selected a list of books Chinese translations in his lifetime, writing to children to pass on the enlightenment classics

author:Xinmin said iHuman
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"哈罗德·布鲁姆一生甄选书单中文首译,写给孩子的传世启蒙经典","en":"Harold Bloom selected a list of books Chinese translations in his lifetime, writing to children to pass on the enlightenment classics"},"description":{"content":"作为西方当代最著名的文学评论家、《西方正典》《影响的焦虑:一种诗歌理论》等书作者,哈罗德·布鲁姆以诗歌误解和影响的焦虑理...","en":"As the author of the most famous contemporary literary critic in the West, the Author of The Western Canon, The Anxiety of Influence: A Poetic Theory, harold Bloom has drawn his emphasis on the anxiety of poetic misunderstandings and influences."}},"items":[]}

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