
Integrity is the breadth of the world, and the famous biography of Dade is remembered - Yuan Leyun, the founder of Debao Sanitary Ware in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, and the chairman of Guizhou Fangshangfang Liquor Industry

author:See Xiao Xiang
Integrity is the breadth of the world, and the famous biography of Dade is remembered - Yuan Leyun, the founder of Debao Sanitary Ware in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, and the chairman of Guizhou Fangshangfang Liquor Industry

Yuan Leyun, founder of Debao Sanitary Ware in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, and chairman of Guizhou Fangshangfang Wine Co., Ltd

(Wentu/Yan Jintang) He came out of a small place called Lin Feng Village in Yiyang and explained to the world what responsibility and responsibility were with a big pattern, big heart, and big realm; he was a bitter child from a poor peasant parent, with extraordinary hardships and difficulties, giving himself the opportunity to realize the value of life in the commercial sea. For decades, he has worked hard to start a business as a home, starting from a migrant worker, and step by step towards the glory of his career.

He loves the people's livelihood and fulfills the responsibility of the people's livelihood with a grateful heart; he has planted great virtue and written a valuable life with actions; he has deeply cultivated great love, provided employment opportunities for the idle labor force in the society, donated funds to build roads and schools for poor mountain villages, and his enthusiasm for public welfare has become his norm. He is Yuan Leyun, founder of Debao Sanitary Ware in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, and chairman of Guizhou FangShangfang Liquor Co., Ltd.

The great love of the world that never abandons

Opening a time and space tunnel, tracing the development trajectory of Yuan Leyun from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, his legendary story makes people full of inspirational pride and full of positive energy. Every step that Yuan Leyun has taken is the best footnote to forge ahead. Although his entrepreneurial journey was not smooth, he was steady and steady, step by step, and harvested the rewards he deserved with integrity and word of mouth. Looking back on yesterday's ups and downs, Yuan Leyun sighed with emotion. He said: If you don't cling to perseverance, how can you have the spirit today? Without going through the wind and rain, where is the current spring and autumn fruit?

Yuan Leyun was born in 1974 in Linfeng Village, Taoxi Town, Anhua County, Yiyang, the ninth child of a poor family, and the hardships of the family can be imagined. Forced by the huge pressure of life, at the age of 16, he dropped out of school and went to Guangdong to work alone. When he first arrived in Guangdong, he had wandered and been dazed, and he had never imagined that his life could become a legend, let alone that his fate would be entangled in the rolling tide of business, the lofty public welfare, and the poignant love. It was a period of "how steel is made", he was more auspicious than the camel Shoko, worked as a porter, worked as a mason, got up early every day to move cement, but also moved bricks and pebbles. He was tall and had a strong waist, and in addition to working as a porter during the day, he also went out to work as a temporary worker at night.

In 1994, a girl named Yao Xuejun broke into his heart. Yao Xuejun is pure and beautiful, and he is a fellow Yiyang, but suffers from serious congenital heart disease, and many hospitals have declared that Yao Xuejun will not live to be 23 years old, and he may leave him at any time. The kind Yao Xuejun was worried that the interaction would tire out her sweetheart, so on a clear and windy night in the month, she invited Yuan Leyun to the lake and formally made a request to "break diplomatic relations". Yao Xuejun's words were like thunderbolts on a sunny day, knocking this strong man into a chaotic brain. Looking at the girl's resolute but poignant eyes, Yuan Leyun immediately woke up, he hugged the girl, and without hesitation, proposed to her, even if the marriage could only last for a month, he would not hesitate to enter the palace of marriage with her.

Yuan Leyun, who is thick and simple, married Yao Xuejun "in a high profile", and he secretly vowed that he must use love and love to keep his beloved woman alive. After marriage, Yao Xuejun set up a stall outside the rental house to sell vegetables, Yuan Leyun rushed back after work to help her collect the stalls, although the small life was bitter, but it was happy and harmonious. "I want to save a sum of money and open a factory by myself, not only to cure your illness, but also to help more old, weak, sick and disabled people, so that the children of poor families can read books," Yuan Leyun often said in Yao Xuejun's ear.

