
"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

author:The Paper

Sky cabinet

"The city is a zoo for humans," said the zoologist Desmond Morris in 1969 who inadvertently predicted the birth of a new "species" in the 21st century: social animals.

In the worldview of "social animals", they eat meat by their own herb bosses, tired like dogs every day, colleagues are as fine as monkeys, if you feel the same way, you will definitely be able to harvest the pleasure of looking in the mirror in the Korean movie "Secret Zoo".

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

Stills from The Secret Zoo

"Secret Zoo", starring Masami Oba (Ahn Jae-hiro) in "Please Answer 1988", tells the story of a zoo without animals. In order to help the boss fight the fire, the trainee lawyer has to save a bankruptcy zoo in Three months. But the problem is that the animals in the zoo are all sold, how to open it? He decided to use people to pretend to be animals, so many magical animals appeared in the zoo:

At first glance, it looks like a sloth in Star Wars who chubacca escaped ↓↓↓

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

The lion who can always face the tourists ↓↓↓

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

It only moves horizontally, like a giraffe with severe frozen shoulder ↓↓↓

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

Specially selected Coca-Cola drink, the polar bear of the ultimate restoration of advertising ↓↓↓

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

Such a zoo is like a group of movie props turning into a scam, the laugh points are dense and smooth, crazy and cute. But there is a very serious bug: the animals dressed as humans are obviously full of loopholes, and you can see the animals growing human limbs from another angle, but it seems that every tourist has never seen a real animal, so that he does not feel that the animal in front of him is fake.

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

Obvious bugs

Tourists are so careless about animals, as if the company boss can't remember what you look like. Because what matters is not who you are, what matters is what you can do.

Will you drink? Okay, dry sales.

Will you stay up late? Okay, do ppt.

Will you move? Okay, pretend to be a tigger.

Such a fake animal film is immodest but full of close-ups of the workplace culture of High Pressure on South Korea: the male protagonist bows to the leader's empty car, has difficulties to force the subordinate to go first, and drags his colleagues into the water when there is something. In the corporate atmosphere that encourages wolf nature, the bottom line is the end, and those without the bottom line can fly farther.

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

In order to succeed, in addition to "breaking the bottom line", you must also learn "genetic mutations", such as polar bears drinking Coke. In "Secret Zoo", regardless of black bears and white bears, it is the good bears that can make money, so the zoo has become a network hit and turned a loss into a profit. The male protagonist gladly returned to the company to ask for credit, but was told that the zoo he had painstakingly operated was going to be sold, and he actually found out in his conscience.

The film ends with the male protagonist surrendering to the chaebol to save the zoo and turning himself in. How clever the setting is, how tacky the landing point is, and the story reveals a kind of "can't make up" powerlessness. This kind of tiger tail may stem from the hardness of the original comic.

"Secret Zoo" is based on the self-titled work of South Korean cartoonist Choi Jong-hoon, a painter who is good at telling realistic themes with funny passages, and his other work" "Hidden and Great", which is more well-known, was also put on the big screen in 2013, and helped the male protagonist Kim So-hyun win the best newcomer actor at the 50th Baeksang Art Awards.

The Secret Zoo comic is very different from the movie content, telling the story of the zoo's bankruptcy, the keepers pay for their own pockets to maintain the zoo through human animals. Compared to the film's focus on the cruelty of the survival of Korean "social animals", the focus of the manga is on the personality evolution of several animal performers.

In the process of adaptation, the film omitted the background of "bestiality" in the original work: waste wood in order to end the old playing sloth, illegal immigrants to stay in South Korea to play polar bears, stilt actors in the process of cooperating to play giraffes finally became dependents, and the male protagonist is a 10,000-year-old spare tire who plays a panda to dare to confess.

Everyone who burrows into the hide of an animal has a prison that is difficult to escape, they dress up as bears and bears, but they are not human, and they are accustomed to patience, and they dare to cry bitterly in their hoods.

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

Original manga

As a work that can make people "laugh and cry", the comic strip is more exaggerated than the movie, the sloth squats on the ground every day to smoke, the polar bear and the panda always beat each other, the giraffe is separated for a long time... Such a vigorous human zoo eventually closed down due to poor management. After all, mortal hostages can't be heroes, they are not even qualified to be bears, and the reality is not like a joke.

If the movie version is filmed in this way, it is obviously not "refreshing" enough, so it is better to pretend to be stupid and stunned to finish the adult fairy tale.

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

There are very few zoo-themed movies, and it is easy to recall the American movie "My Family Opened a Zoo", which tells the story of a widowed middle-aged man who took his child to the countryside to open a zoo.

Two stories from the United States and South Korea also mention one point: the plight of running small zoos today. In recent years, zoos have changed from a place of enlightenment for children's edutainment to a place of animal cruelty, and fewer people like zoos. There is a constant international debate about "Is there still a need for a zoo?" ”

This kind of issue is too serious for commercial films, and both "The Secret Zoo" and "My Family Opened a Zoo" show that they carefully cater to the main theme.

"The Secret Zoo" portrays this environment so lightly that the audience may not react to it at the end, and the reason why they choose human animals is because real animals are too difficult to obtain. We have long been accustomed to having animals in zoos, often ignoring how precious each animal is.

At the end of the film, the polar bear, who has been locked up in a zoo since childhood, has caused insanity to be released. Although the Arctic ice has been reduced by 40% in the past 25 years, and the wild is in a sense a larger zoo, this is the greatest imagination of the majority of social animals for freedom.

As Zhao Zhongxiang's teacher's thick voice: "The white bear landed on the coast, walked fearlessly on the ice field, and began a difficult adventure. ”

"Secret Zoo": Every social animal has a zoo inside it

This issue is edited by Xing Tan

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