
Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

author:Xidian Admissions Office

The ninth rank of the Chinese birthday, academic celebration. Recently, 10 academicians have come to Xidian University to add brilliance to the 90th anniversary of the founding of Xidian University, bring one academic feast after another for Xidian teachers and students, and also let teachers and students appreciate the style and scholarly style of everyone, and feel the true charm of scholarship.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" academician Sun Ninghui > was invited to the school for guidance</h1>

From March 22nd to 24th, Academician Sun Ninghui of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to Xidian University for exchange and guidance, listened to the work report of the scientific research team, and made a special report entitled "Macro Thinking on the Development of High-performance Computers".

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Sun Ninghui is the academic director of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and an expert in computer system architecture. Sun Ninghui has long been engaged in high-performance computer research, led the development of The Dawning 2000 to Dawn 6000 three-generation Dawning machine group series of high-performance computers, in the oil exploration and other national key industries to break the monopoly of foreign manufacturers, and into many industries widely used. The development of the technical system of machine group visitation and the basic theory of high-throughput computing are proposed, which has made important contributions to the development of computer architecture technology in China.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Academician Sun Ninghui reported on the relevant issues of "high-performance computer development". He explained three main aspects in a simple and concise manner, one is to introduce the main context of the world and China's development of high-performance computers at the macro level, the second is to explain the technical path and representative achievements of high-performance computers, and the third is to analyze the main technical challenges and possible cracking ideas facing the future development of high-performance computers. It brought an academic feast to the teachers and students present.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" academician Yang Mengfei > gave a lecture on ideological politics</h1>

On March 26, Yang Mengfei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chief designer of Chang'e 5, alumnus of the 82nd class of Xidian University and honorary dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology, was invited to return to the school to give a keynote report on the development status, prospects and suggestions of deep space exploration.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Yang Mengfei graduated from Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Institute (now Xidian University) in 1982 and entered the Beijing Institute of Control Engineering of China Academy of Space Technology for further study in space computer applications, and obtained a master's degree. Mainly engaged in the research and development of space vehicle systems, control systems and highly reliable control computers. In 2000, he won the Outstanding Contribution Award for the First Flight Test of the Manned SpaceFlight Project of the General Armament Department. In 2015, he was elected as a life member of the International Academy of Astronautics. In 2017, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2019, he served as the honorary dean of the School of Computer Science and Technology of Xidian University and the director of the Joint Laboratory of Spaceborne Computer and Electronic Technology of Xidian University.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Academician Yang Mengfei gave a systematic and vivid explanation to the field of deep space exploration from the aspects of overview, development status, future prospects, and development suggestions of deep space exploration, and introduced the process of the Chang'e-5 lunar probe and the great achievements made by China in the field of deep space exploration. Academician Yang Mengfei stressed that constantly exploring the unknown universe, protecting mankind and living in the homeland, expanding human survival resources and promoting the sustainable development of mankind are the unremitting goals and driving forces for sustainable development of the deep space exploration cause, and Chinese astronauts will continue to promote the development of deep space exploration and make due contributions to building a space power and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to give a report</h1>

On April 7th, Guo Wanlin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor and doctoral supervisor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, came to Xidian University to give a special report entitled "Frontier Basic Science Issues in Hydrovoltology".

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Guo Wanlin, Ph.D., Professor, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He founded the doctoral program of nanomechanics of China Southern Airlines and the key laboratory of nano-intelligent material devices of the Ministry of Education, and participated in the construction of the State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures and the first-class discipline of mechanics as a discipline leader. Facing the needs of aircraft safety and intelligence, he has long been engaged in the mechanical theory and key technology research of aircraft structure three-dimensional damage tolerance and low-dimensional functional material force electromagnetic coupling and fluid-structure coupling. The concept of local field and field coupling of low-dimensional system is proposed, the intelligent characteristics and physical effects of a series of low-dimensional materials are revealed and discovered, and the physical-mechanical theoretical system of force-electricity-magneto-thermal coupling of low-dimensional nanomaterials is established.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Academician Guo Wanlin reported on the relevant issues of "basic science issues at the frontier of hydrovoltology". He introduced the significant progress made in hydrovoltology, the remarkable progress made by international research institutes related to hydrophoriology in the past two years, the use of various new materials and computational simulation methods, and carried out systematic and in-depth research on the phenomenon of hydrovolvage and electricity and rich device forms, and achieved a series of innovative results. As a green new energy technology for obtaining electricity from the earth's water cycle, hydrovoltage energy faces a large number of scientific problems and technical bottlenecks. On the basis of summarizing the recent development of water volt technology as a potential negative carbon emission energy technology, Academician Guo proposed and discussed the future development direction of water voltaology and cutting-edge basic science issues.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited</h1>

