
Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key

author:Medical Food Reference
Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key

Recently, Harbin, Sichuan, Fuzhou and other places have successively occurred norovirus cluster transmission incidents, mainly in schools, which have caused more than 100 teachers and students to be infected and schools to be suspended.


What is norovirus

The disease caused by norovirus is called norovirus infectious diarrhea, commonly known as "winter vomiting disease".

Norovirus can occur throughout the year, from October to March of the following year is the high incidence season, with the characteristics of acute onset, rapid transmission, wide range of involvement, etc., often causing outbreaks in schools and other collective institutions.

The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, nausea and abdominal pain, which can be infected in both children and adults, often manifested as "vomiting up and down diarrhea", mainly vomiting in children and diarrhea in adults.

Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key


How "toxic" is norovirus?

1. Highly contagious

As long as a very small amount of virus, such as 10 virions, can be transmitted!

The amount of virus as large as the nail head can infect more than 1,000 people.

And after a person is infected, he can excrete billions of viruses at a time!

Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key

2. Infection does not pick people, quickly push down a piece

Do not let go of people of any age, especially love to attack the elderly and young children with weak immunity.

I always like to "one nest end" in crowded places such as schools.

3. Strong tolerance

Resistant to low temperature, acid, not easy to kill.

The key is the hydrophilic virus, 75% of which alcohol cannot kill.

So wiping your hands with quick-drying hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes won't turn away the goods.

Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key


How to prevent it?

1. Wash your hands before meals.

2. Wash the fruits and vegetables carefully.

3. Cook food thoroughly, especially shellfish and seafood.

4. Open the window for ventilation when the weather permits, and keep the indoor air circulation.

Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key

5. Do a good job of disinfection. Remove vomit and excrement from patients in a timely manner and use household bleach or chlorine disinfectants to clean and disinfect contaminated floors and surfaces.


What if I am infected with norovirus?

Norovirus infection is a self-limiting disease, and most patients do not need treatment after the onset of the disease and can recover after 2-3 days of rest.

But! Don't think that's a no-brainer.

Key: If there is frequent vomiting or diarrhea, very few patients will develop severe illness due to dehydration, or even death!

Seasonal viruses have entered a high incidence period, and many schools are now clustering infections, and how to prevent them is the key

At present, there is no specific drug for norovirus, norovirus infectious diarrhea occurs, no antibiotics are needed, and sugar saline or oral rehydration salt should be supplemented in time to help patients balance water and electrolytes.

If the child has diarrhea, vomiting, fever, rash and other symptoms, it is recommended to go to the doctor or rest at home in time, disinfect the vomit and excrement in time, avoid the spread of the epidemic after entering the kindergarten and school, and avoid participating in collective activities or entering public places.

If vomiting or diarrhea symptoms are severe, you should seek medical attention promptly.

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