
Wood North Styling: Those foods that protect your hair

author:Tech X Era

Mubei styling pointed out that nowadays people seem to have an extraordinary love for their hair, now it seems that we all seem to value their hair to a degree comparable to their own health, and Mubei styling also found that many people will now let themselves ingest some foods that are said to be good for hair when eating, indeed, medicine is not as good as food supplements. Some foods are also very important for protecting hair, so now let's take a look at mubei styling and see which foods have a very good protective effect on our hair.

The first is the fungus, also known as black cabbage, fungus, cloud ear, belongs to the fungus family, fungus genus, for China's precious medicinal food and colloidal fungus, is also the world's recognized health food. According to modern scientific analysis, the content of protein, vitamins and iron in the dried black fungus is very high, and its protein contains a variety of amino acids, especially lysine and leucine. The wood north modeling pointed out that the amino acids of the fungus have a very good effect on improving hair quality.

Wood North Styling: Those foods that protect your hair

After that is the oyster, Mubei modeling pointed out that this small seafood we often see in food stalls, commonly known as sea oysters, oysters, etc., belongs to the mollusk phylum, bivalves, pearl oysters, is the world's largest farmed shellfish, is one of the important marine biological resources available to humans, for the global distribution of species. Oysters are not only delicious and nutritious, but also have unique health care functions and medicinal value, and are a seafood treasure with high nutritional value. Oysters have the highest zinc content in human food. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries believe that oysters have the functions of treating weakness, detoxifying erysipelas, lowering blood pressure, nourishing yin and aphrodisiac. Moreover, oysters not only have excellent medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine, but also play a very important role in improving hair quality.

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