
The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia


Talking about ancient and modern times, digging deep into the history of Hebei that you don't know, hello everyone, I am "Qing Shi Jun", welcome to pay attention to the "Qing Shi Guan", every day to bring you fresh, interesting, dry goods full of historical stories.

Today, we are talking for you about the story of Cangzhou winter vegetables.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

The history of Cangzhou winter vegetables can be traced back to the Kangxi years of the Qing Dynasty, even if it is calculated in 1722 AD, the year of Kangxi's death, the history of Cangzhou winter vegetables is nearly 300 years. Cangzhou winter vegetables are delicious dishes made by local people who give full play to their subjective initiative. It was not easy to store vegetables in ancient winter, so everyone used the existing resources to preserve Chinese cabbage and red-skinned garlic with pickle technology, and made delicious winter vegetables that could increase appetite.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

Portrait of the Kangxi Emperor

Cangzhou winter vegetables are made from red-skinned garlic produced in Wurenqiao, Anguo, and green leaf cabbage produced along the Jinghai Canal. The main thing is to remove the roots and old vegetables of the cabbage, and then cut the cabbage into small pieces of one centimeter square, and then dry it and add salt, ginger, water, garlic paste and other raw materials, put them into the altar, and ferment naturally after firm sealing.

Such winter vegetables have the characteristics of unique taste, delicious taste and increased appetite, and are very popular. As early as the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China era, Cangzhou winter vegetables have been exported to Thailand in Southeast Asia and Osaka in Japan in East Asia. According to the records of the "Cangxian Chronicle" and other materials, Cangzhou winter vegetables were shipped and sold to Siam, Osaka and other places through Fujian and Cantonese merchants, and cut vegetables in autumn, so as to give The name of Cangzhou winter vegetables.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

In ancient Times, Cangzhou was close to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and in addition to exporting local winter vegetables, they also appeared on the tables of the people in Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

Because of the delicious taste, when stir-frying or cooking soup, everyone will choose Cangzhou winter vegetables as a condiment, which will make the dishes and soups add flavor. At that time, there was also the dish of "stir-fried second winter", which was selected from winter shoots and Cangzhou winter vegetables for stir-frying.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

After the founding of New China in 1951, the original winter vegetable manufacturers carried out public-private partnerships. On this basis, the "Yuan He" winter vegetable factory based on the Ma surname was established. On the basis of the original production process, the new factory has innovated the production process, improving product quality and production scale.

The original annual output of hundreds of thousands of kilograms of winter vegetables increased to an annual output of 2 million kilograms, and the export volume also increased greatly. In addition to being sold to major cities such as Beijing, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Shanghai, and Guangzhou in China, it has also appeared on the table of Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore and Indonesia abroad.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

However, due to the decline in the production of raw materials and other reasons, the output of winter vegetables also decreased. However, there are still manufacturers and workshops producing winter vegetables in Cangzhou.

Cangzhou winter vegetables taste fragrant, crisp and smooth and slightly spicy, plus it is sealed packaging, which has a proper proportion of moisture, not easy to decay, so it has the characteristics of spring not dry, summer not rotten, autumn not moldy, winter not frozen, loved by the masses. It can be said that no matter what the season, Cangzhou winter vegetables are delicious dishes on people's tables.

The story of Cangzhou winter vegetables: the history is more than 300 years, once produced 2 million pounds per year, selling well in Southeast Asia

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