
Planting management methods for cherry saplings

author:Houqiang Agriculture Xichang Branch

Planting management methods for cherry saplings

October 30, 2021

The cherry tree shape can be free spindle shaped. The dry height is 40~50 cm, the height of the tree is about 3 m, and the whole tree has 8 to 12 uniaxial branches and 70~80 ° branches, staggered. Winter shears are performed before germination and dried at 80 cm tall of the seedlings. In the first to fourth years, the dry and uniaxial branches are cut off at the full buds, and the length of the shear is 40 to 60 cm, and the dense branches and diseased branches are removed. The branches on the lateral uniaxial branches generally leave 5 to 15 cm short cuts, prompting them to form short branches, and the following year they form bouquet-like fruit branches. A combination of removal and re-cutting was used to treat peripheral multi-head branches to reduce the amount of branches outside the canopy and improve the light conditions within the crown. In spring and autumn, the lateral uniaxial branches are pulled at an angle of about 75°, and the auxiliary branches are pulled into a 90° state. From May to June, leave 5 to 10 cm of plucked cores for the sprouts of heavy stubs and erect new shoots. When the secondary branches are growing vigorously, they can be plucked again to promote the formation of short branches and flower buds.

Planting management methods for cherry saplings

Prune branches and leaves in summer (busy, twisted branches, stubs), spray the fruit tree 3 times after fruit picking (fungicides, insecticides are mainly to kill red and white spiders and meat worms, pentazole, foliar trace element fertilizer) and do not fertilize (organic fertilizer and biological fertilizer mainly) in watering once, in September the tree is fertilized twice (with high potassium sulfur compound fertilizer as the main is the best to re-mix some biological fertilizer) winter watering (must be watered thoroughly, the tree body must be overwintered and awake early to prepare)

Garden selection and finishing

1. Suitable nursery land for breeding large cherry varieties, it is best to choose neutral loam or sandy loam soil with leeward to the sun, fertile soil, no heavy stubble, no waterlogging, good drainage, and water irrigation conditions.

2, the nursery land to sort out the nursery land, to be sown before winter according to 5000-6000 g / square meter of base fertilizer, after application deep planing. Before the seedlings are planted in the following spring, plough again, rake flat and fine,

Cherry blossom trees are ornamental trees, with many varieties such as early cherry blossoms and late cherry blossoms, and there are many flowers and colors. Early cherry blossoms have multiple single petals, late cherry blossoms have multiple petals, and some cherry blossoms also bear fruit, and when ripe, they are purple-black and inedible. Cherry trees are fruit trees with monotonous flowers and uniform flowering periods, all of which are single petals. The two are close relatives and can be grafted into each other.

Recommendation: Fruit trees planted in family courtyards do not need to be pruned like economically planted fruit trees, and economically cultivated fruit trees generally have a large density, and must be pruned in order to make full use of space to achieve energy efficiency per unit area and manage convenience. The space of fruit trees planted in the garden is relatively large, and it is generally controlled according to the standard of not hindering life activities. In fact, if a fruit tree has enough space and conditions to grow, its yield per plant is much larger than that of economically cultivated fruit trees. Moreover, in the trees planted by the family, people move frequently around them (people still have the habit of cooling under the tree) are generally relatively high, (to not hinder life activities), that is to say, the branches and leaves at least do not meet all the time.

Like economically cultivated fruit trees, 40-50cm is fixed dry, and it is inconvenient for people to move around it. There is no need to control the plant height around 3M.

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