On April 13, Professor Tian Gang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society and former vice president of Peking University, visited Xidian University and made an academic report.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Professor Tian Gang, a famous mathematician, is the chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the director of the Beijing International Mathematical Research Center, the vice chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the former vice president of Peking University, creatively solving a series of problems in the fields of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics, winning the Waterman Award of the National Science Foundation of the United States, the Weberon Prize of the American Mathematical Society, and giving a 45-minute report and a 1-hour report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Academician Tian Gang made a wonderful report on the topic of "Euler's Formula and Counting Geometry". He first elaborated on how to generalize Euler's formula for convex polyhedra to arbitrary topological spaces to derive the concept of Euler's indicative numbers on smooth manifolds, and then started with the number of solutions to ancient geometric equations to derive an important branch of algebraic geometry, the count geometry. The whole report was in-depth and simple, illustrated and fascinating, and the teachers and students present shared an academic feast.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Academicians Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make reports</h1>

From April 16 to 18, Bao Weimin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Science and Technology Committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Li Yinghong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the Air Force Engineering University, and Wu Peiheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of Nanjing University, came to Xidian University for exchanges and made reports.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Bao Weimin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician, Researcher and Doctor of the International Academy of Astronautics. He is currently the director of the Science and Technology Committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. and the dean of the School of Space Science and Technology of Xidian University. As an academic leader in the field of china's aerospace launch vehicle overall and control system, he has led and participated in the development of many major projects in China, and he has combined theoretical knowledge and practical work to solve a series of technical problems for the modernization of China's science and technology industry.

With the theme of "Carrying Forward the Spirit of Spaceflight and Building a Space Power", Academician Bao Weimin reviewed the major breakthroughs in aerospace science and technology in various countries in the world in recent years, shared with teachers and students the main achievements of China's aerospace industry in the fields of artificial satellites, carrier rockets, manned spaceflight, lunar exploration and deep space exploration, and made a forward-looking analysis of the major needs of the future development of aerospace science and technology. Academician Bao's detailed explanation made the students' understanding of aerospace culture, aerospace style and aerospace spirit more in-depth, and the spring wind and rain of earnest teachings encouraged every Xidian student to study diligently and build a dream blue sky.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Li Yinghong is an expert in aviation propulsion theory and engineering, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Alternate member of the 19th Central Committee, Professor of the School of Aeronautical Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Aeronautical Plasma Dynamics and the Military Key Laboratory of Aircraft Propulsion Systems, major general of professional technology (technical level). Deputy Director of the National Basic Research Committee for Major Science and Technology Special Projects for Aero Engines and Gas Turbines, member of the National Discipline Review Group, expert of 5 special committees or expert groups of the Assembly and Development Bureau, Science and Industry Bureau and natural science foundation committee, vice chairman of the Chinese Engineering Thermophysics Society and director of 3 national societies.

Academician Li Yinghong focused on the exploration and application of plasma excitation aerodynamics, introduced the theory and method of plasma impact excitation and its flow control, and briefly described other areas that plasma excitation aerodynamics can be extended to from three research directions: plasma ignition combustion, plasma aerosol disinfection and plasma anti-de-icing. When introducing the application of plasma air aerosol disinfection, Academician Li vividly demonstrated the vitality of research in this field with the background of the prevention and control of the new crown virus.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Wu Peiheng is a superconducting electronician and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering of Nanjing University and honorary director of the Superconducting Electronics Branch of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, he has long been engaged in the research of superconducting electronics, and has made achievements in exploring the basic laws of physical processes, developing new superconducting electronic devices, and promoting the practical application of superconducting electronic devices. The Institute of Superconducting Electronics of Nanjing University, which he leads, is one of the most important bases for cultivating senior talents in China, and his research directions are superconducting single photon detection, superconducting quantum computing and quantum information technology, terahertz technology and its applications.

Academician Wu Peiheng focused on superconducting single-photon detectors and their applications, from the basic concepts, main indicators and classification of photon and single-photon detectors to the uniqueness of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors in terms of comprehensive performance, step by step, sharing the principle, preparation and performance characterization of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with teachers and students present, and highlighting their current applications. In the process of the report, Academician Wu went deep and simple, and told the story, making academic scientific research vivid and interesting, winning bursts of applause, and also making the students feel the charm of scientific research and scientific and technological innovation.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit ></h1>

On April 19th, Luo Qingming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, president of Hainan University, chairman of the Hainan Association for Science and Technology, and director of the Steering Committee for Biomedical Engineering in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education, came to Xidian University to exchange views and make a special report entitled "Knowledge Changes Destiny, Innovation Achieves Dreams".

