
To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

author:China Aquatic Channel

China Aquatic Products Channel exclusive original report,

How to achieve orderly and healthy development of China's turbot industry, they explained clearly

Text/Figure Aquatic Frontier Silver Phytocin

Turbot fish, which is dominated by turbot, turbot and semi-slippery tongue carp, is an important species in China's marine aquaculture industry, and is also the main species of China's marine fish industry technology system, and its aquaculture industry annual output value is nearly 10 billion yuan. However, in recent years, the germplasm degradation of turbot fish, the decline of disease resistance and stress resistance, the low survival rate, and the increase in the proportion of male fish have limited the development of marine fish in China to a certain extent.

In order to provide a communication platform for scientific and technological workers and entrepreneurs engaged in the scientific research and aquaculture of turbot fish, promote cooperation and exchanges between industry, academia and research, and promote the orderly and healthy development of China's turbot fish farming industry, the "National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference" was successfully held in Qingdao on November 2. The conference was hosted by the Aquatic Biotechnology Professional Committee of the Chinese Fisheries Society and the National Marine Fish Industry Technology System; the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, the Qingdao Marine Science and Technology Pilot National Laboratory Marine Fisheries Science and Food Output Process Function Laboratory; the Key Laboratory of Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Daling Turbot Branch of the China Aquatic Products Circulation and Processing Association, the Key Laboratory of Marine Fisheries Biotechnology and Genetic Breeding of Shandong Province, and the Three Links Biological Engineering (Weifang) Co., Ltd. Co-organized by Tangshan Weizhuo Aquaculture Co., Ltd., the number of participants reached 200.

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Group photo of the guests

The guests present at the conference included Zhao Fazhen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and researcher of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Hu Honglang, deputy director of the National Aquatic Technology Promotion Station, Chen Jiayong, director of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Liu Yingjie, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Jin Xianshi, director of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Zhang Yuanxing, professor of East China University of Science and Technology, Guan Changtao, chief scientist of the National Marine Fish Industry Technology System, Lei Dong, president of the Daling Turbot Branch of the China Aquatic Products Circulation and Processing Association. Li Zhensheng, chairman of the three-way group, and Cheng Xiangming, chairman of Tangshan Weizhuo Aquaculture Co., Ltd. The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Chen Songlin, director of the Aquatic Biotechnology Professional Committee of the Chinese Fisheries Society and researcher of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute. Director Jin Xianshi, Deputy Station Director Hu Honglang, Vice President Liu Yingjie, President Lei Dong, Chairman Li Zhensheng and Chairman Cheng Xiangming delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, the conference report was presided over by Researcher Guan Changtao and Professor Zhang Yuanxing. Director Chen Jiayong, Professor Zhang Yuanxing, Professor Takayuki Takahashi, Researcher Guan Changtao and Researcher Chen Songlin respectively made conference reports on "Accelerating the Green Development of Aquaculture Industry", "Research and Application of Turbot Vaccine", "Abnormal Morphology of Turbot And the Impact of The Breeding Environment on Its Growth", "The Status Quo and Green Development of China's Marine Fish Farming Industry" and "Turbot Fish Biotechnology Innovation and Seed Industry Development".

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao
To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Report of the General Assembly1

Accelerate the green development of the aquaculture industry

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Director Chen Jiayong of the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

In his report, Director Chen Jiayong elaborated on the important role of the aquaculture industry, the new situation and new tasks facing it. He concluded that accelerating the green development of the aquaculture industry is not only a major measure to implement the new development concept, protect the water environment, implement the rural revitalization strategy, and build a beautiful China, but also an inevitable choice for optimizing the layout of the fishery industry and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the fishery industry, which is conducive to giving play to the unique ecological service function of the aquaculture industry with Chinese characteristics and becoming a model for the development of green and low-carbon emerging industries in the country; it is conducive to increasing the supply of green and high-quality animal protein, becoming a powerful promoter in the implementation of the healthy China strategy; and helping to implement the "Belt and Road Initiative" "The strategy will be to have the advantages of Chinese aquaculture to go global and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solve the food security faced by mankind in the future."

