
5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

author:Gluttony Dog Food Encyclopedia

Labradors are notoriously docile dogs that never actively attack people. Today Xiaobian will teach you, the 5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, friends in need please put away!

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

<h1>1, raise to be responsible</h1>

Raising a dog is never a simple thing, before breeding to be mentally prepared, can not because the family does not agree and abandoned, raising a dog will have to be responsible.

The second is to prepare dog food, food bowls, cages, kennels, dog shower gel and other items at home before taking the dog home.

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

<h1>2. Do a good job in vaccine and insect repellent</h1>

Labrador puppies, which have reached the age of 45, can begin vaccinations to prevent viruses such as canine plague, pettiness, and canine crown. Dogs that are immunized for the first time need to get three doses of multiple vaccinations, and can continue to be vaccinated against rabies after the last dose.

At the same time, dogs also need to undergo regular in vivo and in vitro deworming, once a month before the age of six months, and every three months after the age of six months.

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

<h1>3. Training fixed-point excretion</h1>

If you want to facilitate the breeding life, it is best to train Labrador fixed-point defecation skills from an early age, and the owner can take some newspaper stained with dog urine and put it in the dog toilet, which can attract the dog to excrete.

Generally speaking, 3 to 5 days of training Lala can develop the habit of fixed-point defecation, after all, they are smart, and their learning ability is naturally very strong.

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

<h1>4. You need to walk your dog frequently</h1>

Labrador dog energy is also very exuberant, basically have to go out for two laps every day, otherwise there will be demolition behavior, before the age of 1 Lara can be said to be destructive amazing, physical strength is beyond your imagination.

Fortunately, they have good obedience, good IQ, and generally combined with snack training, they can help improve.

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

<h1>5. Reasonable feeding, each meal is 8 minutes full</h1>

Labrador dogs belong to large dogs, the amount of food is really large, but also very greedy, obviously has been fed, but see the owner eating, or will be very excited, in the side of the look will be drooling that state.

The owner feeds once a day in the morning and evening, and feeds eight points of fullness at each meal to prevent eating too much and becoming a fat dog, but it is more troublesome to lose weight.

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

Conclusion: Do you like Labrador dogs?

5 ways to raise Labrador dogs scientifically, please put away 1, raise them to be responsible for 2, do a good job of vaccines, deworming work 3, training fixed point excretion 4, need to walk the dog frequently 5, reasonable feeding, each meal 8 points full

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