
It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

author:Dogift puppy box

note! Parasite season is coming!

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

April's hot and cold weather is like a devil

Every day I struggle with what to wear

This is a humid environment with large temperature differences

Bacteria can easily breed

People with dogs in the house should pay attention

It's time to deworm your own hairy children

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Although everyone knows about deworming, there are many people who do not know what kind of insect repellent is repellent. So before the correct unlocking of the insect repellent method, the puppy Jun first comes to give you a science popularization, the parasitic location of common parasites in dogs (according to the division of in vivo and in vitro).

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Parasitic position - brain

Also known as: Guangzhou tube strongyloides, eosinophilia meningitis

Parasitic mode: transmitted by raw or half-grown snail meat containing larvae of Theocyanatosis tube

Post-parasitic symptoms: mild disability after infection, death in severe cases.

Parasitic position - eyes

Also known as: conjunctival sucking nematode (eyeworm), also known as oriental nematode

Parasitism: It is transmitted by flies licking the eyes of the suckers and then licking and sucking other animals or people

Post-parasitic symptoms: after infection, there is generally no obvious manifestation in dogs, and in severe cases, tearing or even conjunctiva flushing and swelling, white nematodes can be seen at the corner of the eye when the eyelids are opened

Parasitic Position - Cardiopulmonary

Also known as: Canine heartworm

Parasitic mode: Spread to dogs (the main host) through mosquito bites

Post-parasitic symptoms: After canine heartworm enters the dog's body, it will enter the heart and pulmonary artery system, damage the heart, pulmonary blood vessels and tissues, causing the host health to be affected, and in severe cases, it can be fatal.

Parasitic Location - Stomach

Also known as: Stomach jaw mouth worm

Parasitic mode: transmitted through consumption, contact, and placenta between mother and baby

Parasitic symptoms: there are greater harms to animal and human health, and in severe cases, they can lead to epilepsy, limb paralysis and cerebral hernia

Also known as: bubble wing nematode, gastric nematode

Parasitism: The worm body adsorbs two well-developed lips to the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum

Post-parasitic symptoms: vomiting, anemia, unprovoked weight loss, decreased appetite, black stool, malnutrition, cytopenia

Parasitic location - small intestine

Also known as: Canine toxocaria

Parasitic mode: Dogs are natural hosts

Post-parasitic symptoms: erythema or wheals may appear on the skin, with varying degrees of itching, and some patients may have cough, dyspnea, muscle pain, liver enlargement, weight loss, eosinophilic granulomas or fever, and some may have neurological symptoms

Also known as: Hookworm

Parasitic mode: through oral and skin infections

Post-parasitic symptoms: loss of appetite or inedibility, vomiting, diarrhea, typical symptoms of the discharge of feces with blood, black, coffee or tar. Visible mucosa is pale, emaciated, and dehydrated. The number of red blood cells drops below 4 million/cubic millimeter, and the specific capacity drops below 20%. Dogs can die of extreme exhaustion

Also known as: Fecal roundworm

Parasitic mode: skin infections

Post-parasitic symptoms: in mild infection, there may be no obvious clinical symptoms, but due to repeated severe infections caused by autoinfection, it is often possible to die due to severe failure of the patient

Also known as: Tapeworm canine

Parasitic mode: oral and respiratory tract infections

Post-parasitic symptoms: generally there can be no obvious symptoms, serious infection, especially children can have loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal discomfort, etc., occasionally abdominal pain, diarrhea, due to the automatic escape from the anus due to the pregnancy node, causing itching and irritability

Also known as: Echinoccus fine-grained tapeworm

Parasitic mode: oral cavity, respiratory tract

Post-parasitic symptoms: loss of appetite, weight loss, wasting, developmental disorders and cachexia

Nickname: Polygonum tapeworm

Parasitic mode: oral cavity

Post-parasitic symptoms: it is easy to cause brain symptoms such as aphasia and epilepsy

Parasitic location - cecum & colon

Also known as: fox hairy first worm, whipworm

Parasitic method: Oral infection

Post-parasitic symptoms: Mildly infected patients are generally without obvious symptoms. In severe infections, patients present with loss of appetite, paroxysmal abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea or constipation, occult blood in the stool, or small amounts of blood

Extra in vi virulous parasites

Nickname: fleas

Post-parasitic symptoms: after being bitten, it often causes an allergic reaction to local tissues, producing papules of different sizes, and in severe cases, there is a feeling of itching and intolerability, and it can also cause iron deficiency anemia

Nickname: tick, tick

Parasitism: skin contact

Post-parasitic symptoms: ticks are painless when they sting blood, but because the claws and suborbital plates simultaneously penetrate the host skin, they can cause local congestion, edema, acute inflammatory response, and can also cause secondary infection

