
Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there


Friends who are familiar with the history of the Spring and Autumn Warring States should all know that during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, countries competed for hegemony, wars and chaos continued, and under the confrontation and competition of "big fish eating small fish" on all sides, there was a phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions of powerful countries gradually unifying.

The Qin state continued to open up and gradually began the journey of unifying the world, and in the historical process of the qin state unifying the world, the most critical and widely spread was the dispute between Qin and Zhao.

I believe that even friends who are not very familiar with history know the historical allusions that can be said casually such as "encircling Wei to save Zhao" and "the Battle of Qin and Jin", from which some historical trace fragments can be glimpsed: the accumulated enmity between the Zhao state and the Qin state has a long history.

The familiar story of "Jing Ke stabbing the King of Qin" shows the bloodiness and persistence of Yan Zhao boy in resisting Qin and saving his life.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

In the late period of the Six Kingdoms' resistance to Qin, only the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao and Wei remained, and with the gradual decline of Han and Wei, only Zhao Guoyan and Zhao Zhuangshi unswervingly erected the banner of anti-Qin, and the two kingdoms of Qin and Zhao began a long confrontation that lasted for 40 years.

Why did the Qin state, which was as powerful as a rainbow, attack other countries in one fell swoop, suffer from the zhao state's side? The state of Qin repeatedly not only failed to break through the defense line of King Zhao, but also suffered several defeats. What is the reason for this?

In addition to the sworn confrontation of Jing Ke, a historical Internet celebrity represented by Yan Zhao boy, there is also an outstanding military general - Li Mu.

He played a crucial role in the anti-Qin situation, Li Mu was brave and good at war, resourceful, and was praised by posterity as one of the four famous generals of the Warring States.

There is a saying in later generations, "Li Mu died, Zhao Guo died; Zhao Guo died, and the Six Kingdoms perished." It can be seen that Li Mu played a huge role in resisting Qin.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

However, when the country was in trouble, knowing that Li Mu had meritorious service in resisting Qin, and that the war against Qin could not be without Li Mu, King Zhao killed Li Mu.

The result was that in the end, King Zhao was captured, the State of Zhao was destroyed, and later history was known to everyone, the State of Zhao was destroyed, the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, and the State of Qin unified the world.

Why did King Zhao have to kill Li Mu? What the hell is going on here? It can be said that the demise of the Zhao state was caused by the killing of the fierce general Li Mu.

This is a trigger that is about to erupt, the last straw that crushes the camel, and looking back at history, we find that behind King Zhao's killing of Li Mu, there are both the plots of the Qin state and the ugliness of King Zhao's human nature.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >01 Qin Guo designed Li Mu to be killed</h1>

When Li Mu caught the Qin state by surprise, in line with the military and political principle of "if it is hard, it is better to be soft", Wang Qi, a adviser to the Qin king, suggested the use of a counter-plan, with the help of the hand of king Zhao, to personally eliminate Li Mu.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

Therefore, under the arrangement of the Qin King Yingzheng, a traitor of the Qin State quietly sneaked into handan, the capital of the Zhao State.

As soon as he arrived at the Zhao State, the traitor began to spread rumors everywhere, saying, "Li Mu wants to rebel, Li Mu has colluded with the deputy general Sima Shang to collude with the Qin army, and once the time is ripe, he will betray the Zhao State." ”

As soon as King Zhao heard this, he quickly took back li mu and the deputy general Sima Shang's military power and asked them to give an explanation.

However, Li Mu, who was not good at words, did not even explain, adhering to his single-minded attitude of serving the country and refusing to accept the order.

This triggered king Zhao's irritability factor, and repeatedly exerted pressure to force Li Mu to hand over his military power.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

Li Mu, who was corrupted by the idea that "the king told the subject to die, the subject had to die", finally handed over the military power, left the garrison and returned to the dynasty to resume his life, and the final result was that Li Mu was given death.

Why does the anti-interstitial meter succeed as soon as it is used? Why couldn't King Zhao trust Li Mu more? Can't human nature stand the test?

