
Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

author:Lost code name

"Under the bridge in front of the gate, swim a flock of ducks", the stupid big white duck, as if there is no bright spot worthy of our attention.

But we were wrong, even outrageously wrong! The duck's skills are very powerful, so skilled, do you know what the duck has beyond your imagination?

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Roast duck

<h1>1. Duck swimming technique</h1>

Needless to say, the swimming skills of ducks are so great that the swimming champions of "poultry" animals swim extremely fast, even surpassing some fish! Among the birds, there may only be penguins who can compare their swimming skills with ducks!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Swimming ducks

Ducks are not only good swimmers, but also have first-class diving skills, and the most powerful ducks can dive and parade for a few minutes! I remember a video of a dog blocking a duck in a river, and the duck was playing the dog around by diving, a dozen back and forth, and the dog didn't even touch the duck!

<h1>2. The duck is resistant to cold</h1>

If you ask ducks and penguins who are more resistant to cold, I think most people will choose penguins. However, it is said that scientists have done an experiment to put arctic ducks and penguins in a refrigerator of more than minus 100 degrees, and the penguins have frozen and the duck's mouth can still move!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ


Someone once made a ranking of cold-tolerant animals, the fourth place is penguins, the third place is polar bears, the second place is seals, and the first place is Arctic ducks!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

polar bear

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Arctic duck

Ducks are not only resistant to cold, but also resistant to heat, in the range of -60 ° C ~ 40 ° C, ducks can live normally! This is because the ducks are molted, and the feathers in the summer are looser, which is conducive to heat dissipation. In winter, on the contrary, the feathers are relatively fine and warm!

<h1>3. The duck listens to thunder</h1>

We teach others there that they often say "duck listens to thunder", meaning that they have said out loud several times, but they have not listened to it.

The world was thundering, deafening, and the timid people were going to hide inside the house. At this time, only the ducks are leisurely, as if they did not hear thunder, it is really "Tarzan collapsed in front of the color and the color remains unchanged", indifferent, psychological quality is super first-class!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ


Can't the ducks hear the thunder? Of course not, ducks also have a complete hearing system and can hear sounds. The reason why the duck listens to Ray is not afraid is that the duck does not have an ear pinna, and when it hears the sound, it is necessary to listen to the side of the brain to identify the source of the sound, in the end, it is too late to be afraid [laughing and crying].

<h1>4. The reproductive organs of ducks</h1>

The reproductive organs of the duck are a must, and the male reproductive organs are not only long, but also spiral, unfolding like a wine opener. According to the data, the longest recorded South American hard-tailed duck is 42.5cm, far more than the human record [tears]!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Reproductive organs of male ducks

Not only the reproductive organs of male ducks are magical, but the reproductive organs of females are also magical, spiraling, like a labyrinth! The spiral of the male duck's reproductive organs is counterclockwise, while the female duck's reproductive organs are spiraled clockwise.

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Schematic diagram of the reproductive organs of a duck

<h1>5, the IQ of the duck</h1>

Ducks are relatively intelligent animals among birds, can recognize human faces, can understand their own names, and can even have simple interactions with their owners. In addition, ducks can be familiar with their companions and only play with fixed companions, which is already useful for highly intelligent crows, parrots, myna, dogs and other animals.

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Amethyst myna

6. Ducks fly

In addition, the duck is also a "three-habitat animal", in addition to land, water, in fact, ducks can fly! Of course, due to the serious degradation of the wings, the general domestic duck can not fly far, Xiaobian saw a "Fan Duck" when he was a child, and the time in the air was close to one minute!

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Flying ducks

There is also a duck whose flight ability is close to that of birds, that is, the wild mallard duck. This duck can take off at any time, with a maximum speed of 110 kilometers per hour and can also be migrated for long distances! The mallard can take off not only from land but also from the surface of the water, with all-weather "combat" capabilities. When raising such ducks, it is necessary to set up a net shed to prevent them from flying out en masse.

Have you ever heard of "one duck, two leopards, three bears, four penguins"? The king of the animal kingdom, the croaking duck 1, the duck's swimming technique 2, the duck's cold tolerance 3, the duck's listening thunder 4, the duck's reproductive organs 5, the duck's IQ

Beer duck

The duck that "croaks" is really not simple, in addition to the super skills above, people's meat is also fragrant! What "Peking duck", lemon duck, saltwater duck, brine duck, white fruit duck pot, taro crispy duck, beer duck... The saliva flowed. Don't write, go to the market to buy a roast duck and beer bar [cover your face].

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