
Is your child really that bad?

author:Dong Yan

The cousin's eldest son is in the fourth grade of primary school this year, because the child's grades are not good, the teacher always names the cousin, and the cousin often educates the son.

My cousin works at the gas station and is usually very busy.

Is your child really that bad?

Another weekend, I went to my cousin's house to play, my cousin's son was playing with his mobile phone, and my cousin-in-law snatched his son's mobile phone and let his son write his homework!

His son can't do a lot of homework, he said to his son and said a little excited, and then slapped his son on the door of the head, scolding in his mouth, "How are you so stupid, how can you not do such a simple problem, you look at how ugly your writing is so ugly, you look at who of you is much stronger!" ”

The child's tears immediately came down, saying, "Daddy don't fight, I just won't, and I won't hit me again!" ”

Is your child really that bad?

His mother came over, but she did not come to comfort her son, but to count down her son, and she also greeted her with a palm and said, "You have taken so many points in the exam, why don't you work hard at all?" If you don't study hard now, what can you do in the future? ”

The son said with grievance, "Mom, I just can't learn, I'm too stupid!" ”

But his mother, my cousin, was also aggrieved, she said, I am broken for this bear child, but he just can't learn, the words he writes are so ugly, every exam is so many points! ”

What I especially disagree with is that both my cousin and my cousin-in-law beat their children without scruples, and they still greet the door of their heads!

I used to tell her, "If you want to spank him in the palm of your hand, or spank him, the more you hit him on the head, the more stupid he gets!" ”

She just smiled.

I said, "You have to ask him why he doesn't want to learn, whether he can't learn, or something else, talk to him more, find out what he's like, what he thinks!" ”

I have always believed that children have an instinctive curiosity for knowledge!

Is your child really that bad?

Poor grades are not the root cause, poor grades are nothing more than the exam will not be done, why will not do when the exam, nothing more than the usual class can not listen to it, did not learn well, did not learn, the class can not listen to it, do the question naturally will not!

The cousin is naturally looking forward to Jackie Chan, but is her usual behavior that seems to be good for the child and the reprimand for the child really good for the child?

In fact, the ones she instilled in her children every day were all expressions of "you can't do it, you're stupid, you're bad!" ”

Parents are his closest people, how much he admires his parents, now even his parents say so about themselves, imagine, under the influence of this environment, it is difficult for him not to break the jar and break, his subconscious will form a kind of I am very stupid, I am useless, I just can't learn anything, over time, the child will become more and more inferior, the grades will only be worse!

Children's grades are important, and children's self-confidence is more important! We all hope that children will achieve good results, but the premise is that children work their own, their knowledge is for them to learn, not for us to learn, we blindly force children will only be counterproductive, love children to be rational, to restrain, not to suppress, not to strike, encouragement and guidance is essential, I believe that in poor children have their own unique shining points! Besides, do you believe your children are really that bad? I don't believe it anyway!

Believe in their children, he will always be the most special one, your encouragement will make him more confident, we adults are not easy, children are not easy, do not always look high, we should be considerate of each other with children and grow up together!