Looking back at history, we analyze from the perspective of existence is reasonable, why was Li Mu given death? Perhaps from the perspective of human nature, there will be an answer.

Because Li Mu is too good and arrogant, because Li Mu does not understand politics and does not understand the left and right Sources, it is often said that there are thousands of horses, and Bole is not often there, and all of the above Li Mu have violated the bottom line of King Zhao.

So what bottom line did Li Mu violate with King Zhao? Let's analyze it in detail.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" >02 Sharp and outrageous</h1>

We know that the Zhao state is located on the border, and in addition to confronting the Qin state in the central plains, the Zhao state also has an annoying enemy, that is, the Xiongnu.

The Huns were nomadic people, their war horses ran fast, and from time to time they invaded the northern region of the Zhao Kingdom, and in the face of the Huns who "could not be caught and could not be killed", the warriors were tired of responding to the enemy and became more and more degenerate; the people were miserable and could only flee.

The border crisis of the Zhao state was about to erupt, at this time Li Mu was in danger and was immediately asked by the King of Zhao to drive out the Xiongnu and defend the frontier.

However, after Li Mu took office, he did not passionately burn the "three fires of the new official", and quickly launched the fight against the Xiongnu.

Instead, he ordered "those who dare to capture and behead", did not require soldiers to attack the Xiongnu at all, but took the financial power of the border pass into his hands, and drank wine and ate meat with the soldiers all day.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

As a descendant of history, we know that this is Li Mu's plan to catch big fish with long lines, but people at that time did not know, especially King Zhao.

When King Zhao asked Li Mu about the strategy of annihilating the enemy, Li Mu also refused to reply, did not explain to King Zhao that it was a strategy, and directly implemented it according to his own ideas.

King Zhao and the ministers of the court were very angry when they saw that Li Mu was so indifferent to border affairs, and repeatedly urged Li Mu to raise troops to fight, but Li Mu refused to carry out the execution, and King Zhao dismissed Li Mu from his post in a fit of anger.

However, the successors were not able to do so, and they repeatedly sent heads to the Xiongnu, and the border was in danger.

In desperation, the King of Zhao could only use Li Mu again, and Li Mu, who had resigned in every way, only took office under the promise of the King of Zhao to no longer interfere with Li Mu, and finally Li Mu put the military strategy into play and annihilated 100,000 Xiongnu soldiers.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

This incident revealed why King Zhao killed Li Mu. Li Mu led the order to resist the enemy but refused to report the military strategy, did not explain and only carried out, in the eyes of the king, he was obstinate.

When King Zhao resumed his use, he made all kinds of excuses, and in the eyes of the high king, this was a naked threat, which was to force King Zhao to bow his noble head and admit, "I just can't do without you."

To make King Zhao promise not to interfere in specific affairs was, in the eyes of the king, a bully and looked down on him. At this time, King Zhao was already deeply jealous of Li Mu.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" >03 Gong gao zhen was regurgitated</h1>

In order to solve the last obstacle on the road to unifying the world, the State of Zhao, the State of Qin constantly launched attacks on the State of Zhao, but under Li Mu's heroic resistance to the enemy, in several key battles, the State of Qin did not gain benefits.

In 233 BC, the Qin soldiers attacked the Zhao state in two ways, and with the south road breaking through the 100,000 troops of the Zhao state, the north road penetrated deep into the rear of the Zhao state in an attempt to encircle and annihilate the Zhao state.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

Li Mu, who was once again in danger, led the Yanmen Pass defenders to the south to resist Qin and save the country, instigating a siege and annihilation war, and annihilating 100,000 Qin troops.

In 232 BC, Li Mu once again stubbornly resisted the hundreds of thousands of troops led by The Qin King, Ying Zheng.

In 229 BC, the State of Qin once again sent troops to besiege the Zhao capital handan, to give the State of Zhao a war of annihilation. In the face of Li Mu's army's strict defense, the Qin army did not gain any land.

