
Feel the "pulse of the times" from the repertoire of the exhibition and performances- Looking back at the 17th China Drama Festival

author:Hubei Daily
Feel the "pulse of the times" from the repertoire of the exhibition and performances- Looking back at the 17th China Drama Festival

On the evening of October 27, the 17th China Drama Festival closed. During this year's drama festival, 31 plays from 23 provinces, municipalities directly under the central government and autonomous regions across the country took the stage to perform, covering 14 opera dramas such as Peking Opera, Kun opera, and commentary, as well as dramas, operas, children's dramas, etc., which made the people of Jiangcheng City feast their eyes.

For many consecutive days, Mr. Li, a citizen of Wuhan, "rushed to the scene" to watch the performance, and his intention was still unfinished. "From the repertoire of the festival, I really feel the pulse of the times."

Hubei fine dramas shine at the drama festival

"Identification belt, sacrifice belt, wear in the child's body looking forward to return." The strong man went to xi Ying's name, and the stripes were connected to the mother's heart. On October 11, the modern Peking Opera "Connecting Hearts" of The Peking Opera House in Hubei Province was selected as the selected play of the 17th China Drama Festival and was brilliantly performed on the Jingyun Grand Stage.

"Connecting Hearts" adopts a romantic approach and enthusiastically praises the great sacrifices made by the Xiang'egan people represented by Huang Juying for the cause of the Chinese revolution. The drama has been preparing for creation since the beginning of 2019, and the screenwriter has repeatedly gone to Tongshan County, Chongyang County, Tongcheng County and other places in Hubei Province to collect style. This work uses realistic and atmospheric stage scenes, delicate and nuanced character portrayals, and gripping lyrics to reproduce the heroic and touching stories of the Red Army in those years; Hubei folk songs and Peking Opera singing voices are skillfully combined, with sound and affection, the momentum is magnificent, and the melody is exciting; modern dance, shocking sound and light sound effects, and wonderful martial arts dramas showing the Red Army battlefield battles, let the audience be greatly addicted.

In this year's drama festival, a series of Hubei fine repertoire have become the pearls of the shining stage.

The modern Chu opera "Xiang Police Yu", created by the Wuhan Chu Theater, adapted by the famous playwright Zhao Ruitai and starring Xia Qingling, winner of the "Plum Blossom Award" and "Wenhua Award", shows the revolutionary spirit and noble character of Xiang Jingyu, the only female founder of the Communist Party of China and the first central women's minister, who pursued ideals, was loyal to faith, and was unswerving until death.

The Peking Opera "Mother", created by Wuhan Peking Opera Co., Ltd., tells the touching story of Ge Jianhao, the "little foot mother", from the old democratic revolution to the new democratic revolution, and dedicated his life to the liberation cause of the Chinese people.

Red gene, through history, passed down to this day.

The drama "Retrograde" created and performed by Wuhan People's Art Theater through the emotional entanglement of Liu Yuxian, director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Wuhan Hospital, his teacher Jiang Lingyun and the takeaway brother Chen Hansheng in the epidemic, shows the great efforts and sacrifices of the people of Wuhan in the fight against the epidemic, and interprets the value of life and the spirit of fighting without admitting defeat with shocking drama plots such as "sudden arrival", "precautions", "saving lives", "fighting the epidemic of the whole people", "rushing to the rescue of the whole country" and "greeting the dawn".

Famous dramas from all over the world gather to interpret the "feelings of home and country"

This year's drama festival, in addition to the dazzling Hubei repertoire, famous dramas from all over the world also gathered together to interpret the feelings of home and country.

On the evening of the 20th, the drama "Deep Sea" produced by Guangdong Provincial Drama Theatre Co., Ltd. once again came to Wuhan, where Huang Xuhua worked, and appeared at the 17th China Drama Festival at the Qintai Grand Theater. Written by famous playwrights Zhou Zhentian and Chen Xuan, directed by famous director Huang Dingshan, starring Yang Chunrong, winner of the "Plum Blossom Award", and Ju Yuebin, a national first-class actor, the drama tells the touching deeds of Huang Xuhua, winner of the "Order of the Republic" and "father of China's nuclear submarines", who has been away from home for 30 years and devoted himself to tackling key problems for 60 years.

After the 2-hour performance, as the lights gradually turned on, people were pleasantly surprised to find that Academician Huang Xuhua was sitting in the audience, silently applauding the actors who were closing the curtain. The audience stood up one after another, saluted Academician Huang Xuhua with applause, and slowly left the theater surrounded by his wheelchair.

The Hunan Flower Drum Opera "Cai KunShan Cultivating Fields", created by the Hunan Provincial Flower Drum Opera Protection and Inheritance Center, was unveiled in Wuhan as the only work in Hunan Province selected for this drama festival. At a time when the revolutionary theme is full of brilliance, as the first newly compiled costume "comedy" carefully created by the Hunan Provincial Flower Drum Opera Protection and Inheritance Center in recent years, "Cai Kunshan Ploughing Field" has become one of the highlights of everyone's attention.

"The island is in the land, and the neem blossoms and the red flag flutters." The realistic Theme Peking Opera "Neem Tree Flower" was unveiled at the 17th China Drama Festival in Han. The 130-minute repertoire, "singing, reading, doing, and dancing", is complete, telling the story of Wang Jicai, former director of the militia post on Kaishan Island in Guanyun County, Jiangsu Province, and his wife Wang Shihua stationed in Kaishan Island, a frontier in the Yellow Sea, for 32 years.

Qiqihar City Repertory Theatre's large-scale original drama "Bu Kui Fengyun", set against the background of qiqihar's two foreign invasions and two uprisings, shows the story of what happened in Bu Kui's old city in the past 30 years, such as the change of Gengzi in 1900, the death of General Shoushan, the entry of Russian troops into the city, the "918 Incident", the Ma Zhanshan River Bridge Resistance War, and the Japanese invasion.

In addition to the exchange of repertoire, there is also a collision of views

Since the opening of this year's drama festival, it has not only become an exhibition stage for outstanding plays in the country, but also a communication platform for the discussion of theater theory.

On October 15th, the 17th China Drama Festival - Chinese Theater Directors Art Summit Forum was held in Wuhan. Ren Ming, Wang Xiaoying and dozens of other theater directors, artists, and theater critics attended the forum, and nearly 100 front-line backbone theater workers involved in various fields such as screenwriters, directors, music, stage art, commentary, and theater management listened to the forum discussion.

If the characters on the stage have some shortcomings, they become "breakthroughs", how to overcome this phenomenon? How to solve the problem that the works are not rich, not profound, unimaginative, and unintenable? The participating directors and artists made keynote speeches on "The Essence of Drama and the Practical View of Contemporary Directors", and exchanged views on "Drama and The Times, Theater and the Audience" and "Creative Consciousness and Pursuit of Contemporary Theater Directors".

On October 19th, "Shouzheng Innovation - The 17th China Drama Festival and China Theater Performing Arts Summit Forum" was held in Wuhan. Artists, experts and scholars in many fields discuss the integrity and innovation of theatrical art in Hanzhong.

The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism said that this year's Chinese Drama Festival was successfully held in Han, showing the charm of theater art across the country, and hoped that this artistic feast could continue to inherit and carry forward Chinese drama.

(Hubei Daily full media reporter Yan Fangting correspondent Wu Wen travel)

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