
The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Begonia is a highly respected herbaceous flower in the horticultural world, its flower color is also quite rich, there are milky white, pink, rose and dark red, etc., I planted some four-season flowering begonias at home, the amount of flowers is really too rich.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Ordinary friends may only know that there are three varieties of begonias, lig begonias and toad leaf begonias, and some friends will learn about the begonias, and some friends will divide the begonias into begonias, leaf-viewing begonias and flowering begonias, but this distinction is too arbitrary.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

I will divide the begonias into more detailed categories here, and divide the begonias into bulbous begonias, rhizome begonias, bamboo begonias and begonias, these four major begonia species can include common and uncommon begonia varieties in our lives.

At present, the variety of begonias has exceeded thousands, and the ornamental varieties of horticulture have exceeded 10,000 species. For example, the toad leaf begonias, which are especially suitable for indoor shading, have more than 500 varieties of such foliage. Aside from the moonflowers, chrysanthemums and dahlias, there are really very few plants that have so many varieties.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Begonias in the southwestern region

In China, the name of begonia originally refers to a plant in the southwest region of our country, they are in the summer and autumn to conceive flowers, in the past, such plants will be planted in many families in the south of china, but now it is basically rare to see.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Pictured above is Chinese begonia

However, in the north of China, such as the Sichuan region, you can still see some Chinese begonias, which generally grow in the semi-shade, including the side of the river and the corner of the rural wall.

All kinds of foliage-viewing varieties raised indoors generally bloom once or twice occasionally. The flowering begonia varieties, as long as the temperature is suitable, can maintain continuous flowering throughout the year.

Next, I will introduce the different begonia species in detail, analyze how to raise them well, and of course understand some common varieties.

1. Bamboo begonias

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Begonia bamboo was originally an ornamental plant that grows in South America, and its biggest feature is that the branches on the ground grow like bamboo knots, the branches are knotted, and have particularly narrow leaves.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Now the more popular bamboo begonia on the market is generally "spotted begonia", has now become an indoor net red plant around the world, its cold tolerance is relatively poor, winter maintenance temperature in 12 ~ 15 degrees above to safely overwinter, but the shade tolerance is excellent.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Bamboo begonia is especially suitable for indoor bright light, or there is a suitable scattered light position on the east window sill, the light is too strong its leaves are easy to be sunburned, and the leaves are easy to yellow and dry.

If you don't have much sunlight at home and want to raise a fresher herb flower, then bamboo begonias must be a good choice.

2. Rhizomes of begonias

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above are rhizomes of begonias

Rhizome begonias are very interesting, and usually many flower lovers have only seen pictures of them on the Internet, but few people will actually dig up their rhizomes. Among the rhizome begonia species, the most famous species is the toad leaf begonia, which has a colorful pattern on the leaf surface, the leaves are particularly large, the rhizome at the bottom is relatively long, and it is a creeping root.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above is the Iron Cross Begonia

Another typical rhizome begonia is the iron cross begonia, that is, the leaves have turquoise, emerald green and dark green stripes, and the leaves of this begonia variety have irregular serrations and small hairs on the leaf surface.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above is the toad leaf begonia

In the rhizome begonias, whether it is toad leaf begonias, or iron cross begonias, are extremely shade-tolerant, very suitable for the cultivation of indoor foliage plants, raised on the window sill, or raised on the indoor desktop, or raised on the north balcony, it is not related, it likes bright light and soft scattered light, it is more afraid of direct sunlight, once there is too strong sunlight, its leaves will be sunburned, not half a day will be sunburned, really not resistant to sun at all.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

If you don't have much sunlight at home and want to plant foliage plants with colorful leaves, begonias with toad leaves, iron cross begonias and bamboo begonias are all good choices.

3. Bulbophyllum begonias

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above is the bulb begonia

Bulbophyllum is a very interesting species, the biggest feature is that the flowers are particularly large, the rhizome will have a flat bulbous root, is completely under the soil, which is a very typical flowering variety.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Bulbous tubular roots of begonia bulbs

In a flower shop or flower market, it is possible that you cannot buy bulbous begonias. Bulbophyllum begonias are really good-looking, the flowers are large and colorful, and the amount of flowers will not be so rich. Seeds of bulbous begonias can be bought online, and potted plants with flower buds can also be bought, whether it is sown and cultivated, or with its bulb cultivation, it is easy to raise well.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Bulbophyllum can be cultivated in autumn or summer, the growth rate is relatively fast, and it can flower in the second year of seeding, and the root at the bottom can grow thicker in the second year.

The price of bulbous begonias is not very expensive, the price of bulbs is generally more than 10 pieces, and the more beautiful varieties of twenty or thirty pieces can also be bought.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above is the Bolivian begonia

There are also some varieties of bulbous plants suitable for vertical pot maintenance, including the most classic Bolivian begonia, which is also a bulbous begonia, suitable for vertical pot maintenance, it is particularly sensitive to water and temperature, very afraid of excessive drought, but also afraid of low temperature, the maintenance temperature to maintain above 13 degrees to safely overwinter. Bulbous begonia varieties require sufficient light to flower, otherwise it will lead to reduced flowering.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Above is the Reg Begonia

In our country, there is a particularly popular bulb begonia, it is the Liger begonia, is a cross-breeding of bulb begonia and Socotra begonia, its flowers are inherited from the Socotra begonia, the leaves and ordinary bulb begonias are almost the same, the biggest feature is that the amount of flowers is particularly large, and the flower color is more gorgeous, in the winter and spring is particularly popular, you can buy in the flower market flower shop and online, their rhizomes are thick, the amount of flowers, but the flowers are not very large.

4. Begonias with root roots

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Another type of begonia species is the begonia root, which has only a small whisker root at the bottom of their rhizome, and no obvious roots or tubers.

The varieties of begonias with root seeds are also extremely rich, including varieties such as begonias and Chinese begonias, which are common in life.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Begonia is the most common kind of begonia in life, it is distributed all over the world, begonia can be used as an annual plant, arranged in flower beds or nurseries, but it is actually a perennial plant, just in some perennial frost places, it can be exposed outdoors, winter maintenance temperature can be maintained at 5 to 7 degrees above can be safely overwintered. Begonias that are exposed outdoors can tolerate short-lived low temperatures.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

Begonia is particularly easy to raise flowers, in the semi-shade or in sufficient light can grow, the adaptability to the environment is relatively strong, if it is in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan and other places, you can see the figure of the four seasons of begonias on some green belts, it is often used to arrange flowers, as an ornamental flower in the urban greenery, it is really possible to achieve perennial flowering.

The four major species of begonia include all common species, begonia toad leaf and begonia bamboo begonia are particularly shade-tolerant

The leaves of the begonias are generally emerald green or bronze, excellent ornamental, and the flower color is usually red, pink or white. If you want to breed begonias in all seasons, you will generally use cuttings, cut a few stems, insert them in moist soil, raise a ventilated and transparent place, and soon become alive, and the success rate of reproduction is particularly high.


If you want to raise a more shade-tolerant begonia species, you can choose toad-leaf begonia (rhizome begonia), bamboo begonia, iron cross begonia (rhizome begonia) and so on. If you want to raise some varieties of begonias that often flower, you can have a begonia, and the bulb begonia is the successor begonia.

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