
Ran Yi: Huxiang culture spreads to Dongying and its far-reaching influence

author:Red Net
Ran Yi: Huxiang culture spreads to Dongying and its far-reaching influence

Yongzhou Moya stone carving rubbing, in the National Museum exhibition, the scene simulated Yongzhou cliffs and rocks, as if personally under the cliffs, text, characters, stones and heaven and earth shine together, moving. "Ode to The Tang Dynasty Zhongxing", "Ode to the Great Song Dynasty" and "Ode to the Great Ming Zhongxing" were exhibited for the first time, witnessing the decline and prosperity of the millennium. On the occasion of China's rejuvenation, inheriting China's excellent traditional culture, carrying forward the friendship, beauty and commonality, is the mission and responsibility of our people.

One. Yongzhou Tanyan Weiqiao "Message" "Eight Scenic Pictures"

Yongzhou Moya stone carving rubbings, Jinjing exhibition, 60 rubbings, with "Zhongxing Ode" is the most eye-catching, but there is also the Southern Song Dynasty Yongzhou Zhizhou Weiqiao, a rubbing of the light rock inscription poem, its inscription cloud: "Embedded rock cave valley to Zengduo, helpless to search for secret Suo He." Here the clouds are through the wind and the moon, and the short flute is not waiting for the carrot. Shame on the state family has nothing, Bo You also loves the small pot. If you write with a clever pen Danqing, you should win the eight scenery. Shaoding 癸巳 May both wangjun shouzhong Wu Wei Qiao Shan Fu title. Wei Qiao was overwhelmed by the beauty of Xiaoxiang's real scene, and made no secret of saying that Xiaoxiang's real scene was better than the "Eight Scenic Maps" of the past. Wei Qiao also has another inscription on Wanshi Mountain and a stone carving in Yongzhou, which do not say "Eight Scenic Maps", so why only in the Light Rock inscription poem "Eight Scenic Maps"? Hui Tianyi Jinshi as a lesson, the Northern Song Dynasty literati painter Song Di, who founded the "Eight Scenic Pictures", also personally bowed to Tanyan and left an inscription: "On the eighth day of the first month of March in the eighth year of Jiayou, the transfer judge ShangshuDu official Wailang Song Diyou. "Song Di's inscription is only a stone-carved rubbing, the upper right seal: Jiading Qu Mufu Tibetan Seal; the lower right seal: Peking University Jingshi Tibetan Seal; the lower left seal: Dongwu Liu Xihai Tibetan Seal." Song Di's inscription, through the rubbings, has been passed down to this day, which is not easy. With this inscription, it can be confirmed that he once performed his duties Xiaoxiang, and in 1063, as far as Xiaoshui, his footprints set foot in the hinterland of Yongzhou. Song Di ancestors for six generations as officials, poetry and books heirloom, Song Di is undoubtedly deeply immersed in classical art, familiar with Xiaoxiang Shenyun, boat xiaoxiang ershui, personally see the real scene, emotionally moved in the middle, conceive the painting title, and write the "Eight Scenic Pictures" with a wave. However, Song Di's "Eight Scenic Pictures" does not exist, which is a pity.

In March 2019, the author went to the light rock to investigate, stood weiqiao stone carving before carefully inspecting, saw that the chiseled square above it is slightly longer, concave, the size is regular, and the size of the existing Song Di rubbings is quite consistent, and the instantaneous intuition that this may be the song di inscription relic. When Wei Qiao inscribed a poem, he should be staring at Song Di's inscription stone carving and inscription poem, and the two intersected in the air of The Light Rock. For more than 100 years, the prosperity of the Eight Scenic Cultures has once again been verified by the Immortal Golden Stone in Yongzhou's Tamyan Cliff.

