
Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

author:Chu Tian preface information

Jimu News, January 21 (Reporter Liu Min Correspondent Li Li) Recently, times square in New York, which is known as the "crossroads of the world," has once again appeared a touch of Chinese red -- Yufu Nian walnut oil. The background color of big red is full of festivities, and together with Samsung, Coca-Cola and other world-renowned brands, it is announced to the world: hardcore nutrition, healthy China.

Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

It is reported that this is the first enterprise in Hubei to land in Times Square this year. Previously, Hubei culture and tourism promotional films, Wuhan Hanjin Institute, etc. had been on the world's top brand show and one of the best windows in the world that attracted global attention.

Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

At the beginning of 2020, Yufu Nian turned out to be born, and in January this year, it has entered more than 1,000 supermarkets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Wuhan, and has been selected as a national brand engineering enterprise of Xinhua News Agency.

How did Mifu Nian do it? How nutritional is walnut oil? Can ordinary people afford to spend? With a series of questions, the reporter interviewed Mr. Yu Siyuan, chairman of Yufunian Company, last week.

Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > woody oil will fill the gap in edible oil in China</h1>

As a large consumer of edible oil, China has a long-term gap, especially the oilseeds of some herbal oils have long relied on imports. Mass production of woody oil will fill the gap in the consumption of some part of the domestic edible oil market.

In recent years, China has vigorously advocated the consumption of woody oils. As one of the woody oils, walnuts are planted in China on a considerable scale, with 120 million mu, accounting for 50% of the world's total output, and are one of the varieties with the largest reserves of woody oilseeds in China.

In the past few years, due to the processing and equipment technology can not keep up, walnut oil has not been known to the public. Yufu Nian is a brand of Yunnan Dongfanghong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hubei Dongfanghong Group, inheriting 54 years of experience in oil pressing technology of Dongfanghong Grain Machine, and successfully developing the industry-leading low temperature physical double pressing technology, 100% retention of walnut nutrients.

In two years, Dongfanghong has formed an equipment processing plant, 12 poverty alleviation workshops, two automated physical and hydraulic pressing production lines, and 16 intelligent factories in Yunnan. In 2020, the annual output of walnut oil is 200,000 tons, and well-known enterprises in the industry such as Yihai Kerry, Luhua, Xiwang, Daodaoquan and so on have become customers of Yufu Nian, ordering Yufu Nian walnut oil crude oil. At the same time, the terminal products of Yufu Nian are also relatively innovative, small packaging, to maximize the freshness and nutrition of walnut oil.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > expect walnut oil to be like peanut oil in the future, and ordinary people can afford to consume it</h1>

In 2020, the sales volume of walnut oil in YufuNian exceeded 300 million, and in 2021, the order has exceeded 100 million. This shows that people's concept of health is constantly improving, woody oil has also begun to enter the homes of ordinary people, especially now that the mainstream consumer group has become younger, their recognition of domestic brands will be higher, the national tide culture revival in the past two years is also particularly fast, the future of domestic oil, domestic good oil will be loved and accepted by more people.

Now, the sales volume of Yufunian walnut oil in Hema Supermarket has ranked second in the country. The first walnut oil offline experience store has also been opened in Wushang Zhongyuan, consumers can better experience and understand the benefits of walnut oil.

Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

I believe that in the next 5 to 10 years, the status quo of Chinese eating oil will be changed, and it will no longer be imported into the neck. When the walnut enters the harvest period, the output will increase from the current 4 million tons to 40 million tons, and our existing processing technology can become 10 million tons of oil, which will meet the needs of the whole Chinese 1/4 of the people to eat walnut oil. When consumers form the consumption habit of woody oil, sales increase, cost decline, it is expected that the pricing of walnut oil can reach the level of peanut oil, ordinary people can afford to eat.

In December last year, at the China Entrepreneurs Boao Forum, Yufu Nian was awarded the "Brand Credit Demonstration Creation Enterprise" together with Moutai, Xinghua Village and Xifeng.

Hubei brand on the Times Square woody oil will fill the gap in China's edible oil is expected to be like peanut oil in the future, ordinary people can afford to consume

True walnuts, real nutrition. Every 109 walnuts ≈ 250ml of walnut oil, and the oil yield of 35%-40% makes Yufu nian truly make every drop of oil extremely precious. Use less oil, use good oil, and may it enter the homes of ordinary people as soon as possible.