
Qianhai is very popular on weekends

author:Tianjin Net

Tempus Qianhai International Cross-border Bonded Shopping Center is booming in popularity. Qianhai Vanke Mansion, parallel import car exhibition attracted many citizens to come.

■ Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Daily reporter Cao Song/Wen He Long/Photo

Today's Qianhai has long since got rid of the appearance of the "wasteland" in those years.

With the unveiling of the free trade zone, various institutional innovations, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, financial innovation and other policies have been landed, infrastructure construction has been vigorously increased, and various facilities have become increasingly perfect, and the Qianhai Shekou area has ushered in another climax of popularity gathering. Not only are there dense people on weekdays, but even on weekends, more and more citizens are driving to Qianhai to visit, shop and participate in various activities.

The average daily passenger flow of cross-border bonded shopping centers is about 2,000

If you had been in Qianhai on the weekend a year ago, you probably wouldn't have been able to buy even a bottle of mineral water. But nowadays, many citizens choose to come to Qianhai for shopping on weekends.

Among them, the vast majority of Shenzhen citizens "rushed" to the Tempus Qianhai International Cross-border Bonded Shopping Center. The reporter learned that since the soft opening on March 27, the store has received an average of about 2,000 passengers per day, and on May 1, the passenger flow has soared by more than 50,000 people.

In fact, compared with Hong Kong goods stores, the store imports bonded products with relatively single sales, mainly baby products such as milk powder diapers, household daily necessities and cosmetics worth less than 100 yuan, and also sells red wine. In addition, because the products in the bonded area can only enjoy a tax exemption of less than 500 yuan per person per time, the purchase limit per person per day is only 1,000 yuan. And the shopping center adopts the O2O model of "offline experience + online purchase", Qianhai physical store only has imported goods display function for the time being, consumers need to pay attention to WeChat public accounts, place orders and payments on WeChat to buy.

Rao, as the first import bonded physical store in Shenzhen, still announced the suspension of service twice due to the shortage of goods.

"Like milk powder, these are 20% or 30% cheaper than buying in Hong Kong," said Miss Zhang, a citizen who lives in Nanshan, after the visa to Hong Kong "one sign and multiple lines" was changed to "one week", the frequency of family shopping in Hong Kong has decreased, "it is more convenient to come to Qianhai, after the bonded shop operates in the free trade zone, most of the commodity prices are similar to Hong Kong, some are more favorable, and can also save travel expenses and time to and from Hong Kong." ”

There are foreign customers who come to see the car

Another popularity tipping point is the parallel imported cars that are currently receiving very much attention.

Parallel import of cars, refers to the import channels and the traditional domestic authorized distribution channels parallel, by the non-authorized importers imported from abroad, with all import information and qualifications, the same license on the license, on the road.

In early March, Qianhai Mudelong, the first parallel import automobile physical store to open, said that the store has an average of more than 1,000 daily visitors, and has sold nearly 200 cars, with daily sales of up to 20 million yuan.

In addition to Qianhai Mudelong, Shenzhen Qianhai Parallel Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Parallel Import Automobile Trading Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. have also settled in Qianhai in April this year. Every weekend, you can see all kinds of luxury cars gathered in Qianhai District, earning enough eyeballs.

The reason why parallel imported cars are popular, price is its biggest advantage. Because the cost of import agents such as the second and third levels is exempted, the car is taken directly from the parallel importer, and the parallel import car can generally be 15%-20% cheaper. And the more high-end the model, the cheaper it is, and the high-end car can be up to 30% cheaper.

"Taking the 3.0 administrative version of the Range Rover as an example, the price of the naked car is 1.38 million yuan, while the authorized channel generally sells for 1.6-1.7 million yuan." Huaxing said that because car sales are not limited to local customers, many customers even come from Zhuhai, Foshan and other places.

A wide range of activities are plentiful

With the paving of Qianhai New Road section by section, the emergence of the prototype of the mansion, and the successive opening of parks such as Vanke Mansion and Qianhai Dream Factory, not only the activities held in Qianhai have become more and more intensive, but also the number of citizens visiting and playing in Qianhai has gradually increased. Basically every weekend, there is an endless stream of vehicles entering and leaving Qianhai, and sometimes it is even difficult to find a parking space.

On the first weekend of June, CCTV financial channel "Entrepreneurial Heroes Hui" walked into the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Factory to hold a Shenzhen station audition, attracting investors and entrepreneurial teams from all over the world to flock to the area, because there were too many vehicles at one time, and even the traffic police were dispatched to maintain order.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Qianhai Administration Bureau, such a situation has now become the norm in Qianhai. In the past, haimeng factory, for example, the frequency of investor meetings, entrepreneur roadshows, training seminars and other activities was very intensive, and the basic weekly table would be full.

In addition, the development and construction of Qianhai has been carried out simultaneously with environmental greening. Through the temporary improvement of the environment and hierarchical greening, on the one hand, it is in full swing to carry out development and construction, and on the other hand, it has been built into a green "park" area for business office, life and leisure. Many citizens will come to Qianhai on weekends, visit the greenways and ecological parks in the area, take photos with the image gate and landscape stones of the free trade zone, and witness the development and construction of Qianhai while leisure and sightseeing.

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