Two. The spread and influence of Huxiang culture in Japan

"Chu Ci", the mother of classical Chinese literature, was introduced to Japan around the time of Nara, Japan, and Prince Shengde deeply understood its meaning and used it, and in 604 AD, article 14 of the Seventeen-Article Constitution was formulated, which said: "There is no jealousy among the hundred ministers." I am jealous of people, and people are jealous of me. The affliction of jealousy, I don't know the extremes. Therefore, wisdom is better than oneself, and it is displeased. To be better than oneself is to be jealous. It is after five hundred years of age that Nai Ling meets the sage. It is difficult to be holy for a thousand years. He must not be holy, so how can he govern the country? "Attacking " jealousy " evil virtues , warning courtiers of the evil of "jealousy" is completely consistent with Qu Yuan's "Departure from Sorrow", and there are no shortage of people in later generations in Japan who have studied "Chu Ci", according to the "Miscellaneous Accounts for Writing Books" in 730 A.D., the Imperial Treasury of Nara, Japan: Sixteen Volumes of the Three Books of The Three Books; 889-897 AD, Fujiwara Sasei (847ー898) wrote the "Catalogue of The Books of the Japanese State See", which recorded the "Chu Ci Jia Thirty-Two Volumes": "Chu Ci" Sixteen (Wang Yi); "Chu Ci Yin Yi" (written by Shi Zhi Qian); Chu Ci Jiyin (new author); "Departure from Sorrow" TEN (Wang Yi); "Departure from Sorrow" Sound II; "Departure from Sorrow" Run'er. From 931 to 937 AD, Yuan Shun wrote the "Wu Ming Class Cluster Banknote" to indicate the quotations of the "Departure from the Sorrow Classic" and "Chu Ci", etc., and rare historical materials attest to the far-reaching influence of Huxiang culture in Japan.

During the Heian period, Emperor Saga compiled the "Collection of Literary Beauty", the third volume of which contains the emperor and the near side imitation of the "Nine Songs" style of singing and poems "Wakai Shi Lord Autumn Moon Song": "The heavens and autumn nights come quietly and the moonlight comes, and the half-roll beaded curtain is full of wheels." Raise your hand to climb who can get it, and hold the shadow in your arms. There is less light in the dark clouds, and the wind blows to see more brightly. The shape is like Qin Mirror out of the mountain, and the color seems to be Chu Lian's doubtful heavenly dawn. When the yin and yin are three or five hours, the four seas are the same as the moon. Kyaukjie Autumn Sorrowful Spot Female Fan, Linglong Night Jian Ruan Gong Curtain. It was late in autumn, and Yu Sai Zhengfu had forgotten to return for a long time. At this time, the concubine was on a tall building, and the couple was overwhelmed with sorrow. Three more dew heavy ringing, five nights wind blowing anvil pestle sound. Mingyue does not change color every year, and it happens to see people's years and years. The cold sound of the bamboo window is empty, and the evening shadow is depressed and the willow door is sparse. Don't steal medicine from Concubine, empty girl hates the moon and leaves. The song repeatedly says the moon view of Dongting, admiration, can be seen, and not only the vision of Xiaoxiang literature, but also in 815, next to its marriage hall "Saga-in", it is proposed that "China Dongting Lake" chiseled earth to build the first artificial lake in Japanese history, named "Ting Lake". Inscription of the Kyoto Municipal Government. In 1994, the Nara National Institute of Cultural Property archaeology confirmed that its water source came from the "Nakozen Waterfall" one square kilometer away from Lake Ting. The center of the lake protrudes "Tinghu Stone" (water level measurement. Chisel lake standing).