Report of the General Assembly2

Research and application of turbot vaccines

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Professor Zhang Yuanxing of East China University of Science and Technology

Professor Zhang Yuanxing of East China University of Science and Technology said in his report "Research and Application of Turbot Fish Vaccine": "Marine fish farming has two new growth points in development from the trend, one is 'login' factory, followed by the development of the deep sea, these two models are also the new form, the general trend of China's aquaculture development! On the basis of this, over the years, many aquatic product practitioners have paid a lot of 'tuition fees' in factory aquaculture, and the factory breeding mode and technology tend to be mature, but the experience of the deep sea is limited. In the industrial farming model, the industrial chain of flounder is more perfect than other species. So, here's our chance (turbot practitioners)! ”

Professor Zhang Yuanxing pointed out in the report that it is a common law for infectious diseases in dense animal groups, and the longer the breeding time, the more germplasm degradation and the more diseases. He believes that the architecture of fish disease prevention should be trinity - farming environment, vaccine application and drug treatment.

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

The future path of turbot disease prevention system:

1. Implement the industrial aquaculture mode of circulating water

2. Establish a disease prevention system with immunization prevention and control as the core

3. Eliminate the use of illegal drugs

4. Reduce the amount of antibiotics and chemical drugs

The basic tasks of vaccine development: the development of a variety of safe and efficient vaccines; scientific and standardized vaccine use procedures

Recommendations for the future of vaccine development: accelerate progress in vaccine development; establish a green channel for aquatic vaccine review.

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Professor Zhang Yuanxing called at the end of the report: industry development and vaccine use need to be scientifically described in the effect of vaccines, and unrealistic marketing methods should not be used to make the trust established by the agricultural system lose.

Report of the General Assembly3

Turbot fish morphological abnormalities and the influence of the culture environment on its growth

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Professor Takayuki Takahashi, National University of Japan

There are three types of turbot fish used in Japan: turbot, round spotted flounder, and striped flounder.

The morphological abnormalities of turbot fish are divided into abnormal whitening of body color on the side of the eye and abnormal blackening of the body color of the side of the eyeless side, and the blackening is divided into blackening caused by abnormal metamorphosis and staining type melanization caused by the breeding environment and stress response.

Experiments have found that 45% of individuals in the net-paved tank are normal, 50% are found to have blackening near the caudal fin and pectoral fin, and 5% are severely blackened. In other words, contact stimulation on the non-ocular side can effectively prevent stained melanosis. As a result, nursery factories in Japan are laying nets in sinks after lodging to prevent traveling blackening, which is easier to manage than sand. Another experiment found that the blackening area of the white tank culture striped flounder was reduced compared with the black tank.

Stained melanification can also be caused by stress: cortisol is called a stress hormone, and experiments have found that the higher the concentration of cortisol in the flounder fish, the higher the incidence of melanization.

Professor Takahashi Takayuki concluded: In order to prevent aggressive blackening, stress stimulation can be performed on the unocular side of fish. Ideally, sand is laid at the bottom, but daily management becomes complicated, so it is more practical to lay nets for prevention. In addition, the cement pool can change the ground to a bumpy state, and the color of the sink is close to white to achieve better preventive effects.

Report of the General Assembly4

The current situation and green development of Marine Fish Farming Industry in China

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Guan Changtao, Researcher of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

Researcher Guan Changtao introduced the current situation of China's marine fish industry in the report, he said that although China's marine fish farming has made great achievements and development, there are also many problems in the development of the industry.

Among them, green development issues include:

1. The main breeding model and industrial technology need to be upgraded urgently;

2. Insufficient ability to expand the space suitable for the deep sea;

3. Lack of green prevention and control technology for breeding diseases;

4. Feeding of fresh and miscellaneous fish and pollution control problems;

At the same time, there are also problems such as the lack of international varieties that drive the great development of the industry; the lag in the research and development of the breeding of fine breeds that dominate the breeding of fish; the insufficient development of processing products at the end of the industrial chain, the limited market expansion; and the urgent need to strengthen the degree of industrial organization.

