
I'm dripping! Butterfly wings actually have such a purpose

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Butterfly, commonly known as "butterfly, arthropod phylum, insect class, lepidoptera, hammer horn suborder collectively." There are about 14,000 species worldwide, most of which are distributed in the Americas, especially in the Amazon Basin. There are 1200 species in China. Butterflies are generally brightly colored, there are many stripes on the body, the color is richer, the wings and body have a variety of spots, the largest butterfly wings can reach about 28 to 30 cm, the smallest is only about 0.7 cm. The main difference between butterflies and moths is that butterflies have a pair of rod-shaped or hammer-shaped antennae on their heads, and the moths have a variety of antennae.

Butterfly wings are like the two wings of an airplane, allowing butterflies to use the air current to fly forward; the colorful patterns on the butterfly wings are amazing. But their colorful wings aren't just about feasting people's eyes. Colorful colors are used to hide, disguise and attract mates. The new book "100 Species of Butterflies", written by Harold Feinstein, shows people very beautiful pictures of butterflies and moths.

<h3>Beautiful wings</h3>

This South American species (pictured right) is known as the "Eighty-eight butterfly" and is found in south America with about 40 species. It is characterized by a prominent "88" on the hindwings. Many insect markings are fickle, and sometimes some amazing patterns appear.

<h3>Resist the enemy</h3>

Owl butterflies are so named because of the huge eye-like markings on their wings. Its function is obvious - mimicking the face of a wide-eyed owl to intimidate nearby predators. In fact, biologists have yet to confirm whether these eye markings are meant to scare off predators. It may also serve as bait for predators to attack their wings instead of their vulnerable bodies.

<h3>Gorgeous sunsets</h3>

Native to Madagascar, the "sunset moth", the brilliant colors on their wings are also used to warn predators of their toxicity. Both butterflies and moths belong to lepidoptera, and they all have a large number of scales on their wings. Their wings are made up of tiny spots – providing moisture protection for insects and constituting elegant colorful patterns. Some of the colors are caused by the pigment of the scales, but the rainbow-like hues are produced by the scattering of tiny scales.

<h3>Blue phantom</h3>

The blue morpho wings are pale blue fluorescent. Their cobalt blue color does not come from pigment, but from thousands of translucent scales on their wings, which filter out blue light in visible light and emit it from their wings. It can quickly flap its wings to produce a flash of light when the predator is approaching, and then scare the predator away. This tropical butterfly does not eat nectar, but instead draws juice from rotten fruits. Its favorites are mango juice, kiwi juice and lychee juice. The Goddess of Light butterfly is the most beautiful butterfly in the world.


This Glasswing Butterfly has a unique and dreamy color. The tissue between its wing veins is transparent and looks like glass, hence the name. Like other transparent-winged butterflies and moths, its wing membranes are colorless and not covered with scales, which makes them transparent. This transparency helps the transfigured butterfly, native to the rainforests of South America, to easily escape the sight of predators. Although the transparent butterfly is very rare to people, it is not uncommon in its native area and is not listed as a rare species.

<h3>Leopard print seduction</h3>

Many butterflies manage to hide to avoid attention. But there is an exception, and that is that during the mating season, insects all want the attention of the opposite sex. Male leopard lacewing butterflies like to show off their gorgeous orange color, which may be signaling to females that such a conspicuous target is alive and must have good genes. Leopard butterfly butterflies are hermaphroditic, which means that females are not very noticeable. Because they don't need to impress the mating partner, the female wings are brown, black, and white in color.

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