
Trivia about cetaceans

author:Ph.D. in Cetacean Research, Academy of Sciences

Hello everyone, I am the first time to publish an article in the headlines, and I have no experience yet. Let's talk about the cold knowledge about cetaceans.

First, whales and dolphins cannot breathe with their mouths, but only with the nostrils above their heads, because their esophagus and trachea are isolated from each other, so if the small whale nostrils are blocked on the shore, it will die of suffocation.

Second, the whale's dorsal and caudal fins are derivatives of its skin, not part of the bone.

Third, the baleen whale's baleen is a derivative of the skin, and its main component is protein. Not every toothed whale has teeth, for example many species of beaked whales females have no teeth, and even males have only two teeth.

Fourth, the baleen whale suborder is divided into baleen whales, right whales and gray whales, and the difference between baleen whales and the two is that the species of baleen whales have laryngeal folds, and the difference between right whales and gray whales is that the back of the right whale is smooth, while the gray whale has several protrusions on the back. I almost forgot about the small right whale family, which has only one member, and that is the small right whale, which is the smallest baleen whale.