Researcher Guan Changtao concluded that the key work of the green development of marine fish farming should be from seven aspects: "species, water, bait, disease, setting, breeding, and adding", specifically:

1. Focus on the problem of germplasm degradation, select and breed disease-resistant and stress-resistant varieties, establish a healthy seedling breeding technology system and seawater fish seed industry project;

2. Source water treatment, water environment regulation during breeding process, aquaculture tailwater discharge treatment, etc.;

3. Limit and gradually eliminate the direct feeding of fresh and miscellaneous fish, and increase the popularity of compound feed;

4. Focus on prevention and control, safe drug use, immune prevention and control, antibiotic-free breeding, "zero drug" breeding;

5. Continuously improve the level of facilities and equipment in factories, cages and ponds, and develop in the direction of water conservation, environmental protection, automation and intelligence;

6. Promote the establishment of standardized, green and healthy breeding technology and technology specifications;

7. Ensure product quality and safety, and guide the transformation of consumption mode through processing, develop processed products suitable for e-commerce, supermarkets and exports, extend the industrial chain, and expand the marine fish industry.

Report of the General Assembly5

Turbot biotechnology innovation and seed industry development

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Chen Songlin, Researcher of Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

Researcher Chen Songlin's report expands on 6 questions:

Question 1: Why is the proportion of physiological males as high as 70-90% in the culture of semi-slippery tongue fish? How to solve it?

The Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute discovered the female-specific microsatellite marker of semi-slippery tongue ray through the whole genome sequencing and comparison of female and male fish, as the second generation sex-specific molecular marker of the tongue ray; the creation of the semi-slippery tongue fish high female fry seed production technology, the proportion of female fish increased from 20% to about 40%, solving the problem of less than 20% of females and up to 80% of males in the industry. ——This is a typical example of a fish sex-specific molecular marker solving an industrial problem and promoting the development of the industry.

Question 2: Why does the semi-slippery tongue male grow up? Are there male determinants? Can males grow up?

The Yellow Sea-led discovery that dmrt1 gene is a semi-slippery tongue ray male determinant gene, the gene in the male high level of expression is an important reason for its growth is not large, the gene in physiological females is hypermethylated, not expressed. Genome editing technology was used to knock out the DMRT1 gene in males, resulting in accelerated growth of some mutated males.

Question 3: Why is the bottom plate of turbot fish easy to turn black, and why is it?

Comparative genomic and transcriptome analysis revealed that turbot metamorphosis is regulated by the dual antagonism of thyroid hormones and retinoic acid, which plays an important role in metamorphosis and body color asymmetry; excessive concentrations of retinoic acid (vitamin A intermediates) may play an important role in the darkening of the floor plate.

Question 4: Turbot fish has serious diseases, can it breed excellent varieties that are resistant to disease and high yield?

After 15 years of research, the aquatic biotechnology and genomic research team of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute has cultivated 2 new varieties of turbot and 1 new strain of semi-slippery tongue fish to resist disease.

Introduction to the approved new species and strains of some turbot fish:

Turbot "Turbot No. 1": cultivated by the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and Shandong Haiyang Yellow Sea Fisheries Co., Ltd. using intraspecific hybridization and family breeding techniques, the new variety has the advantages of fast growth and high survival rate, and is suitable for pond, cage and factory culture in the northern coast of China.

Turbot "Turbot No. 2": Cultivated using disease-resistant genome selection technology combined with family selection technology. Under the same breeding conditions, compared with unselected turbot, the 18-month-old and growth rate increased by an average of 20%, and the survival rate increased by an average of 20%, which is suitable for breeding in artificially controlled marine water bodies along the coast of China.

New strain of semi-slippery tongue ray "Ray You No. 1": This new strain has the advantages of high female fish ratio (40%), high survival rate and fast growth.

Question 5: Can I use genetic chips to select and breed fish disease-resistant varieties?

