
Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, a work of extreme rich content

author:Si Xi Qinghe fell in love with reading

A work that profoundly analyzes the psychology of human nature and tells the complexity of human nature. This book revolves around a bloody murder of a father, deeply explores the contradictions between people, between people and religions, and between family members, and fully demonstrates the tragedy brought about by human nature.

By describing the intricate family relations and human morality between them, the novel triggers in-depth thinking on religious, philosophical and ethical issues by posterity, and the novel takes a family tragedy story of father and son centrifugal, mutual suspicion and contradictions, which eventually led to the "father-killing" tragedy as the core, showing the unique ideological and mental state of the nineteenth century Russian bureaucrats, aristocrats, commoners, monks and other classes.

Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, a work of extreme rich content

The story of the novel has two main lines, one of Mika's love line and one of Alyosha's exploration lines.

Every human soul carries a cross, for we are the most true and the most good, but at the same time the most false and the most evil. This contradiction resides in the humanity of every human being, so that the good does not shine in contrast with the wicked, but each of us seeks the liberation of the soul in the endless struggle between good and evil in ourselves—just like Mika and Ivan.

Everyone is confronted with two abysses: one above us, the abyss of noble ideals, and one beneath our feet, the abyss of depravity, which is extremely despicable and ugly.

The three brothers of the Karamazov family, the eldest Dmitry, the second Ivan, and the third Alyosha, represent the body, brain, and mind, respectively. The boss is debauched and crazy, but does not lie, which is also the physical reaction of the human body, and the behavior of the body will not deceive people. Ivan the second is an atheist, does not believe in God, is extremely rationalist, and is a symbol of the rational brain. The old three Alyosha, pious, tolerant, and faithful in love, are symbols of the heart.

The four half-brothers of the Karamazov family represent the four possibilities of love, reason, holiness, and magic, and the four brothers and sisters are at odds with each other, showing the basic conflicts inherent in human nature that cannot be eliminated.

Dostoevsky said in the novel: "This is a war between God and the devil, and the war is in the heart of man." "Looking at these brothers, we experience different abysses, one above our heads, an abyss of noble ideals, and one beneath our feet, an abyss of depravity that is extremely despicable and ugly. The light of humanity was finally continued in the old third Alyosha.

Each person in the book seems absurd and actually real, and can inspire me in later life moments.

"It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God." This is confession.

"I tell you the truth, if a grain of wheat falls into the ground, if it does not die, it is still one grain, and if it dies, it will produce many grains." It's love and hope.

At the end of the novel, a group of children who symbolize the hope of the future appear. Alyosha shouted, "Ah, children, dear friends, don't be afraid of life!" When you do a good deed that is righteous, you will feel how beautiful life is! ”

Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, a work of extreme rich content

This book is tiring to read, like carrying a load. Rich in content, about religious and spiritual beliefs, about desire and instinct, about jealousy and vanity, about affection and love, about criminal psychology, about good and evil, about society, about the family, about children, about morality. The system of law, about fear, about God... More than 700,000 words, not many characters, the story is not complicated, but it is presented by the author so vividly and brilliantly.

The only regret is that "The Brothers Karamazov" was not actually written, and we will never know the story that followed. But that doesn't mean it's one of the greatest novels in human history.

It's a thrilling work that makes it difficult to read continuously for long periods of time, and while the story is simple enough to be summed up in one sentence, you can't even find a plot and character that fits your expectations, and you'll have to endure thousands of words of philosophical and religious speculative dialogue chapters. But you will still open it to finish reading because of your heart and mind, not only because of the depth of Russian literary thought represented by Toshi, but also because of the profound beauty and evil of human nature that can be touched everywhere in the work.

Use the feelings of life to read, and use the income from reading to live. Good and evil are the same body, good and evil are the most difficult to understand in the world, and Tuolao is best at revealing the secrets of people's hearts, so it is not easy to read, but the meaning is far-reaching and thought-provoking.

Dostoevsky was one of the finest writers in the history of Russian and modern world literature in the 19th century. As someone once commented, "Tolstoy represents the breadth of Russian literature, and Dostoevsky represents the depth of Russian literature."

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A pure and transparent world does not exist, and we must continue to live in such a world from beginning to end, there are good and ugly, there is good and evil, there is truth and absurdity. This is the world of The Brothers Karamazov, and it is our world.

Reading a novel is experiencing a different life. When you have seen too many things in the world, the novel is no longer wonderful. Different ages have different reading options, but Dostoevsky is a writer worth reading for a lifetime.

Reading is a very beautiful thing, so you should read more good books, and you should develop the habit of reading well.

Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, a work of extreme rich content
Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, a work of extreme rich content

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