Nickname: lice

Post-parasitic symptoms: saliva secreted during bite enters the skin of the infected person to make the skin itchy, scratching and scratching with the hand can make the skin break, which in turn leads to secondary infection and the formation of abscesses, and can also spread a variety of diseases

Nickname: Mite

Post-parasitic symptoms: mild causes itching, severe itching, and scratching can cause secondary infection, with abscesses, folliculitis, or boils

Nickname: flies

Post-parasitic symptoms: spread of multiple diseases and cause maggot disease

PS: All of the above parasites have a great possibility of infecting the human body, and shovelers must pay attention!

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Is it a little panicked to see so many parasites? Don't be afraid! Puppy Jun summarized several ways to prevent parasites, as well as a super practical insect repellent comparison introduction, dry goods full of please look down ~

Precautionary measure 01

Keep the living environment clean and tidy

People who have pets in the family should be very careful, because in addition to taking care of themselves, they also have to take care of their own hairy children.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

When a person lives for three days without mopping the floor, it is not dirty, but it is different to have a hairy child at home, and it must be cleaned frequently to ensure that the indoor environment is clean and hygienic. The hygiene of the environment is guaranteed, and the problem of parasites can be effectively prevented!

Precautionary Measure 02

Pay attention to diet

It is best not to feed your dog raw meat, as it may contain a large number of parasites or parasitic eggs. If raw meat is not heated and cooked, these parasites or their eggs will always be alive in the dog's body, and long-term consumption of raw meat will increase the probability of the dog infecting the parasite.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Feeding your dog meat is recommended after cooking it. In addition, meat can not meet the nutritional needs of dogs, it is recommended to feed dog food as a supplement to meat and vegetables, so that nutrition is rich enough.

Precaution 03

Deworming inside and outside the body

Because dog parasites are divided into two types: ectoparasites and in vivo parasites, the way of deworming should also be distinguished. Please be sure to remove the insects before they mature.

It is recommended that dogs over 6 months old should be expelled once every 3 months, puppies under 6 months should be expelled once a month; ectoparasites need to be expelled once a month.

Common dog repellents on the market are Bayer, Inuyasha, Big Pet and Flaine, and then the puppy Jun will introduce the specifics of these repellents to the small boxes.

Bayer Bayer pet clear origin is Germany, the full name of the company is the German Bayer company, the main components of the drug are non-bantyr, praziquantel, bishydronaphthalic acid thiopyrimidine.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Canine heart insurance is produced in the United States, the company's full name is Meria Co., Ltd., and the drugs mainly become ivermectin, dihydronaphthalate thiamethiamine.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

The above two are in vivo deworming drugs and need to be taken internally. Next, let's compare and analyze the difference between BayerBy Pet Qing and Inuyasha.

▼ Ingredients & Pharmacology & Disadvantages

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

▼ Insect repellent type & frequency & requirements

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

We generally choose Bayerby Favor, Flaine and Big Favor, what is the difference between the three in vitro deworming drugs? Let the puppy jun reveal the secret for you!

Originating in Germany, Bayer Bayer is another class of anthelmintic drugs owned by the German Bayer company, and the main ingredients of the drug are imidacloprid and dichlorophenyl ether permethrin.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Frein originates in France, the full name of the company is Meria Company's French Turuz production plant, the main ingredient is non-prepronil.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

The origin of the big pet is the United States, the full name of the company is The Company's Karamazu Production Plant in the United States, the main ingredient is Serrameicin.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Comparison of three in vitro deworming drugs.

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

▼ Deworming Type & Requirements & Frequency & Methods & Effects

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

Through the above comparison, the puppy Jun to make a summary of the ending ~

The safest drug in terms of synthesis and composition is Bayer of Germany (recommended), the best tasting in vivo deworming drug is Canine Xinbao, and the most potent in vitro deworming drug is Flein (the efficacy is too strong to be recommended). Shovelers can choose appropriate deworming drugs based on the specific circumstances of their furry children (age, weight, pregnancy, etc.).

But no matter which kind of deworming drug you choose, it is not a one-time treatment, you must remember to regularly deworm the hairy child on time ~ for the health of the dog, parents can not be lazy Oh ~

It turns out that there are so many common parasites in dogs? Solve them! Also you cute Wang Xingren ~

(Catch a puppy ~)

This issue of the introduction of common parasites in dogs is here, please look forward to the next issue of the popular science about common parasites in cats ~ any questions and suggestions can be commented in the message area, puppy Jun will be the first time for everyone to answer ~

· The End ·

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