
It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Sichuan Daily - Chuanguan News

Chuanguan News reporter Wen Sha

On the afternoon of December 8, Ya'an photography enthusiast Liu An and others photographed long-tailed ducks in the rainbow bridge section of the Tsing Yi River in Yucheng District.

It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

Photographed on December 8 near Tsing Yi River Bird Island in Ya'an.

According to the Ya'an Bird Protection and Ornamental Association, this is the third time that sichuan province has recorded the bird species, of which two records are in Ya'an, and the last record was on January 4, 2018, When Ya'an bird watchers Zhu Hui and Yin Housheng observed three birds in Feixian Lake.

It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

Taken on January 4, 2018 at Tianquan Feixian Lake.

Relevant data show that the long-tailed duck breeding in the Arctic, Alaska tundra, is a very rare winter migratory bird, by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) International Bird Red List list listed as vulnerable species (VU), in China only Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces have been recorded, is a very rare winter migratory bird in China.

It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

Long-tailed ducks like to dive and forage, flying at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and like to float on the surface of the water after foraging. The ugly duck, long-tailed duck and white-headed hard-tailed duck among the birds of the duck family in China are known as "three odd ducks" due to their small number and unique characteristics. Being able to observe these "three wonders" has always been the wish of the majority of bird lovers.

It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

In recent years, Ya'an City has effectively strengthened the ecological environment and bird protection, set up bird protection observation points in the city center, and at the same time, with the help of experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and all sectors of society, the Ya'an Bird Association has recorded the natural reproduction of nearly 20 species of birds such as partridge, Mandarin duck, red-breasted field chicken, black water chicken and red ma duck in the urban area after wintering in 6 years.

It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an
It's so precious! The "Arctic" long-tailed duck flew to Ya'an

Photographed on December 8 in Tsing Yi River, Ya'an.

Ya'an has become a paradise for migratory birds to overwinter.

Photo authors: Liu An, Wang Hong, Zhu Hui, Yin Housheng

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