
In Henan, civilization is not just talking丨 Science and technology empowerment, love to help the city "sanitation orange" We come together to protect

author:Great River Network

Editor's note: Civilized life, there you have me! Recently, the Henan Provincial Civilization Office released the award-winning works of the 2021 Henan Provincial Public Service Advertisement, and one vivid work after another tells that the sons and daughters of the Central Plains are holding a huge pen of civilization construction, with the realm of "success does not have to be in me" and the responsibility of "success must have me", depicting the brilliant picture of Henan's high-quality leapfrog development. Dahe Network and Henan Civilization Network jointly launched the series of "In Henan, Civilization is Not Just Talking" series of planning, presenting the 11th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Henan Province.

2021 Henan Provincial Public Service Advertisement Audio Category Second Prize "Caring for Sanitation Workers"

In the city running at the speed of light, there are always some people who always stick to it, orange-red overalls under the glow of street lamps, flashing a little light, in our deep sleep, the city has been cleaned, they use the most simple action, guard the beauty of the city.

Machinery helps technology to empower and open a "new era" of sanitation

Beauty is born from the heart, and the body is moved. In recent years, the urban management departments in henan have made unremitting explorations and efforts in their work, fully adopted mechanical operations for the roadways, and adopted the mode of man-machine cooperation for deep cleaning of the sidewalks in important sections, so as to achieve fine operations, liberate the hands of sanitation workers, and greatly reduce their physical labor.

In Henan, civilization is not just talking丨 Science and technology empowerment, love to help the city "sanitation orange" We come together to protect

Mechanical cleaning to help the fine management of sanitation. Zhang Zheng Liu Hao provided the picture

In the streets and alleys of Xuchang City, there are busy figures of sanitation workers everywhere. On October 24, Xue Xuemei, a road sweeper from the Xuchang Municipal Sanitation Department, was busy on Wenfeng Road, repeating the simple action of bending down and getting up, just to guard the cleanliness of the city.

Engaged in sanitation work for more than ten years, Xue Xuemei has buried her head in hard work, worked hard and complained, kept dirty and tired to herself, dedicated clean and beautiful to others, and was repeatedly rated as "excellent road chief".

"To do this job, we must be mentally prepared to endure hardships, and we must not slacken off and be lazy no matter how hot or cold it is." Our duty is to sweep the road. Xue Xuemei said.

Behind the habit of Xuchang citizens to the cleanliness of urban roads is that in accordance with the "Xuchang City Urban Road Cleaning Quality Requirements and Operation Specifications", on the basis of a single cleaning operation and mechanical cleaning, the number of road inspection teams, road cleaning teams, garbage collection teams of shops along the street, "urban furniture" cleaning teams, emergency operation teams, etc., to achieve a fine division of labor.

Zhou Jiansheng, director of the Sanitation Department of the Xuchang Urban Management Bureau, told reporters that in the process of operation, they promoted the models of "a broom", "day and night washing", "man-machine combination" and so on, eliminating cleaning blank spots and realizing seamless synchronous cleaning "from the corner to the corner".

"The urban environment is clean and tidy, thanks to our new set of working methods and efficient operating mechanisms, the most important thing is to mobilize the enthusiasm of people." Zhou Jiansheng said that they formulated the "Xuchang City Environmental Sanitation Operation Refinement Management Measures", established a tracking supervision mechanism and an assessment reward and punishment mechanism, improved the emergency plan for sanitation work, and formed a set of operating mechanisms that link up and down in management, manage people according to the system, and have clear rewards and punishments in work, and responsibility to people.

A bowl of porridge warms a city

In Henan, when it comes to love porridge houses, many people are not strangers. Caring for sanitation workers, we Henan people never just talk, the opening of free love porridge house, is the most practical action, they send love breakfast for sanitation workers, pass on the first warmth of the morning every day. In henan's countless free love porridge shops, most of them have conspicuous notices: love porridge does not rely on state and government investment, is private, non-profit, free, vegetarian, charity public welfare entity; volunteers are unpaid, fully voluntary service; love porridge is donated by volunteers, social groups and caring people.

In Henan, civilization is not just talking丨 Science and technology empowerment, love to help the city "sanitation orange" We come together to protect

"We have to take advantage of the fact that everyone is not out of the car when there are few people to clean the street, breakfast is often a makeshift meal, noon home to eat a hot meal, see the establishment of the love breakfast, the cold day I feel warm in my heart." 」 At 7:30 a.m. on October 20, Dong Xiaofang, who had just finished working and eaten at the Love Breakfast Point, said with a smile that her family lived near Dakou Town in Luoyang City, and every day at 5 a.m., she had already gone to the street to start cleaning work.

In Henan, civilization is not just talking丨 Science and technology empowerment, love to help the city "sanitation orange" We come together to protect

At 6:00 a.m., the love porridge began to be distributed on time. White rice porridge, fragrant cabbage stew noodles and people with smiling faces are particularly vivid in the light of the rising sun... Here is the third free porridge shop founded by Zhao Guimin, a 75-year-old Fangcheng native, in sheqi County, Nanyang City. From the opening of the love porridge shop in 2013 to the present, 8 years of selfless dedication, she is affectionately known as "porridge mother-in-law". Zhao Guimin rents a house in Sheqi County and is bent on the free love porridge shop. Influenced by her, her children and grandchildren also opened a free love porridge shop in Fangcheng County, which is her proudest thing.

In addition to the fixed free love porridge house, every year during the Lapa Festival, love porridge distribution points will be set up everywhere, harvesting not only a little warmth in winter, but also the support and expectations of citizens to participate in more volunteer service activities.

The warmth is uninterrupted, and the love action is always on the way. Let us act together to connect the activities of cultivating everyone to give love to everyone's concern for social harmony and everyone's participation in the creation of civilized cities, and create a social atmosphere in which everyone strives to volunteer.