
Dongguan Past: The Crime and Punishment of Female Neighbors

author:Oral history of Guangdong
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"东莞往事:女邻居的罪与罚","en":"Dongguan Past: The Crime and Punishment of Female Neighbors"},"description":{"content":"事情已经过去了一年,不记得具体时间了,对门搬来一户新邻居。虽说是一户人家,其实不过两个人,一大一小。大的是女人,三十来岁...","en":"It's been a year, I can't remember the exact time, and a new neighbor moved to the door. Although it is a family, it is actually only two people, one big and one small. The eldest is a woman, in her thirties..."}},"items":[]}

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