
Li Hui: Let more children enjoy high-quality preschool education

author:Zhumadian network

Reporter Geng Yangyang

As a member of the CppcC National Committee, she performed her duties and made suggestions and suggestions for promoting the rapid development of preschool education in our city; as an educator, she worked the fertile soil of education, and she experienced both hardships and happiness. She is Li Hui, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the director of the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten.

"Preschool education, as the cornerstone of education system engineering, is not only the focus of social attention, but also affects the hearts of thousands of parents." Recently, Li Hui said in an interview with reporters. In recent years, the development of preschool education in our city has always been the focus of Li Hui's attention. To this end, she combined with the actual situation of the post, actively researched and wrote proposals, and frequently spoke out and made suggestions on issues such as kindergarten construction, the treatment of non-staff teachers and the improvement of teachers' literacy.

In the process of running the school, Li Hui insisted on one post and two responsibilities, assiduously studied the preschool education business, constantly explored new models of preschool education management, and did a lot of work in planning the strategy of running a kindergarten with characteristics, improving the quality of talent training, and improving the conditions for running a kindergarten.

Life is a hundred years, standing in early childhood. Years of work experience, Li Hui has always believed that love is the premise of good education, she attaches equal importance to education, and is committed to promoting the healthy and harmonious development of young children. In her work, she follows the rules of children's physical and mental development, puts children's safety and health in the first place, scientifically sets up courses, and builds a strong campus safety fortress. In Li Hui's popularization of happy gymnastics in daily teaching, the early childhood gymnastics team of the municipal experimental kindergarten has won 39 medals in the "Provincial Early Childhood Gymnastics Competition" in the past four years, establishing the educational brand image of the national pilot park.

As the director of the kindergarten, Li Hui insisted on placing the strengthening of the construction of teachers' style and morality in an important position, and was committed to building a team with noble teacher morality, proficiency in teaching, and diligent in educating people. Come with a heart, without half a blade of grass. Under her leadership, the competition of dedication, emphasis on teacher morality, garden style, and striving to catch up with and surpass the teacher team has become a common practice among the teachers.

Li Hui led all the teachers and staff of the municipal experimental kindergarten to unite and forge ahead, and the municipal experimental kindergarten has successively won the honorary titles of Henan Province's top ten education business cards, provincial civilized units, provincial advanced units for the ideological and moral construction of minors, provincial safe campuses, provincial advanced health units, and provincial demonstration parent schools.

While promoting the continuous development of his own career, Li Hui does not forget to serve the society and actively alleviate poverty and study. She has served at the grassroots level many times, publicized advanced educational concepts, and organized the whole park to carry out activities such as sending classes to the countryside for education support and love donations. During the epidemic period, Li Hui coordinated donations worth 30,000 yuan.

"Educators should always have a heart of love, a heart of dedication, and a heart of innovation. In the future, with the 'three hearts', I will continue to work hard, continue to struggle, perform my duties, focus on the development of preschool education, and let more children enjoy high-quality preschool education. Li Hui said.

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