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Luo Qingming, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, President of Hainan University, Director of Wuhan Optoelectronic National Research Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chairman of Hainan Association for Science and Technology, Director of The Steering Committee for Biomedical Engineering In Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education. Born in 1966 in Puchun County, Hubei Province. He graduated from the Department of Technical Physics of Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Institute (now Xidian University) in 1986, and received his master's and doctoral degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (now Huazhong University of Science and Technology) in 1989 and 1993.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Academician Luo Qingming made a wonderful report on "knowledge changes destiny, innovation achieves dreams". He shared his growth process and study experience, and gave a detailed introduction to his study and life in Northwest Telecommunications Engineering College (now Xidian University) and Huazhong Institute of Technology (now Huazhong University of Science and Technology). Then he shared his scientific research experience, his work after his doctorate and his study abroad, and then shared his farewell to the BC Laboratory in the United States, the establishment of the Institute of Biomedical Photonics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and the work of "China's Digital Virtual Person". Finally, it is pointed out that scientific and technological innovation will surely become Chinese characteristics, and scientific research should be carried out under the premise of "supporting leadership, winning with characteristics, high-level grafting, and open innovation".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Academician Xie Sishen visited and exchanged</h1> views

From April 25th to 26th, Academician Xie Sishen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chief Scientist of the National Center for Nanoscience, and Professor Lu Zhongyi, Director of the Department of Physics of Chinese Min University, came to Xidian University for exchange visits.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Xie Sishen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientist of the National Nanoscience Center, Executive Director of the Chinese Materials Society, Researcher of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctoral Supervisor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries (formerly the Third World Academy of Sciences). Born in 1942 in Qingdao, Shandong Province, he graduated from the Department of Physics of Peking University in 1965, received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1983, and was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

At the symposium, Academician Xie Sishen fully recognized and affirmed the achievements made in the development of Xidian School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, and he said that the determination of the direction of discipline development needs to find a good grip and entry point, clarify and firmly develop the advantageous direction of the discipline, enhance self-confidence, have the belief and determination to "dare to do things and do a good job", sink down to the research of basic disciplines, and achieve major breakthroughs in key fields and directions with the spirit of "ten years of grinding a sword". The college should continue to strengthen the intersection and integration of physics and optical engineering disciplines, and at the same time strengthen cooperation with other advantageous disciplines in the field of electronic information of Xidian, so as to achieve common development and mutual promotion, and open up a new situation in the development of disciplines with the characteristics of the college itself.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" academician Fang Binxing made an academic report ></h1>

On April 29, Academician Fang Binxing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Scientist of China Electronics Information Industry Group and Former President of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, visited Xidian University and made an academic report.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Fang Binxing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Scientist of China Electronic Information Industry Group, Honorary Dean of the Institute of Advanced Cyberspace Technology of Guangzhou University, Director of the National Engineering Laboratory of Information Content Security Technology, Chairman of the China Chinese Information Society, Chairman of the Network and Information Security Technology Committee of the China Association for Standardization, Chairman of the China Cyberspace Security Talent Education Alliance, and Chairman of the China Cyberspace Emerging Technologies Security Innovation Alliance.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

Academician Fang Binxing made a wonderful report on the topic of "Talking about the Cultivation of Network Security Talents from the Perspective of Six Theories". The report starts from the six particularities of the cultivation of cyberspace security talents, from the strength and weakness of the theory of relativity, depending on grasping the key links; security is epistemology, establishing the concept of network attack as protection; attack and defense is the theory of practice, creating practical opportunities is the basis of offensive and defensive capabilities; choice is the theory of contradiction, attaching importance to the choice of interest in theory and skills; the level is the theory of evolution, gradually building a knowledge system; identification is the methodology, designing a scientific level certification method, and introducing the experience of the postgraduate experimental class of Guangzhou University in six aspects. The whole report was in-depth and simple, rich in pictures and texts, and fascinating, and the teachers and students present frequently applauded.

Big event! Recently, 10 academicians went straight to Shaanxi and came to this university intensively, academician Sun Ninghui, was invited to the university to guide Academician Yang Mengfei to give a lecture on ideological and political science, academician Guo Wanlin was invited to the school to make a report Academician Tian Gang of Peking University visited Bao Weimin, Li Yinghong, and Wu Peiheng came to the school to make a report Academician Luo Qingming was invited to visit Academician Xie Sishen and his party visited academician Fang Binxing to make an academic report

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Xidian University, academicians brought an academic feast to the teachers and students of Xidian, and led Xidian people to continue to uphold the spirit of the school motto of "hard work, self-improvement, truth-seeking and pragmatic, patriotism for the people", and write a more wonderful Xidian Huazhang!

Welcome to pay attention to the "Xidian Admissions Office" for more exciting information!

Source: Xidian University News Network