
When Liu Chao carried out the activity of people's congress deputies entering the room in Yushu Prefecture, he stressed that the role of people's congress deputies should be effectively brought into play to help build an ecological civilization highland

author:Qinghai News Network

Qinghai News Network , Damei Qinghai Client News In accordance with the work arrangements of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, on October 26, Liu Chao, deputy to the National people's Congress and deputy governor of the provincial government, went to the Liaison Office of the People's Congress Deputies of the Tashike Subdistrict Office in Yushu City, Yushu Prefecture, to discuss and exchange views with the deputies of the People's Congress at all levels in Yushu Prefecture, solicit opinions and suggestions on building a national and even international ecological civilization highland in our province, and discuss the grand plan for the construction of ecological civilization.

Liu Chao pointed out that protecting Qinghai's ecological environment is "the greatest of the country." It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Qinghai, fully understand the great significance of building an ecological civilization highland, effectively enhance the sense of mission and responsibility, give full play to the role of people's congress deputies, and promote the construction of a national and even international ecological civilization highland.

Liu Chao stressed: Deputies to the National People's Congress are a lofty honor and a heavy responsibility. Deputies to the people's congresses at all levels should regard the construction of ecological civilization as an important part of the performance of their duties, actively promote legislation in the fields of pollution prevention and control, ecological relocation at extremely high altitudes, and protection of rare species; strengthen legal supervision and work supervision of the construction of ecological civilization through law enforcement inspections and inquiries; carry out in-depth investigation and research, and actively put forward bills, suggestions, criticisms, and opinions in the field of ecological civilization construction. Yushu Prefecture should take the strategic and overall situation as the starting point, take the construction of the province's ecological protection leading area as the starting point, adhere to the "ecological state, green rise", implement the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to the letter, contribute to the strength of Yushu in the all-round promotion of ecological civilization construction, reflect the responsibility of Yushu, show the value of Yushu, and promote our province to build a national and even international ecological civilization highland.

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