
Taiwanese businessman Yang Huishan's new work welcomes the Year of the Ox, the giant bull "Tengyueling Universe"

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Voices of the Straits

The Year of the Ox is approaching, and the flavor of the year is getting stronger. The art gallery of the world-renowned cultural and creative brand Liuli Workshop is also full of cattle. The newly listed glass zodiac cattle, or soaring, or carrying thousands of pounds, create a vivid posture in the light and shadow of the glass, attracting many eyes.

Chen Jianming, head of public affairs of Liuli Workshop, said that as a cultural and creative brand that has been established for more than 30 years, the creation of the zodiac sign of Liuli Workshop has become one of the most anticipated works from all walks of life every year. "Liuli Workshop's zodiac cow theme this year is 'Golden Bull a Spring Thunder', Liuli Cow shows a posture of full strength, which is the awakening of life and the determination to control the future. Whatever the heart desires, it can do! Such positive strength is also the wish in everyone's heart to turn things around and welcome a new beginning after spending an extraordinary year. Chen Jianming said.

In 2008, the international financial crisis hit the global economy hard. At the end of the year, Liuli Workshop launched the zodiac cow work "Inspiration", which was collected in full in a short period of time. Many collectors believe that from the creation of Yang Huishan, artistic director of Liuli Workshop, a strange and gorgeous gesture can be seen, and the tension of the cow is full, allowing the viewer to receive a kind of inspiring courage, inspiring themselves, and inspiring the world.

After 12 years, Yang Huishan led Liuli Workshop to once again present inspiring creations to the world - a galloping giant bull "Tengyueling Universe". The shape of the work is simple and powerful, full of the passion of contemporary sculpture. Crossing the morning sun, the high-soaring ox, the hunchback charging, the two horns coming forward, the huge sense of strength conveys firm faith, breaking through all the shackles and uneasiness. This is the best atmosphere to inspire at the beginning of the Year of the Ox.

Taiwanese businessman Yang Huishan's new work welcomes the Year of the Ox, the giant bull "Tengyueling Universe"

"Soaring Universe"

"Four Hooves Flying out of splendid flowers" adheres to the creative concept of "beneficial to the heart" of the glass workshop, depicting the cow in silence containing the power of good thoughts to awaken the earth. The cow in the work, with strong limbs, strong and firm, carries the earth on its back, step by step, and is everywhere. On the huge body, the spring flowers bloom, the butterflies fly, a larger and wider world, and the joy and beauty of the spring returning to the earth.

Taiwanese businessman Yang Huishan's new work welcomes the Year of the Ox, the giant bull "Tengyueling Universe"

"Four hooves fly out of the splendid flowers"

Chen Jianming said that the ox, as the beginning of heaven and earth, the auspicious beast that opened up the land, the huge force, pushed out a piece of heaven, stepped out of a piece of land, and helped all things on the earth to grow and grow, so that it could multiply from generation to generation and live endlessly. In this new work, Liuli Workshop brings you not only the joy and blessings of the Lunar New Year, but also the positive energy of reversing Qiankun and looking forward to the new year and new atmosphere.

(Voice of the Straits)

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