The "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" produced by the Northern Song Dynasty, in the thirteenth century, was introduced to Japan through Sino-Japanese Zen cultural exchanges, becoming a cultural phenomenon with a profound influence on Japan, and the famous scholar Hiroyuki Suzuki pointed out that it was "the most classic material and creative source in the field of Japanese culture and art" (1993); the authentic "Eight Views" painted by Muxi and Yujian was identified as a "priceless treasure" (Takagi Bun, 1935). The Chinese Zen monks Da xiu zheng nian (1214-1289) and Yishan Yining (1247-1317), who went to Japan in 1269 and 1299 respectively, were the first to write the eight views of Xiaoxiang in Japan. The eight poems of the Great Hugh Zen Master are included in the "Sayings of the Great Hugh". The eight scenery poem of Zen Master Ilsan is an inscription poem painted for the Japanese Zen monk Si Zhan, "Pingsha Falling Goose Map" (the earliest surviving eight views of ink in Japan, now in the collection of the Kyoto National Museum): Chai Sai Han should be early, and the south is in the autumn. Flying on the sand, it is not enough to stop the rice sorghum plot. Pingsha Falling Goose Yishan Book (Yishan Seal). The Zen master SiKan was not in Xiaoxiang, and painted the eight wonderful scenes of Xiaoxiang "Pingsha Falling Goose Map". Yishan inscription poem annotation pictorial meaning, Sikan painting song Zen meaning, heavenly clothes wonderful combination, is a classic masterpiece of Sino-Japanese Zen cultural exchanges. Ilsan Zen master is very knowledgeable, good at poetry, good at calligraphy, and familiar with Confucianism, Interpretation, and Taoism. He served as the third abbot of Nanzen-ji Temple, the highest Zen temple in Kyoto, and in his later years was appointed as the Headmaster of the Imperial Household Emperor, and in October 1317 he died, emperor's edict on Kameyama, the Imperial Spirit Pagoda, and the Komagotaki Main Hall, the imperial cemetery of The Southern Zen Temple. In the process of propagating the Dharma, the Zen masters of Da Xiu and Yishan sowed the seeds of the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang Culture, and the flowers bloomed and lasted for a long time, "Why is the incense as promised, and there is a source of living water."

Song Di's painting of the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" was very regrettable, and the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" painted by the monks Muxi and Yujian at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty were all transmitted to Japan. Muxi's painting "Eight Views" is full of Zen meaning, grasping the essence of the object, expressing the mental image of self, transcending the shape, abandoning the logical depiction of concepts, the painting style is minimalist, quiet and silent, metaphorical symbolism, and deep cultural meaning of dry and lonely.

At that time, Japan was in an important period of social transformation, but also the era of Innovation of Buddhism, the introduction of Zen Buddhism, to Japan to send new cultural ideology and ideological resources, impact the Previous World View and Outlook on Life of the Japanese Nation, and brought about a huge change in the core value consciousness. Fundamentally reshape the ideological connotation of the Kamakura shogunate and reconstruct the belief and purpose of the regime. Because of its profound mental practice and spiritual connotation, Zen Buddhism is regarded as the ideological magic weapon of Wang Zhengzhen to guard the country and revitalize Zen and protect the country. Zen Buddhism provided the shogunate rulers with a resource of new ideas to reinvent the state, the monarchy, and political rule, and profoundly influenced Japan's historical and cultural value orientation. The authentic work of Makiki is undoubtedly in line with the spiritual and cultural demands of Japan, so it is deeply rooted in Japanese culture.

The Eight Scenic Spots of Xiaoxiang are full of cultural integration, and the Japanese Eight Views of Xiaoxiang Poetry and Painting contain deep Zen meaning and strong local customs. A well-known chinese "one Hugh Brother" Yi Xiu Zongchun (1394-1481. Emperor Xiaosong), endowed with two groups of 16 "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" poems, "Xiaoxiang Night Rain" (1): "Su yu Xiao Xiao Xiang Shui Yin, drifting zero shackles a body chant." Huangling Xiuzhu Temple in front of the tears, blue sea blue sky night heart. "Its (two)" two concubines pink Dai Jiu Ling horizontal, teardrops who family remnant dream Qing. The Huangling Temple wept a bunch of bamboo, and the Holy Lord's wind and current also rained. "The poem is deep, lamenting that Emperor Shun and Ying'e Erfei have sung a song for thousands of years, the deep meaning overlaps With Yi Xiu's own life situation, revealing his loneliness and sadness in a foreign country, and the poems of "Xiangshui", "Huangling Xiuzhu", "Erfei Fandai" and "Jiu Ling", reflecting a Hugh who is familiar with xiaoxiang geography, not in Xiaoxiang as if he is writing Xiaoxiang, the poetic image contains a deep reading of Xiaoxiang's literary grievances and sorrows.