However, at this moment, Yao Xuejun's heart disease suddenly worsened, and this sudden change caught Yuan Leyun off guard. While working, he sought medical treatment everywhere, and after many treatments, Yao Xuejun's condition still did not improve at all. Fortunately, Yao Xuejun miraculously waited for the 29-year-old under the nourishment of sweet love. At the age of 29, when the attentive Yuan Leyun learned that a hospital in Nanjing was going to undergo China's first heart repair surgery, Yuan Leyun immediately took his wife to Nanjing, and finally caught the "lucky train". With the efforts of experts, Yao Xuejun's heart bypass surgery was very successful, and the little two ushered in another long-awaited spring in their lives. Two years later, Yao Xuejun gave birth to a pair of children, and Yuan Leyun became a father.

Yuan Leyun is an indomitable man who stubbornly fights against fate. In the face of suffering, he never bowed his head, but used his shoulders to carry the backbone of a big mountain. For more than ten years, he has completed the perfect shaping of a noble man with actions, and his careful care and inseparable from Yao Xuejun have made wonderful embellishments for his long life path.

The universal sentiment of excellence

In 2008, Yuan Leyun, with years of sales experience and word of mouth in the industry, registered and established Guangdong Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. At the beginning of the company's establishment, he walked on thin ice, because he had no shortcuts to start a grassroots business. He is down-to-earth, step by step, and strives towards his life ideals and goals.

"Dezhi creates a good year, Baodi shenghui generation generation Xing", this is Yuan Leyun's beautiful vision for the long-term development of Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware Company. Yuan Leyun doesn't look like a businessman, but he is wise and open-minded, and from time to time he also exudes some clap-and-clap shrewdness. The trademark of Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware, the advertising slogan of the company's products and even the couplet of the company's door are all from Yuan Leyun's exquisite creativity.

Details determine success or failure, and quality casts the brand. Under the strategic planning of Yuan Leyun, Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware has established the business philosophy of "quality-based creation of high-quality products, customer first and commitment". Focusing on the enterprise development concept of "people-oriented, integrity first, self-development and service to the society", the company has determined the core values of "integrity, dedication, pioneering, innovation, harmony and development", formulated strategic action plans such as market expansion, project management, human resources, technology upgrading, information systems, brand building, corporate culture, social responsibility, etc., established a talent training mechanism and incentive mechanism, and continuously improved technical ability, innovation ability and management ability. Yuan Leyun also integrates daily management details into the production link to ensure product quality with refined management. Whether it is the operation of each process, or the code of conduct of management and employees, he has interpenetrated with the management of operation, finance, human resources, production technology, quality and safety, civilized (green) construction, material costs, etc., and formed a refined, standardized and institutionalized management system from top to bottom.

Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain; those who do not seek the world are not enough to seek a moment. This is true of entrepreneurial development, so is it for people to live in the world, and it is also true for running brands and opening up markets. The reason why Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware can have a high degree of market recognition in Guangdong and even the whole country is that its core depends on the product characteristics of the company's products themselves, the extensive recognition of the market and the long-term accumulation of market reputation. Yuan Leyun frankly said that the brand of an enterprise is composed of integrity and quality, and the brand is the core competitiveness and strong appeal, which is the added value. Enterprises must establish a public brand awareness, and develop in the direction of influential "company business cards", "industrial banners" with appeal and "golden signboards" with a sense of value. Through continuous development and growth, Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware has finally called out the brand and won wide recognition in the market.

Yuan Leyun is a bold and righteous person, so he also has a special love for Chinese liquor culture. The company's operation is inseparable from the table culture, he in the reception of socializing, deeply feel that the sauce wine market is chaotic, the price is high, fake wine is rampant, and he is secretly determined to change this situation. Once invited by a friend, Yuan Leyun went to Guizhou Moutai Town to visit and investigate, and the booming Moutai Town gave him a new entrepreneurial inspiration. People only know that Moutai Town is the wine capital, but do not know the huge business opportunities and potential behind the wine capital, he found that there is also a thick regional culture and folk culture associated with wine, and these cultures in Moutai Town can achieve perfect mutual integration, mutual communication and mutual benefit with all parts of the country and even the world.