After 6 years of research, the Yellow Sea Institute has successfully developed the turbot disease resistance breeding gene chip "Fish Core No. 1", and has been initially applied in turbot disease resistance breeding.

Question 6: What is the current status of the turbot fish species industry?

There are many new varieties, but there is still a shortage of disease-resistant, high-yield, high-quality breakthrough new varieties, breeding leading enterprises are basically absent, and the modern seed industry has yet to be formed.

Researcher Chen Songlin believes that the genome research of turbot fish is currently in the international leading position, but the phenotypic group research is still very weak and needs to be strengthened; relevant researchers should continue to innovate in the breeding biotechnology of turbot fish, and strive to break through the full female breeding technology of semi-slippery tongue fish; apply disease-resistant genome selection and gene chip technology to more turbot fish; cultivate new new species of turbot fish that are disease-resistant, high-yield, high-quality, and breakthrough, providing technical support and good seed guarantee for the green development of the aquaculture industry; creating a leading breeding enterprise to achieve in-depth integration of production, education and research To construct a technical system for turbot species industry.

At the subsequent special lecture meeting, 40 experts and young students gave special reports:

Thematic reports

Genetic improvement and aquatic seed industry related technologies

Analysis of the development status and trend of turbot seed industry

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Researcher Ma Aijun of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

Similar to the development of other seed industries, the development of the turbot seed industry is not only constrained by the source of high-quality seedlings, but also affected by fluctuations in market demand. However, from the overall point of view, although the number of turbot seed manufacturers has decreased year by year, but the total area of fry production and total seed production has increased significantly, which shows the good development trend of the turbot seed industry, after the selection of the market and the optimization of artificial breeding technology in recent years and the development of artificial breeding of high-quality fry, the turbot seed industry has been sustained and stable development, and new varieties "Duobao No. 1" and "Danfa Turbot" have been selected. At the same time, it is gradually developing in the direction of scale, intensification, high quality and efficiency.

The strategic focus of the sustainable development path of China's turbot seed industry is to focus on large-scale breeding, breeding excellent and healthy seedlings, accelerating the breeding coverage rate of fine seeds, expanding and strengthening the construction of original and fine seed farms with the support of the implementation of national seed industry strategic measures, improving and perfecting the technical process system for the selection and breeding of fine species and seedlings, the national technology system platform and the local technology promotion system, and realizing the demonstration and promotion system and production system of good seeds that integrate the national research and breeding center of turbot - good seed farm - nursery, so as to achieve quality and efficiency 3. Increase the yield under resource conservation and environment-friendly conditions, and accelerate the coverage of fine species of Turbot.

Artificial induction and genetic analysis of turbot tetraploidy

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Researcher You Feng, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Triploid sports refer to the cultivation of tetraploidy, and then hybridized with normal diploid, and its offspring should be triploid, so that a large number of triploid production once and for all can be carried out, reducing the induction effect. Triploid, due to its gonadal sterility/hypoculture, can be used in the production of high-quality commercial fish.

At present, more than 40 species of fish have been tried to artificially induce tetraploidy, and the induction parameters have been explored, most of which are freshwater fish (such as tetraploid carp, etc.), and no more than 10 species of marine fish.

Researcher You Feng introduced the experimental process of triploid and tetraploid induction of Turbot that his team did, and the results were as follows:

The optimal induction parameters of the artificially induced Turbot tetraploidy were obtained by screening, and the induction rate was not only improved, but also the stability of induction was improved by standardizing the induction time.

It was found that there was a phenomenon of ploidy recovery in the tetraploidy of Turbot.

Population genetic analysis of microsatellite molecular markers suggests the presence of recessive lethal genes.

Tetraploid induction leads to changes in the expression of cleft-related genes in the early stages of embryonic development, which may lead to a significant increase in embryonic mortality during this period.