Ran Yi: Huxiang culture spreads to Dongying and its far-reaching influence

Three. The Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan, has eight scenic halls

According to the Muromachi Shogunate Treasure Connoisseur Treasure Treasury of Japan, "The Chronicle of Muromachi Den Yuki Yuki", (Collection of The Tokugawa Museum of Art), "In the ninth year of eternal life (1437), Ashikaga Yoshikyo (1394-1441), the sixth shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, followed the example of his father and welcomed emperor Yuki Muromachido (1419-70) to the Back Garden Emperor. The east and west walls of the hall 'Royal Twelve Rooms' are symmetrical, and each hangs four "Eight Scenic Pictures" of Muxi; the front barrier is hung with the "Eight Views" painted by Xia Jue, the highest representative of the Southern Song Dynasty court painting; the "West Side Royal Seven Rooms" east and west walls are symmetrical, and each hangs four Yujian "Eight Scenic Pictures". These are the treasures of his father, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), the third shogun of the 3rd shogunate, which were solemnly exhibited in March 1408 when Ashikaga Yoshimitsu greeted Emperor Komatsu at the Hokusan-den (Cash Pavilion Temple). The Muromachi shogunate was based on far-reaching strategic thinking. First of all, it opened up trade with China, invested huge amounts of money, purchased Chinese treasures, and after being appraised by the shogunate's general manager Neng Ami, planned a large-scale tea party, carefully designed the art, and then arranged a large-scale special exhibition of Chinese treasures, highlighting the shogunate's highly open attitude to introduce advanced Chinese culture, and showing that the shogunate general has the supreme appreciation of China's elegant art treasures. Continuously interpret such large-scale cultural activities, and build a political system and cultural system that competes with the imperial culture, so as to consolidate its overall ruling power. It is worth noting that in the above activities, the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" played an important role that cannot be ignored, taking the emperor's luck as an opportunity to introduce the culture of The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang into the court. In 1596 (the first year of Keisaku, Japan), with the intention of "the matter of Tianzi Imperial Arts, the first imperial learning", the Kyoto Imperial Palace (Imperial Palace) added a "Imperial Learning Institute", with the "Eight Scenic Halls" (extant), with three entrances, the upper hall, the barrier mural "Dongting Autumn Moon", the middle hall decorated with the obstacle mural "Orchid Pavilion Sequence", and the lower hall decorated with gold leaf bottom Yamato painted towering green pine painting. On the west side of the "Eight Scenic Halls", there are chrysanthemum rooms, mountain blowing rooms, and large geese rooms, which are equipped with calligraphy and painting hanging scrolls, niches for flower arrangement, and staggered shelves where literary plays are placed, and pure one-color academy-style decorations. The Prince's Reading Club, the Palace Moon Ceremony, the Song Festival, and the major ceremonies to receive the important ministers are all carried out in the "Eight Scenic Hall", which can be said that the Prince's Mengxue is also bathed in the cultural atmosphere of the Eight Scenic Spots. As the Taisho poet Gao Muwen said in his 1926 essay: "Historical changes, wars and man-made disasters, several chaotic times, blessings from heaven, I am fortunate to be able to enjoy the authentic works of the Eight Scenic Pictures five hundred years later today, and I am really pleased." These authentic works no longer exist in China, and I must say that they are still priceless treasures that exist in our country. "In October 1962, the Nezu Museum of Art in Japan held the "Xiaoxiang Eight Scenic Pictures Exhibition", which highly affirmed the supreme artistic value of Xiaoxiang Eight Scenic Poems, and its album "Preface", saying: Xiaoxiang Eight Views, unprecedented influence on our state painting world, in the 13th century, Muromachi ink painters selflessly bid to paint "Eight Scenic Pictures", to the 18th century Edo period Kano school, painting skills are exquisitely trained, in the comparison with the authentic works of Makikei and Yujian, how to seek change, the painted "Eight Scenic Pictures", can be called a treasure, today, luxury and dreams are fulfilled, It is exhibited with 4 large axes, 1 small axis and 3 paintings of Yujian in Muxi in China. All the celebrities were able to enjoy the eight scenic pictures of Xiaoxiang from China. This is of immeasurable significance to the improvement of our state's ink painting art. Congratulations! Luckily! Luckily!

