
A "custom" birthday card

author:Yang Yanwen

On the eve of July 1st, in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party History Research Office Branch of the Huaihua Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held a unique theme party day activity, and 26 party members received a special "birthday gift" - the party branch sent each party member a special "customized" political birthday card, which contained a handwritten "application for joining the party" that everyone had written that year.

When receiving this special, precious, and very memorable birthday card, Comrade Li Boyong, a 90-year-old veteran party member, was excited, and copied the application he wrote on August 1, 1953, and the floodgates of memory suddenly opened, and he emotionally told his mood and story of actively demanding progress and eagerly wanting to join the party. Under his influence, many party members and comrades recalled their original intentions and original intentions, reviewed their work experience since joining the party, and summed up the gains and losses of honor and disgrace in their lives. The PPT carefully produced by the party branch is also turned on the TV screen, and the application for joining the party of each party member is presented in chronological order of joining the party. Everyone said one after another: Born in the prosperous world, how fortunate, witness the glory, and always maintain the advanced! Thanks to this special birthday gift of the branch, let us feel a living party history, but also let us regain the original mission of our youth, youth Shaohua, we will always put the party and the motherland in our hearts, do not forget the original heart, forge ahead, and dedicate our own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Zhang Daizong, a preparatory party member born in 1993, as the youngest comrade of the branch, said with passion in his speech that from submitting the first application for joining the party to the school party organization in the sophomore year to finally becoming a reserve party member, from the initial ignorance to follow the trend to the current, he has the determination to unswervingly follow the party, the more he has seen, learned, and experienced more, the more he has no regrets about his choice.

At the theme party day activity of "Remembering the Day I Joined the Party," three veteran comrades, Li Boyong, Liu Qinxian, and Xiao Chubin, members of the branch, were also awarded the commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glory in the Party."; the theme party day was successfully concluded in the party lesson "The Founding of the People's Republic of China and the Establishment of the Socialist System (1949-1956)" taught by Comrade Zheng Jinglin. (Written by Jiang Jie, Yang Hui)

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