Evaluation and application of environmental stress and stress-resistant breeding

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Professor Lv Weiqun of Shanghai Ocean University

Professor Lu Weiqun said at the beginning of the report that although yield is the eternal theme of aquatic animal and plant breeding, stress resistance and high quality have gradually become the target of breeding. He believes that "stress" refers to the non-specific physiological response of organisms that change their homeostasis in the face of external environmental requirements and internal needs.

Through a series of experimental analysis data, Professor Lu Weiqun selectively bred turbot bravery and timidity, and found that brave fish are more suitable for breeding and stocking, because they are more active in environmental stress and usually adopt an escape strategy to avoid stress. The "general group" between the brave and the timid have an advantage in factory farming. That is to say, everything we do must consider the relationship with the environment, and breeding must consider environmental constraints.

Status quo and trend of rapid detection technology for drug residues of aquatic animals such as turbot

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Professor Cao Limin, Ocean University of China

Professor Cao Limin said that rapid detection does not have an absolute quantitative definition, but is relative to the concept of conventional methods, and it is constantly evolving with the advancement of science and technology.

Current R&D progress:

Semi-antigen modification technologies such as carbamates, permethrins, and putrex have been established;

Antibody materials have been prepared for the design of high-efficiency cypermethrin, putrefactyl, etc.;

ElISA detection methods have been preliminarily established;

The research and development integration of colloidal gold and other rapid detection technologies and products is underway;

The preparation of high-affinity antibodies and the tolerance of the reaction system to organic solvents are the key bottlenecks.

A few predictions for R&D application trends:

Analysis and detection theory system based on the real state of aquatic product hazards;

More efficient extraction, purification, identification of new materials and methods;

Breakthrough in nondestructive testing technology for trace chemical hazards such as drug residues;

Versatile and intelligent on-site rapid screening and detection platform.

Innovative study on turbot germplasm resources based on ARTP

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Associate Researcher Hou Jilun, Beidaihe Center Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

Associate researcher Hou Jilun introduced the experimental background: In view of the new situation of the industry, the continuous and in-depth development of new species of turbot and its industrialization application are not only conducive to increasing the efficiency of the aquaculture industry, but also of great significance to promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the turbot breeding industry and the restoration of wild resources. Through research, simultaneous improvements in economic, social and ecological benefits will be achieved.

Atmospheric pressure room temperature plasma (ARTP) technology: heating is one of the ways to change the gaseous state into a plasma state, the other way is to excite by adding energy, ARTP is to excite 99.999% of high-purity helium into a plasma state.

Individual experiments induced by ARTP yielded:

1. ARTP irradiation of turbot fertilized eggs and sperm can induce mutants;

2. The irradiation effect of ARTP on sperm is affected by the dilution multiple and visible light;

3. After ARTP irradiation, individuals have obvious growth trait separation;

4. At the genome-wide level, artp induction turbot mutation rates of 0.064% are higher than the mutation rates obtained by ENU in other fish.

Artificial breeding of semi-slippery tongue fry and the status and prospect of seed industry

To promote the orderly and healthy development of the industry, the National Turbot Fish Science and Technology Innovation and Industrial Development Conference was successfully held in Qingdao

Assistant researcher Li Yangzhen, Institute of Yellow Sea Fisheries, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

The development of the semi-slippery tongue fish seed industry faces the following problems: 1) new varieties have not yet been bred, 2) the germplasm is seriously degraded, and 3) the disease is serious.

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the support of the National Marine Fish Industry Technology System, to achieve the semi-slippery tongue fish throughout the year artificial breeding, order production of high female fertilized eggs, annual seedlings and other goals, has cultivated the new strain of the no. 1 of the fish, within 1-2 years is expected to launch a new variety of semi-slippery tongue fish high female fast-growing disease resistance; the development and implementation of the modern seed industry upgrading project plan (2019-2025), the modern aquatic seed industry will focus on the two main lines of seedling breeding and germplasm creation, through the construction of technology and industrial consortium, Construct a seed industry system of semi-slippery tongue fish genetic breeding center- fine seed farm - farm, accelerate the integration process of breeding, breeding and promotion, and improve the coverage rate of fine seeds.

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