On October 22, 2019, the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor of Japan, the grand special exhibition "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang - "Development and Inheritance of "Sleepy Tour" at the Izumi Museum on the west side of the Imperial Palace Plaza, the first ink xiaoxiang eight views of the first exhibition room, it is in 1408 and 1437, the Muromachi shogunate grandly arranged the exhibition, the emperor walked the Yuki Muromachi Hall, and the "City Qinglan Map" in the hanging yujian painting "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang", the fine preservation of poetry and painting treasures is indeed worthy of my generation's deep consideration.

On June 5, 2021, former Japanese Prime Minister Hosokawa Gohide, at the age of 83, painted a huge ink barrier mural "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" to Kenin-ji Temple in the East Ward of Kyoto City, as a decoration of the "Honba" Dai-gakuin, the central building of the temple. "Asahi Shimbun" and other mainstream media reported 33 reports, "Kyoto Shimbun" detailed: It took a year to paint two rivers in Hunan Province, such as Qinglan in Shan City and Pingsha Luoyan, the confluence of Xiaoshui and Xiangshui, into the eight characteristics of the scenic scenery along Dongting Lake; KYODO (Kyoto) headline report: The murals painted are the eight scenic spots of Xiaoxiang in the landscape ink of the fishing villages in Hunan Province, China, and the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" and "The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" and "The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" (2021.6.7 Kyoto Daily) reported: The paintings are the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" in the fishing villages of Hunan Province, China. The barrier 1 is 1.83 meters high and 1.39 meters wide, and the 12 double-sided paintings are 24 sides, with a total length of 33.36 meters, which is the largest scale of the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" since the Northern Song Dynasty and Song Di founded the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang. Hosokawa himself introduced: "depicts the beautiful climate and seasons", Lenovo hosokawa in 2018 to the National Library of China free of charge to the National Library of China 36 parts of 4175 volumes of precious Chinese books, in the long history of Sino-Japanese friendship wrote a strong ink and color, Hosokawa's interpretation has a deep meaning, contains praise and evaluation of today's China. Japanese media reports reflect the deep memory of Xiaoxiang's literature, history and Huxiang geography in the seven centuries since the introduction of the Eight Views of Xiaoxiang to Japan, and attest to the appeal of Huxiang culture on the international stage.

The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang is a synthetic classic of Xiaoxiang literature, painting and history. Into the light vegetarian, out of the plain, poetry painting god product. It is the ultimate pure beauty image of the East, through the depiction of poetry, painting, song, natural scenery and people singing, flowing out of noble culture and beautiful rhythm, the meaning is grand and profound, and the meaning is long. It contains the rich ideas of oriental rhythmic aesthetics, producing endless aesthetic value and supreme artistic value. Xiaoxiang literature as the background of cultural integration, with the "Eight Views of Xiaoxiang" time and space radiation, radiation of neighboring countries, through Japan to the West and continuously derived, producing a textbook-level classic effect. The Eight Views of Xiaoxiang are landmarks of Huxiang culture and also landmarks of Asian culture. The ancestors went out for Chinese culture, wisely guided, and guided practice, which set an example for us, and interpreted the aesthetic proposition of "how the nation becomes the world" with individual cases, highlighting the importance of Huxiang culture to the construction of the world's literary and artistic map, thus providing a soft power think tank example for contemporary Chinese culture to go global, and also providing the most reliable historical mirror and realistic example for today's dissemination of Chinese excellent culture and the establishment of a colorful and three-dimensional Image of China.

(Author Affilications:Hunan Normal University)