
Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

author:Raising flowers

Begonia is a plant that flower lovers are very familiar with, its shade tolerance is very good, it is not picky about the maintenance environment, its flowering ability is particularly strong, the flowers are bright, and it is very suitable to raise a pot at home. And the varieties of begonias are very many, each kind has its own unique style, whether it is flower viewing or leaf viewing are very good, today the flowers list several very high value begonias, hurry up to see it!

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

The first: Lig Begonia

First of all, of course, we want to talk about the "goddess" Lige begonia in the begonia, its plant is very plump, the flowers are also very large, the flower color is also gorgeous and colorful, very beautiful, every time you see it, the flowers can't help but look at it a few times, and the price of the begonia is also relatively close to the people, and flower friends can raise a pot at home.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

However, Liger Begonia is also notoriously difficult to maintain, especially in the hot summer, it is even more difficult to maintain, so for novice flower lovers, Huahua is still recommended that you do not start first. Experienced flower lovers should also pay attention to the maintenance of Lige begonias to maintain the potting soil slightly moist and not dry and not watery, the temperature should also be controlled as much as possible between 18 degrees and 22 degrees, especially in the summer, we must strengthen indoor ventilation, so that liger begonias can grow safely and healthily.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

The second species: four-season begonias

For the begonias that can flower, the four seasons of begonias is a good choice, usually we will often see its figure in the park, its flowers are relatively small, the flower colors are diverse, the leaves are emerald green is very attractive, but the flowers and flowers like the white begonias, which look very fresh.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

We usually maintain the four seasons of begonias at home must ensure that the maintenance environment is warm and moist, often give it the sun, but also make its leaves more oily green and bright, but the summer light is strong, we must also do a good job of sun protection measures, to avoid burning flowers and leaves. In winter, it is also necessary to do a good job of keeping warm measures, maintain its soil to ensure that it is rich in nutrients, and regularly supplement some phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, so that you can see the beautiful begonias constantly blooming!

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

The third species: toad leaf begonia

If flower friends want to raise a kind of begonia with good leaves, then the toad leaf begonia is a very good choice, although it is a foliage plant, but as long as you create good maintenance conditions, spring can also flower, but its flower value is not high and thin and small, far less than its different forms of leaves are good-looking, its leaves are not only rich in color, but also heart-shaped, maple leaf-shaped and other different shapes, plus its leaves have a lot of fine villi, so many flower friends will also call it hairy begonia.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

As for the maintenance method is also relatively simple, to ensure a warm and humid semi-shaded environment, to maintain a growth environment of 22 degrees -25 degrees, and loose and fertile, nutrient-rich, breathable and water-permeable soil, in addition to the summer need to do a good job of sun protection, avoid direct light, other seasons to ensure sufficient sunlight and good ventilation environment.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

The fourth species: Chinese begonias

Chinese begonia is a native begonia in China, compared with other begonias, the appearance is not very high, but its appearance is very special, the flowers are inverted triangle egg shape, at home to raise a pot also has a charm.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

Chinese begonias are also very simple to maintain, placed in the home scattered light sufficient place can grow normally, and the soil should also be kept slightly moist, not dry or waterlogged, so that you can raise Chinese begonias.

Begonia originally had so many varieties? There are different forms, and you can see both leaves and flowers

These 4 different forms of begonias, which one do flower lovers like? Each one is very well maintained, and flower lovers can choose with confidence!

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