
Tianzi is not the same as Bai Yi, and behind the strength that makes Dong Xuanming famous in history is Liu Xiu's mind

author:Xu Jiuli

In the nineteenth year of Han Guangwu (43 AD), the famous historical Qiangxiang Order Incident occurred in Luoyang, Kyoto, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Dong Xuan of Luoyang County was not afraid of the powerful and impartial law enforcement, refused to kowtow to the Princess Huyang who was harboring illegal slaves, and won the reputation of qiangxiang order, and in this incident, the performance of the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu was also perfect, and the several compromises and concessions made by him fully demonstrated the mind of a generation of emperors.

Tianzi is not the same as Bai Yi, and behind the strength that makes Dong Xuanming famous in history is Liu Xiu's mind

The cause of the matter

The cause of the incident was that Liu Xiu's sister Princess Huyang had a slave who killed people in public, and when the officials arrested her, this slave was hidden in the Huyang Princess Mansion, and the officials could not enter the Princess Mansion to arrest the prisoners. Perhaps because the official who handled the case had been unable to do anything about himself, the courage of this fugitive slave also increased, and when Princess Huyang went out once, this slave actually followed the princess out of the princess palace in the princess's carriage.

Luoyang County ordered Dong Xuan to see the situation, immediately waited at the Xia Men Pavilion, slashed the ground with a knife, and stopped the huyang princess's car. Dong Xuan loudly accused Princess Huyang of harboring the prisoner's fault, angrily rebuked the slave for getting out of the car, and killed her in front of Princess Huyang. This scene also became the singing section of "The Anger of the People in Front of the Xia men Pavilion" in the later Peking Opera "Strong Order".

Princess Huyang was greatly humiliated, and in anger complained to Liu Xiu, who was furious when she heard what had happened, summoned Dong Xuan over, and ordered the internal servants to beat Dong Xuan to death in court.

Note that Liu Xiu wanted to kill Dong Xuan, not because Dong Xuan killed the slaves, but because Dong Xuan committed a crime, and as a Han Chen, he offended the royal majesty and violated the discipline of the monarch, which was taboo in any dynasty in the imperial society. Dong Xuan first forcibly blocked princess Huyang's car, then publicly accused the princess of negligence, and even killed people in front of the princess, each of which was an offense to the dignity of the princess.

Imperial power is supreme, which was the greatest rule in ancient society, and whoever offended the imperial power was punished or even killed. Taking the two ministers of the Han Wu Emperor period as an example, the Right Inner History (the governor of the Gyeonggi region) Yi Zhong, who enforced the law impartially when he was a local official, was deeply appreciated by Emperor Wu of Han, and as a result, just because he arrested several officials who complained, he was considered by Emperor Wu of Han to be opposing the order to sue and was killed on the charge of great disrespect, and The Great Si Nong (in charge of state agriculture and finance) Yan Yi was the tenth grandson of Yan Hui, just because when talking to people, the other party spoke disrespectfully to the emperor, Yan Yi did not refute on the spot, was reported, and finally was detained with "unspoken and slanderous" (Although he did not say it in his mouth, but he thought so in his heart) he was executed for the crime.

Liu Xiu's first concession

When his life was hanging by the line, Dong Xuan said a word that calmed Liu Xiu, who was in a rage. Dong Xuan said loudly, "Since Your Majesty wants to rule the world, how can you condone your own slaves to break the law without punishing them, and abolish public affairs because of private feelings, how can you govern the world?" I don't need you to kill me, I hit the wall and killed myself. After saying that Dong Xuan's head crashed into the pillar, "hit the tree with his head, bleeding and being faced", Liu Xiu saw it and hurriedly let the internal attendant stop Dong Xuan.

Dong Xuan's words made Liu Xiu wake up, yes, although Dong Xuan has committed the following crimes, he is out of the painstaking intention of safeguarding the dignity of the legal system. To maintain the royal majesty, it is necessary to kill Dong Xuan, and to achieve the great rule of the world, the country needs a good minister like Dong Xuan. Between maintaining the royal majesty and realizing the ideal of the great rule of the world, Liu Xiu chose the latter, so Liu Xiu pardoned Dong Xuan for the capital crime of committing crimes as a vassal, and made Dong Xuan kowtow to Princess Huyang and confess his mistake. This was Liu Xiu's first compromise concession.

