
The price of hourly workers soared before the Spring Festival, and the daily salary of temporary nannies was as high as 300 yuan

author:Meizhou Net
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"春节前钟点工身价飙涨 临时保姆日薪高达300元","en":"The price of hourly workers soared before the Spring Festival, and the daily salary of temporary nannies was as high as 300 yuan"},"description":{"content":"●本报记者李玉娇实习生曾晓春春节将至,梅城到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜“大扫除”、干干净净迎新春的气氛。每年从农历腊月二十三日起到...","en":"●The Spring Festival of Zeng Xiaochun, an intern of this newspaper's reporter Li Yujiao, is approaching, and Meicheng is filled with an atmosphere of rejoicing and rejoicing in \"cleaning up\" and being clean and clean to welcome the New Year. Every year from the 23rd day of the lunar month to..."}},"items":[]}

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