Under the resistance of Li Mu, the Zhao state and the Qin state fought against each other for 40 years, and it can be said that it is precisely because of Li Mu's existence that the stormy Zhao state has survived.

However, since the ancient feats of high shock to the lord, Mu Xiu yu Lin Feng will destroy it, only higher than the world's people will be destroyed, Li Mu proud of the world's independent talent and merit caused the Zhao King's jealousy.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" >04 King Zhao's human weakness</h1>

Wei Zheng bravely told the emperor the story of his advice, and we heard it from childhood to adulthood.

In fact, this story can happen, in addition to praising Wei Zheng's integrity, it is more crucial to praise the mind of Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

If you don't have an exaggerated mind, how can you tolerate a person talking in front of you all day, accusing you all day, and making yourself very faceless?

King Zhao is a person who cares about his own face, does not trust his subordinates, is cowardly at heart, and is very insecure.

A successful leader must dare to admit that his subordinates are better than himself, but this is something that many people cannot do.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

King Zhao can't do it, in the face of Li Mu, who is superior to himself everywhere, my own Zhao Guo needs to rely on a Li Mu everywhere, and this kind of cognition constantly crushes king Zhao's inferiority bottom line.

Can a colleague tolerate another colleague who is better than himself? Li Mu's colleagues could not do it, and the colleagues fanned the flames, adding oil and vinegar to say that Li Mu supported the self-respect of the soldiers, and even sprinkled salt on the wounds of King Zhao, and constantly jumped and crushed on King Zhao's fragile soul.

It was King Zhao's insecurity and distrust of others that enabled King Qin's divisive plan to be realized, and it can be said that King Zhao's human weakness caused Li Mu's tragedy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" >05 Bole is not common</h1>

When watching the TV series "Meritorious Service", there is often a sentence floating on the bullet screen, that is: Fortunately, there is a good leader.

Because of the understanding and support of the leader Lao Hao, he resisted the pressure of his superiors and bought Yu Min more time to study hydrogen bombs.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

Yu Min

Because of the departure of her friend Xiuzhi, Shen Jilan suffered a huge misunderstanding.

Thanks to the support and trust of captain Li, Shen Jilan was able to continue to lead the women's movement, and at the same time led the people of Xigou to prosperity, serve the people everywhere, and finally became a deputy to the National People's Congress.

In order to study antimalarial drugs, Tu Youyou was appointed as the leader of the 523 project, although the early military representatives did not understand very well as laymen, but the final understanding and support enabled Tu Youyou to study artemisinin with peace of mind.

However, in the face of the excellent courtier Li Mu, King Zhao could not tolerate it, in the final analysis, it was a defect of human nature, and could not tolerate others being more talented and courageous than himself.

At the same time, Li Mu's death was also indispensable to the promotion of the ministers of the same dynasty, and the incidents of colleagues who could not tolerate colleagues who were more talented than themselves abounded.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

In real life, there are also colleagues in the eight-o'clock TV series, and in many cases it is also because of this matter.

Do not take extreme actions because you are jealous or even hate the strength of others, and strengthening yourself is the right way.

For talented people, know that they are talented and capable, and also be a person who is in the show.

Li Mu was only good at fighting, not good at politics, and could also be said to have no emotional intelligence, and in the face of King Zhao's fragile self-esteem, he did not explain or show weakness.

He has repeatedly won battle merits, but he does not know that he hides his sharp edge but has a high self-esteem, and does not take into account the arrogance of his courtiers.

Li Mu died and Zhao died, and the country was in trouble, so why did King Zhao still want to kill Li Mu? 01 Qin Guo design Li Mu was killed 02 Feng Mang Bi Lu caused resentment 03 Gong Gao Zhen Lord was repulsed 04 King Zhao's human weakness 05 Bo Le is not often there

We often say that great wisdom is like foolishness, as an excellent person, just like the rich do not leak wealth, talent can not be too exposed, this is a self-protection, but also a way to deal with the world.

Of course, if we all have a simple heart, only for things and no one is more wrong with emotions, we will not hurt others or be hurt by others, I hope we all have a pure heart.

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