
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

author:Look at Zigong

The landmark snacks cover the essence of China's 5,000 years of food culture, the vulgar and elegant room, the lips and teeth stain the taste of fireworks in the world, and reflect the infinite power of intellectual property rights. When the excellent natural conditions of Bashan Shushui meet the inheritance of ingenuity; when the ancient traditional production method collides with the innovation of modern craftsmanship, what kind of spark will burst out of the landmark products of Tianfu snacks? 2021 Walk into the Tianfu landmark "Hometown Taste of Hundred Dishes and Spices" and taste zigong cold eat rabbit.

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— Zigong Cold Eat Rabbit — —

Zigong, the "thousand-year-old salt capital" with a history of 2,000 years of salt production, is jointly known as the two major salt wells of "artesian well" and "tribute well". One of the "three schools" of Sichuan cuisine, "Salt Gang Cuisine", originated here, and the children of Bashu also interpreted a life with salt and flavor here.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

The Zigong people are good at making rabbits. Rabbit, as the "vegetarian of meat", is a high-quality ingredient that can show a variety of cooking techniques. Diced, ingredients, fried, sautéed... When tumbling and colliding, the rabbit meat becomes tight and elastic, and the fresh aroma of various ingredients is incorporated into the rabbit meat texture one by one, injecting the soul into this landmark snack.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

The finished dish is bright red in color, spicy and fragrant in flavor, and the skin is slagged in the mouth, and the flesh inside is firm. The five flavors are harmonized and do not suppress each other's taste. Chewy and long-lasting.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

Zigong Artesian Well Area has a subtropical humid monsoon climate, with warm winters and cool summers, abundant rainfall, and four distinct seasons, which provide favorable phenological conditions for large-scale breeding of meat rabbits.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

A new generation of Chinese white rabbits, which is based on the Chinese white rabbit as the mother and cross-bred with New Zealand rabbits, has strong fertility and disease resistance. The combination of captivity and stocking increases the amount of light bath and exercise of rabbits, and effectively improves the muscle fiber of rabbit meat. The investment of equipment and facilities such as fans and water curtains creates a constant temperature environment for the growth of meat rabbits, and ensures the health and ecology of meat quality from the source.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

The transformation and upgrading of processing equipment and the continuous optimization of the production process have promoted the improvement of the quality of cold rabbits. Tuesday Brother Food Co., Ltd. is constantly updating the ingredient ratio and has become a trade secret with unique brand tastes.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

During the stir-frying process, the control of moisture and the handling of the heat are the secrets of the experience accumulated over the years in the hands of the stir-frying master. Tan Baye Food Co., Ltd. uses semi-automated frying machine mechanized production, which can improve production efficiency while effectively ensuring consistent quality.

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit
Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

The landmark origin of the landscape and water inheritance, bashu children with wisdom, science and technology to help, creating a unique zigong cold rabbit eating special symbol. In February 2014, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Zigong cold rabbit".

Walk into the Tianfu landmark: the hometown taste of hundreds of spicy dishes Taste Zigong cold eat rabbit

Zigong salt to help dishes, pay attention to the ultimate interpretation of the compound taste, Zigong cold eat rabbit because of the good use of pepper and ginger to achieve a balanced taste of the five flavors. Niutan Town, Luxian County, Luzhou, which is adjacent to Zigong, has a kind of ginger, which is an excellent partner for cold rabbits.

Look at the first end of Zigong 丨 Zigong news

Source 丨 Sichuan Observation

Editor 丨Li Ran

Editor 丨 Chen Qi

© Zigong City Radio and Television Station