
Promote the effective integration of rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy丨Peng Xiaochun led a team to Wuzhou City to carry out supervision and investigation of key proposals of the AUTONOMOUS Regional CPPCC

author:Wuzhou released

#力争上游新梧州 #

On October 27, Peng Xiaochun, vice chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Regional Committee, led a research group for the supervision and investigation of proposals of the AUTONOMOUS Regional CPPCC to our city to supervise and investigate the "Proposal on Vigorously Implementing the Action of "Ten Thousand Enterprises and Ten Thousand Villages", Guiding Private Enterprises to Participate in Rural Revitalization, and Promoting Common Prosperity" put forward by the Autonomous Regional Federation of Industry and Commerce during the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC Autonomous Region. Jiang Liansheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Zhenrao, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, accompanied the investigation.

Promote the effective integration of rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy丨Peng Xiaochun led a team to Wuzhou City to carry out supervision and investigation of key proposals of the AUTONOMOUS Regional CPPCC
Promote the effective integration of rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy丨Peng Xiaochun led a team to Wuzhou City to carry out supervision and investigation of key proposals of the AUTONOMOUS Regional CPPCC

On October 27, Peng Xiaochun, vice chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Regional Committee, led the research team of the Autonomous Regional CPPCC Proposal Supervision and Investigation Team to our city to carry out supervision and research work. Jiang Liansheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Zhenrao, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, accompanied the investigation. Photo by Li Hongrong

Cen Xi Foreign Trade Chicken Farm Co., Ltd. implements the production and operation mode of "company + farmer + customer", drives the employment and income of local villagers with the classical chicken industry, and activates the rural economy; Wuzhou Tianyu Tea Industry Co., Ltd. creates a comprehensive tea garden project, using the advantages of the enterprise to help rural revitalization and drive local farmers to increase income. Focusing on the theme of this survey, Peng Xiaochun and his party successively visited the above two private enterprises, conducted in-depth exchanges with the responsible persons of the enterprises, learned more about the development planning, production and operation of enterprises and participation in rural revitalization, and affirmed the practice of enterprises giving play to the advantages of "industrial hematopoiesis" and organically combining industrial upgrading with promoting rural revitalization.

Peng Xiaochun pointed out that for the revitalization of the countryside, industry is the key. Industrial upgrading is the key to helping rural revitalization, and private enterprises are an important force in promoting rural revitalization. Wuzhou City should strengthen the top-level design, combine the layout of rural revitalization industry development priorities, guide private enterprises to actively participate in rural revitalization, and contribute to the realization of high-quality and efficient industries, livable and livable in rural areas, and rich and prosperous farmers; it is necessary to guide private enterprises to find an accurate positioning in rural revitalization, promote private enterprises to deeply integrate their own advantages with rural resources, and further play a good role as the main body of the market. Private enterprises should seize the important opportunity of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, accelerate their own transformation and upgrading, make full use of the advantages of the market, technology, information and so on, strengthen industrial integration and resource docking, realize the organic combination of village enterprise advantages, help build a modern rural industrial system, and take the road of sustainable development.

Jiang Liansheng said that at present, Wuzhou City is fully implementing the spirit of the 14th Party Congress, unswervingly implementing the new development concept, closely following the theme of high-quality development, vigorously implementing an industrially strong city and an industrial revitalization city, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. The city will take this survey as an opportunity to fully grasp the implementation of the strategy requirements of rural revitalization, strengthen modern characteristic agriculture, strengthen characteristic advantageous industries, vigorously develop the Liupao tea industry, organize, guide and serve private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization, promote the effective integration of rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy, comprehensively enhance the "shape and soul" of rural areas, and bring rural revitalization work to a new level.

Lei Deming, deputy secretary general of the CPPCC Regional Committee and deputy director of the General Office; Li Xing, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Regional Committee and director of the Motions Committee; Lei Duorong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region and deputy director of the Proposal Committee; Mo Yuhe, member of the CPPCC Autonomous Regional Committee, vice chairman of the Liuzhou Municipal CPPCC Committee, and chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce; Li Guizhen, member of the CPPCC Autonomous Regional Committee and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Wuzhou Municipal People's Congress; Su Jingchang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Autonomous Region and vice chairman (concurrently) of the Autonomous Regional Federation of Industry and Commerce; and other members of the research group participated in the investigation and study, and Municipal leader Mo Yongdong attended the relevant activities.

Source: Wuzhou Publishing Editorial Office