I must make the people can also afford to drink Moutai wine! On the way back to Guangdong, Yuan Leyun said to himself in his heart. In order to create the "perfect" liquor kingdom in his heart, a few days later, he led the company team to investigate in Moutai Town for more than 20 days. He was intoxicated by the large and small wineries in Moutai Town, thinking in the aromatic atmosphere, as if he saw bottles of high-quality and inexpensive Moutai wine flying into the tables of ordinary people's homes. He was suddenly inspired, "Brewing fine wine on the mill, I make the mill on the square", "the square on the square" with the original intention of reviving the sauce wine, so that his career in Maotai Town took root.

The public welfare action of Ji Shi Cangsheng

Virtue-based, integrity of the world. Under the strategizing of Yuan Leyun, Guizhou Fangshangfang Liquor Group and Guangdong Kaiping Debao Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. are like two horses driving side by side on the vast grassland, and they can feel their vigorous rhythm of galloping and fierceness at all times. For a long time, Yuan Leyun has been enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, doing more good deeds for the society, and actively solving problems for brother enterprises, and everyone calls him a "big brother" with affection and responsibility. In view of Yuan Leyun's personality charm and high prestige in the business community, Yuan Leyun was elected as the honorary president, executive president, president and executive vice president of more than 30 chambers of commerce across the country.

In the Kaiping Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, all member entrepreneurs praised him. While handling the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, he is concerned about the development of Hunan businessmen and enterprises in Kaiping. He actively builds platforms to promote the connection between members, enterprises and governments, and opens up channels for member companies to introduce capital and technology. He safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of members in accordance with the law, coordinates and handles the relationship between all aspects, and solves problems for members. A member unit accidentally caught fire, and Yuan Leyun came to help it repair the factory, rebuild production facilities, and restore production capacity, so that the company came out of the predicament in just over half a year. He also regularly organizes a rich corporate culture salon, so that the company's employees can participate in colorful and harmonious literary and artistic activities.

Yuan Leyun often said that it is necessary to integrate into society with a grateful and dedicated heart, to make society full of fraternity and harmony, to be a moral businessman, a righteous businessman, and to do more good deeds. The road into the village of Linfeng Village in Yiyang, the hometown, is potholed, the curves are steep, the collapse can be seen everywhere, the vehicle is almost impossible to pass, and maintenance, widening and hardening are imminent. Just when the villagers were in a dilemma because of financial problems, Yuan Leyun was like a "timely rain", generously donating more than 200,000 yuan, and a 6-kilometer-long highway cement road was completed as scheduled. Yuan Leyun has been away for many years, but he always thinks about the old, weak, sick and disabled and widowed elderly in the village, and when he returns home for the New Year's Festival, he will take his family to visit and send daily necessities and red envelopes. According to incomplete statistics, Yuan Leyun has donated more than 500,000 yuan to 4 schools such as Yiyang Anhua Yingjia Primary School, Changtang Primary School, and Shangma Middle School, more than 200,000 yuan to visit and rescue the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and the widows and the elderly, more than 90,000 yuan to the lighting project of Yingjia Village in Taoxi Town, and 80,000 yuan to support small and micro enterprises in Taoxi Town for rural revitalization.

On the eve of the centenary of the founding of the party this year, Yuan Leyun has invited nearly 6,000 enterprise leaders to Zunyi in Guizhou to study the history of the party, generally arranged for three days, all the reception costs are responsible for his company, about 2,000 yuan per person, this expenditure reached more than 12 million yuan.

Focus on the changes in the market, cast the soul of business, lead the wind of integrity, and serve the needs of the society. Yuan Leyun, a tide of the times, from the departure of "single shadow" to today's "wind and water rise", the heroism and confidence of a private entrepreneur are all in it!

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