
Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

author:Brief Food

Introduction: Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

Spring returns to the earth, bid farewell to the cold winter, all kinds of fresh ingredients emerge in an endless stream! Whether it is delicious wild vegetables, sweet and mellow fruits, even some fish are the fattest in spring, known as "spring fresh". Spring fish is not only delicious, but also rich in nutritional value, whether it is eating meat or drinking soup, it is a superior product! According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines, adults should eat 280-525 grams of fish per week, which is very beneficial to the health of the body!

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

So, the question is, which fish should be eaten in the spring to have a favorable impact on the body? What parts of the fish body can not be eaten? What to eat for children? Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat!

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

The first one: cinnamon fish, also known as mandarin fish, has occupied the top spot in the list of "spring season freshness" for hundreds of years! Its flesh is delicate and easy to digest. Rich in protein, fat, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other trace elements needed by the human body! This fish is not high in calories, but it is rich in antioxidants, and regular consumption also has a cosmetic effect! Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Zhihe's poem "Egrets fly in front of Xisai Mountain, peach blossom flowing water mandarin fish fat", it is to praise the mandarin fish in this season.

Preparation method: Generally speaking, fresh mandarin fish, steaming it or stewing soup, is a very good choice. (Preparation method of homemade steamed fish sauce, at the end of the article)

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

The second kind: yellow croaker, which is divided into large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker! Every year from March to April, the yellow croaker migrates to spawn, and the yellow croaker tastes the most delicious! Its nutritional value should not be underestimated, containing high-quality protein, rich in selenium, not only can eliminate free radicals in the body, but also delay the effect of aging. DHA, known as "brain gold", is also abundant. Whether it is the elderly or pregnant women, children are very suitable for eating some yellow croaker.

Preparation method: Fresh yellow croaker, can be steamed, can be braised, sauce roast and the like, are very good.

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

The third kind: pomfret! I often hear old fishermen by the sea say, "In March, the pomfret boils garlic hearts, and the eels in April do not plan the scales", march is the best time to eat pomfret! Unlike other fish, pomfrets contain fewer spines and are thicker in flesh. Each 100 grams of fish contains 18.5 grams of protein, 325 mg of potassium, and is also rich in unsaturated amino acids, as well as a variety of trace elements needed by the human body. Pomfret is divided into Jinchang and Silver Pomfret, which have different varieties and slightly different prices.

Preparation: Fresh pomfret, steamed to best taste its delicious taste. It can also be braised or pickled and fried.

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

The fourth kind: loach! Spring loach is also known as "ginseng in the water" and can be eaten all year round! Loach is very rich in nutritional value, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, and a variety of trace elements needed by the human body! It contains more vitamin B1 than crucian carp, yellow croaker, and shrimp. But it should be noted that loach must not be eaten with dog meat and crabs, so as not to cause harm!

Preparation method: Spring loach, use it to make soup is the most delicious, of course, you can also braised or steamed to eat, very good.

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

The fifth kind: anchovy, which is an extremely tender aquatic ingredient, is most famous for the anchovy in the Yangtze River Basin! The old gluttony also called anchovies, puffer fish and knife fish the "Three Treasures of the Yangtze River", the most popular of which is anchovies, and it is known as the "king of fish"! At this time, the anchovy is tender and nutritious! Most importantly, when eating anchovies, do not remove the scales. Because fish scales have high medicinal value, they can also increase the smoothness of the taste.

Preparation method: Anchovy in the spring, preferably steamed. Wash the fish, steam it in a pot, pour hot oil and drizzle with steamed fish sauce. In general, anchovies of about 500-750 grams need to be steamed for 6-8 minutes. About 1000 grams of anchovies, it takes about 10 minutes, and it will be ok.

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

At the end of the article, I will teach you a steamed fish sauce to make steamed fish! It's much better than steamed fish soy sauce, and it's very easy!

Place whole coriander, green peppers, celery, ginger, shallots, onions, soy sauce, mineral water, rock sugar, one in a stainless steel bucket and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, remove the residue inside, cool it and use it.

Let's take a look at it, what kind of fish is in the picture below? Does any baby know?

Eat fish in the spring, smart people specially pick these 5 kinds, the taste is delicious and thorny and less, the whole family is suitable to eat

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