
Looks like antlers and like dead leaves! Scientists have discovered a strange-looking horned cicada named after Lady Gaga

According to foreign media reports, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign recently discovered a new horned cicada, which has a strange shape, prominent features, shapes that look like antlers and dead leaves, and they can "sing" by vibrating plant stems. The graduate student decided to name it after Lady Gaga, the "fashion witch."

Looks like antlers and like dead leaves! Scientists have discovered a strange-looking horned cicada named after Lady Gaga

According to the research of Christopher H. Dietrich and student Brendan Morris, a well-known insect taxonomist at the University of Illinois, the insect is called "Kaikaia gaga" and is a new species of horned cicada. About 30 years ago, researchers collected samples of the insect from tropical forests off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua.

Kaikaia gaga is a female insect with many distinct features, including hairs on the face and legs. According to a statement, the researchers were unable to extract DNA from this particular specimen, so Brendan Morris plans to travel to Nicaragua to try to find other biological samples from the forest where she collected the horned cicada.

Looks like antlers and like dead leaves! Scientists have discovered a strange-looking horned cicada named after Lady Gaga

Brendan Morris said: "If there is an insect that can be called Lady Gaga, it must be horned cicadas, because they have crazy horns and reveal a strange sense of fashion. They're unlike anything you've ever seen before. ”

Source: World Wide Web

Editor: Keke Xu

Looks like antlers and like dead leaves! Scientists have discovered a strange-looking horned cicada named after Lady Gaga

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