
Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

author:A complete set of flower pots

Why do rhododendrons fall leaves so often

Hello, everyone, welcome to watch this issue, I am your good friend Xiaohua. Today, Xiaobian will answer the confusion that has been in the hearts of many friends for a long time, why do cuckoos keep falling leaves?

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

First, the soil is too dry.

If you accidentally find some yellow leaves in the branches of rhododendrons, and sometimes accompanied by high-frequency leaf fall, flower buds lose moisture and dry out, then this is most likely inseparable from the excessive drought of the potting soil. At this time, people can also test the weight of the pot by hand to further determine the cause, you know, once the soil is dry, the weight of the pot soil will be significantly lighter, if you don't believe it, you can try it yourself. Of course, whether there is a shortage of water in their own potted plants, everyone must know that it does not matter if they forgot to water before, the matter has come to this point, the only thing we have to do is to replenish the water as soon as possible, in case the unbearable situation continues to deteriorate seriously, and finally reaches the point of no return.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

Solution: The first watering after the disaster must be mainly permeable, and the watering is sufficient until there is indeed water flowing out of the bottom of the pot.

Second, the air is just as dry.

Rhododendrons are naturally humid, usually require the air humidity in the environment, to meet a certain standard, otherwise the branches will also produce a large number of yellow leaves, and then continue to fall downwards.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

Solution: If people are sure and sure that the cause of the fall of their own rhododendrons is related to the dry air, then the easiest thing to do at this time is to spray more water on the plant. However, rhododendrons sometimes have unexpected situations, that is, some plants with small flower buds on the branches, the former may decay from the petals to the center of the flower, and eventually the whole plant is infected, so at this time, you can also find another way. For example, directly next to the original basin, fill a few more basins of water, in the secret subtly indirect role; for the sake of convenience, directly adding an air humidifier is also a good choice.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

Third, the ventilation is not smooth.

Don't look at many times people often ignore, the impact of ventilation on plant growth and development, in fact, the influence of the latter is large and far, especially the rhododendron, but where the ventilation of the current environment is poor, closed for a long time and does not circulate, the plants do not say a word, the leaves fall first. Yes, a large fall of leaves is a cuckoo, a way of "rights protection" of external protests, as long as you see the fallen leaves, and the indoor environment is not good, there is no doubt that what people have to do at the moment is to try to find more ventilation.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

Solution: Due to the winter due to the cold air raging everywhere, everyone chooses to close the window, reduce ventilation to keep warm and cold, so after that, people need to open more windows for ventilation, and when the weather is sunny and sunny, the potted plants are temporarily moved to the balcony to bask in the sun and see the wind.

Fourth, too much watering.

Although the cuckoo claims to like wetness, but it is also very afraid of waterlogging, usually watering more, the plant will be due to the storage of water in the pot, and successively appear stuffy roots, black rot, rotten roots and other large and small problems. Among them, such problems will end up together, either causing the leaves of the cuckoo to continue to beat, or their root system will lose the ability to absorb water and fall one by one.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

Solution: 1, first remove the pot, start controlling the water a few days in advance, reduce the resistance of the plant to break free of the old soil; 2, for the plant that has successfully depoted, carefully check its root condition, if you encounter rotten, wilted, weak and other poor growth of the roots, one is not left, all cut off; 3, to the treated root system, apply the appropriate amount of disinfectant and fungicide rooting agent, and then, re-find the soil pot.

Rhododendron leaves repeatedly, 4 common causes, with solutions

This issue is here, in general, the reason why rhododendrons can usually cause a large number of leaves to fall is the above four, dry air, dry soil, poor ventilation, and more watering. And you just need to find the one that really fits your own situation, and then take countermeasures to solve it.

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