Liu Xiu's second concession

Liu Xiu pardoned Dong Xuan's capital offense and gave Dong Xuan great grace, as long as Dong Xuan bowed his head on the donkey and confessed his mistake, the matter passed. Kowtowing to the princess as a courtier is only basic etiquette, not a strange shame. But what Liu Xiu did not expect was that Dong Xuan was a stubborn and tough man, there were not so many twists and turns, in Dong Xuan's view, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no recognition of the wrong thing, he is not wrong, talk about how to kowtow to the princess and admit mistakes. The emperor gave the steps down, but Dong Xuan did not go down the slope of the donkey, saying that it was a little smaller, this is a low emotional intelligence, saying that it was bigger, this was to take the emperor to open the shabu, when he met the Qin Emperor Han Wu, a bad-tempered lord, Dong Xuan's life could be saved before he could see the ghost.

Dong Xuan's face did not give face, which angered Liu Xiu again, and Liu Xiu ordered the internal servant to forcibly escort Dong Xuan and kowtow to Princess Huyang. Liu Xiu used Tianzi's authoritarian power to exert pressure and tried to force Dong Xuan to bow his head.

In the face of the pressure of Tianwei, Dong Xuan always refused to bow his head in both hands, "Xuan two hands of the stronghold, and finally refused to bow", the history books recorded that the strong point made the neck stiff and dead and did not bow his head.

According to the "Later Han Shu Dong Propaganda", Dong Xuan did the Luoyang County Order for a total of five years, and finally died in office at the age of 74, so Dong Xuan's age at this time should be around 70 years old. A white-haired septuagenarian, already old and weak, in the face of strong oppression, he was powerless to resist, but he always adhered to his beliefs, and always had a proud bone that did not easily bow his head. A soldier can be killed without humiliation, and his head can be broken and cannot be bent, this is Dong Xuan!

Dong Xuan's great righteousness and integrity finally impressed Liu Xiu, and the Tianzi pressure could not yield to his will, what else in the world could make Dong Xuan bow his head? Fair law enforcement is easier said than done, but how many officials can not shrink back in the face of power? An official like Dong Xuan, who adheres to discipline and righteousness, is the wealth of the country!

So Liu Xiu ordered a pardon for Dong Xuan and gave Dong Xuan 300,000 yuan as a sign of encouragement.

Between maintaining the emperor's authority and respecting the discipline of the scholars, Liu Xiu once again chose the latter, and he made his own compromise concessions to preserve Dong Xuan's proud bones, which was not only out of love for Dong Xuan, but also respect for the style and bones of the scholars! Mencius's so-called great husband "rich and noble cannot be adulterous, poor and lowly cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be bent", Dong Xuan is also so!

In fact, Liu Xiu's appreciation for Dong Xuan is consistent. Dong Xuan was transferred to prison by Ting Wei (the highest judicial organ of the Han Dynasty) for too strict law enforcement and too many murders during his tenure as Minister of the Beihai State, and when Dong Xuan was about to go to the execution ground, the envoy sent by Liu Xiu arrived and left someone under the knife to save Dong Xuan. Later, Dong Xuan was dismissed from office when he was too defensive in Jiangxia, and it was Liu Xiu kai'en who slightly insulted the county governor from the Yin clan who was dismissed from his post, and he reappointed Dong Xuan as the Luoyang Commander.

The Son of Heaven is not the same as the White

With Lü Bu's courage, he was still tied up in the White Gate City Tower and could not get out, Dong Xuan was an old man of ancient age, Liu Xiu really couldn't hold Dong Xuan's head high? It was nothing more than Liu Xiu's refusal to force Dong Xuan. This puzzled Princess Huyang, who asked Liu Xiu: "Uncle Wen (Uncle Wen of Liu Xiuzi) When you were just a commoner, you often hid criminals who broke the law at home, and the officials did not dare to come to the door to arrest you, and now that you are the emperor, you have supreme power in your hands, why don't you dare to take a county order to open a knife?"

