
Wise as foolish, sometimes we have to react slowly

author:A grain of dust in the universe
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"大智若愚,有的时候我们要慢反应","en":"Wise as foolish, sometimes we have to react slowly"},"description":{"content":"在生活中,我们难免会受到他人的误解或是非议。有的人选择承受生闷气,有的人据理力争,斗争到底。我们发泄自己的脾气是正常人的...","en":"In life, we are inevitably misunderstood or criticized by others. Some people choose to endure sullen anger, and some people argue on the basis of reason and fight to the end. We vent our tempers to normal people..."}},"items":[]}

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