
After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

author:Centennial red

The dog relies on sniffing to know that the owner has cancer, there must be many people who have heard of it, this time there is a dog to pull the mother away from the god of death...

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

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Menios is a Greek hound who has been abused by its owner before, so bad that the kneecap is broken, the ribs are broken, and even skinny, and eventually abandoned, and has been wandering the streets...

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

It was later rescued by the British Animal Protection Organization and brought back to The United Kingdom from Greece, where it is now adopted by her mother, Joanne Lowen.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

Mom liked Menios very much from the moment she met him, she was a retired teacher herself, and now having a dog at home has added a lot of fun to her life, and there are two dogs in the family, plus Menios, her retirement life is more meaningful.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

But since Menios came home, he has been pestering his mother and constantly smelling his mother's armpits, which makes her mother confused and wonders if there is a bad smell under her armpits, which is why the dog is so abnormal.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

It turns out that mom's uneasiness is right, she went to the hospital for a checkup, and it turned out that her body did have a condition, she herself has a history of breast cancer for nearly 20 years, she will also go to check every few years, but this time it recurred...

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

But fortunately, it was found in time that the cancer cells did not spread to the lymph, which is also a blessing in misfortune! She also had surgery last June, and now her body is not in serious trouble, all thanks to Menios, who pulled herself back from death.

As soon as she got home, she hugged Menios tightly, and if it wasn't for Menios, she wouldn't have checked it out until three years later!

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

Menios: Since you gave me a warm home, let me repay you!

Before this, there were many cases, such as huskies mostly giving people the impression of being naughty and demolishing their homes, but this husky saved his mother's life.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

In 2013, my mother found that the sierra would always stick to her lower abdomen, and then kept sniffing around, at first thinking that there was some stain on her clothes, but after changing into clean clothes, she still kept sniffing at her lower abdomen.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

After this lasted for a while, my mother also felt some discomfort in her abdomen, so she went to the hospital for examination, but only said that it was an ovarian cyst, and she prescribed medicine and went home.

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

But during the medication, sierra still did those strange actions, sniffing around there, the mother felt the hair in her heart and went to the hospital for a detailed examination, and the result was found to have stage III ovarian cancer, and it was necessary to remove the uterus as soon as possible and undergo chemotherapy...

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

The attending doctor also said that the abnormal behavior of the sierra is not out of thin air, the dog's nose is very sensitive, even in the early stage of cancer, the dog may be very accurate to perceive, and the accuracy rate is as high as 97%!

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

The point is that in the years since, Mom's cancer has recurred three more times, and each time it is Sierra who detects abnormalities in advance and reminds her in time!

After the dog was adopted, he sniffed his master's armpit and went to the hospital before the truth came out that death approached her

So, when your dog has any abnormal behavior, don't underestimate them, maybe they want to save you...

The dog that lost an eye, Mai Du, begged for a cloud to raise

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