
Understand the tattooed eyebrows, do you understand the tattooed lips?

author:Shrimp beauty

Since the semi-permanent tattoo embroidery eyebrow and lip technology became popular in China, this semi-permanent makeup makeup method that combines traditional Chinese embroidery technology has been sought after by more and more people, especially lazy people, who like the once and for all method.

For women, there is no most beautiful, only more beautiful! Many girls choose tattooed lips in order to have beautiful and sexy lips.

Lip line and eyebrow tattoos, tattoo eyeliner is the same, are based on each person's face shape, age, personality, temperament, occupation, hobbies and other factors comprehensive consideration, design a most suitable lip shape for herself, and then the red pigment tattooed, the formation of a long-term lip contour, in order to achieve the purpose of beautifying the lips.

Understand the tattooed eyebrows, do you understand the tattooed lips?

Before you want to choose a tattooed lip, let's first understand the things that tattooed lips are.

First, let's understand the common lip shape

(1) Ideal lip shape: the contour line of the lips is clear, the lower lip is slightly thicker than the upper lip, and the size is suitable for the nose wing and the eye and face shape. The lip nodules are obvious, the corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, and the entire lip has a three-dimensional feeling.

(2) Thick lip type: The orbicularis orbicularis orbicularis muscles and loose connective tissue are developed, so that the upper and lower lips are hypertrophied, and the lip shape has a tendency to valgus (black people mostly belong to this lip type).

Understand the tattooed eyebrows, do you understand the tattooed lips?

(3) Thin lip type: The lip red part of the upper and lower lips is flat, but the lip peak and lip arch line are still obviously smooth (Caucasians mostly belong to this lip type).

(4) Upturned mouth angle type: The upturned corners of the mouth formed by the convergence of the two ends of the upper and lower lips can produce a feeling of smiling, also known as "laughing lips". This lip shape is also a deliberate pursuit of the effect when tattooing the lips.

(5) Angle sagging type: Prominent features, the corners of the mouth formed by the convergence of upper and lower lips are formed by the intersection of the upper and lower lips, giving people a sad and unpleasant feeling, which is the lip type that needs to be adjusted when decorating.

(6) Pointed and convex upper lip type: it is characterized by high lip peaks and angular edges, small lip beads and protrusions, lip contour lines are not rounded enough, and the entire lip is thin and protruding forward.

(7) Upper lip: Under normal circumstances, the upper gum is located before the lower gum bed, if the upper gum is located after the lower gum bed, it will form a situation of the upper lip contraction and the lower lip protrusion, and the upper lip is thinner and the lower lip is slightly thicker.

Second, how to design the lip shape

1. The design of the lip shape must be combined with the individual's lip shape, face shape, nose shape, eye shape, age, skin color, etc.

2. When designing the lip type, attention should be paid to the proportion relationship between the upper and lower, but whether it is an outward expansion ornament or an introvert ornament, it should be carried out close to the original lip red line, and it should not exceed 1.5mm, so as not to affect the appearance.

3. If the face is wide and the chin is large, a full and rounded lip shape should be designed.

4. Those with narrow faces and thin tips should design the lip shape of "cherry mouth".

5, the corner of the mouth drooping customers give people a feeling of old age, in the lip design, should be the lower lip line to the corner of the mouth to extend, the length of the upper lip slightly contracted, so that the corner of the mouth has a feeling of improvement. In short, the design of lip shapes should be done: beautiful curves, types change with peaks, do not leave the red line, and pay attention to the overall up and down shape adjustment, so that we can make lip shapes suitable for various face shapes.

Third, the choice of lip color

The color of the tattooed lips should be selected according to the color of your skin. The lip color of the tattoo and the color of the lips themselves should not be too close, otherwise it may not last long. Otherwise, it will also cause a feeling of abrupt color, and only the lip contour has color. Many people are prone to misunderstand the coloring of tattooed lips, in fact, the coloring of tattooed lips is only colored along the contour of the lips, and the part inside is still their original color.

1. Deep roses

It is not recommended to operate on the lip surface due to the dark color, and it is suitable for lip contours when tattooing the lips.

2. Color palette white

As the name suggests, it is used to harmonize with other colors. It is colorless and has the effect of lightening the color and can also be used to finally brighten the lips.

3. Ruby red, evening makeup red, wine red

It is a dark red series, which is suitable for customers with normal lip color and dark skin tone, of course, customers who simply like dark lip color are also suitable.

4, fiery red, thick pink, peach, carmine, orchid red

It belongs to the bright red series, which is suitable for customers with normal lip color and yellow skin color or color preferences. In subtle chromatic aberration, the effect is now versatile.

Understand the tattooed eyebrows, do you understand the tattooed lips?

5. Crimson, Chinese red, Japanese red

It is a light color system, suitable for young customers with normal lip color and fair complexion, which can create a feeling of suppleness and naturalness.

6, orange, vermilion, amber red

It is a color-changing family. Color change is a process of color harmonization, that is, injecting other colors into the original lip color in order to produce the effect of a third visual color.

Fourth, the matters that need to be paid attention to before tattooing the lips

1. Do not wear makeup before treatment and clean the treatment area.

2. Rinse your mouth with salt water or water after meals and keep your lips clean

3. Check the body to confirm that there are no skin diseases, allergic constitutions and scars

4. Women should avoid menstruation

5. Patients with acute and chronic inflammation of the lips are not suitable for surgery

6. For thick lips and protruding lips, the lip line will exaggerate the defects.

5. Post-lip care

1. Intermittent cold compresses, antibiotics, and local applications should be done within 24 hours after surgery.

2. It is forbidden to eat hot, hot and spicy foods for 7 days after surgery, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

3. Rinse your mouth with light salt water after meals to keep your mouth and lips clean.

4. Let it fall off naturally when the scab is removed, and do not peel it off by hand.

Finally, Shrimp Girl's message:

After the tattooed lip, if you really don't like the final effect, you can use a laser to remove it. But shrimp sister does not recommend babies to do this, because laser removal is not only another cost, but also laser removal will have some damage to the human body.

Therefore, when tattooing lips, babies try to choose a professional large-scale institution and a reliable embroiderer

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