In this regard, Liu Xiuhaha smiled and said: "The Son of Heaven is not the same as the white clothes." What this means is that the roles and identities of the emperor and the common people are different, the power and responsibility obligations are also different, and some of the things that the ordinary people can do, the emperor sometimes can't do. Taking Princess Huyang's words as an example, when Liu Xiu was a farmer at home, he often hid criminals who broke the law, and it was obvious that he was not a law-abiding and good citizen in the strict sense at that time, in other words, Liu Xiu, as a common man, was a potential destroyer of the legal system. After becoming emperor, Liu Xiu became the formulator and final arbiter of the legal system, if Liu Xiu did not take the lead in safeguarding the justice of the law, the dignity of the legal system would be wiped out, and how could he realize the ideal of the great rule of the world?

As the saying goes, there are a lot of adults. As the Son of Heaven, the Emperor holds the power of the life and death of the people of the world, is the supreme arbiter of all affairs, and has such great power, naturally needs to have higher moral restraints. If the emperor cannot restrain himself from abusing his power and acting willfully, then it will bring terrible disasters to the world.

Qin Shi Huang treated the people of the world harshly, causing the people of the world to suffer for a long time, Emperor Wu of Han was extremely poor and extravagant, resulting in waste in Hainei, qin emperor Han Wu, these two emperors throughout the ages, although they had great achievements, but in history they have long existed as a tyrant in the negative image of a tyrant (Song Zhezong was angry because the minister said that his father Song Shenzong was comparable to Emperor Wu of Han), and they as emperors did not restrain themselves and restrain their desires.

Judging from historical facts, Liu Xiu always had a clear understanding of the moral requirements of the Son of Heaven, and during his reign, he always had a strong sense of self-denial; he did not indiscriminately kill heroes, he was not, he did not seek a false name, he did not like to toss, and he was not good at great achievement (Liu Xiu once said that if he could defeat the Xiongnu with half of the world, he would fight, but now that he could not fight, it would be better not to fight and continue to recuperate). In other words, Liu Xiu was not alienated by power. This kind of restraint of the emperor himself is extremely rare in ancient Chinese history, and by virtue of this, Liu Xiu can be called a holy lord!

Strengths make the event follow.0

After making such a scene, Dong Xuanqiang's name (hard neck, described as straight and not bowing to the magnate) has spread since then. After that, Dong Xuan continued to enforce the law impartially in Luoyang, severely cracking down on the lawbreakers and strongmen, these people did not tremble and tremble and feared Dong Xuan like a tiger, so Dong Xuan was also called "Crouching Tiger" by the people of the time.

Luoyang Haoqiang feared Dong Xuan, but the people of Luoyang loved Dong Xuan very much, and at that time the song said that "the drum does not sound Dong Shaoping", which means that there is no unjust drum in front of Dong Xuan's (character Shaoping) house, describing Dong Xuan's law enforcement justice and the people's no grievances, which can be said to be a great praise, comparable to the future Generations of Bao Zheng and Hairui.

Later, Dong Xuan died in Luoyang County, Liu Xiu sent emissaries to comfort him, and saw that Dong Xuan announced that he had been covered with corpses, his wife and children were crying at home, and there were only barley counts at home and a car ride, Liu Xiu was very sad after hearing about it, saying that he did not expect Dong Xuan to be clean and poor to this point. Therefore, Liu Xiu solemnly buried Dong Xuan with the etiquette of a high-ranking official of two thousand stones, which can be said to be a great grace in the Han Dynasty, which pays attention to thick burial and regards death as life (the abundance of funerary products of Han tombs is famous). Liu Xiu also promoted Dong Xuan's son Dong as a Lang official, and Dong later became a high-ranking official of the State of Qi.

Before Dong Xuan's death, Liu Xiu repeatedly granted forgiveness and promotion of Dong Xuan, and in the incident of the strong order, Liu Xiu used the honor of the Son of Heaven as a background board, in front of Dong Xuan's proud bones, Liu Xiu chose to respect and compromise, and achieved Dong Xuan's qingshi name, after Dong Xuan's death, Liu Xiu gave Dong Xuanhou a burial treatment and favored his son. It can be said that Liu Xiu has achieved the ultimate of an emperor to Dong Xuan.

Behind Dong Xuanqiang's Qingshi legacy is Liu Xiu's enlightenment, instrumentality and restraint, without this amount of heart and chest, perhaps there will only be one more Luoyang Order in history who died innocently.

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