
Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

author:Xiao Yan kan entertainment

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

The second season of the Deyun Dou Laughing Club ended successfully!

Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, the second season of the group has ended, bringing us joy, and the various heartaches may only be known by the actors themselves.

After the end, the program team once again interviewed the brothers: What regrets did you have that you did not complete the second season of "Deyun Dou Laughing Society"?

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Luan Yunping: I have no regrets, I have become a steel hammer boy, there are not so many regrets. Worthy of being the vice president of Deyun, whether he wins or loses, his mentality is stable.

Burnt Cake: No regrets, but I just think the show is less prepared.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Meng Hetang: I have some small regrets in each issue of my works, because each issue is a new work, and there is no way to get them very well in a short period of time, so it is equivalent to a live experiment every time these new works come on stage.

An experimental product on the stage, it must have a lot of regrets, the most hope is to put them all in order, really become a complete work.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Cao Heyang: It's a bit of a pity that not every game is participated, I am a person who loves to be lively, whether it is good or not, I actually want to participate.

Yan Hexiang: In fact, what I want most is to say a "stand-up", but the program rules are here, if I am a stand-up, it is not fair to other people, they have to put together a group mouth, stand-up is a small regret of mine.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Zhang Helun: I think I'm sorry for He Jiuhua, before he told me that he wanted to play with me, we both talked about it, but we missed it, if there is a next season, I will definitely be a partner with Jiuhua.

Another regret is that it failed again, the fourth phase of the cross-talk with Jiuliang, I felt too nervous, I did not withstand the pressure, if that game is won, maybe our team will win.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Zhang Jiuling: Unfortunately, I didn't go to the grassland during the Baotou period, I didn't go to the water playground in the Xiangshan period, and Master Dalin went in that period, and it should be very lively to play in the summer.

Zhou Jiuliang: There is no regret, sitting on the cold bench is also a happy thing, because sitting on the cold bench also has to say crosstalk, it is also a newly created crosstalk, and there is no regret in watching the audience laugh.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Yang Jiulang: The most regrettable thing is that the "source code" should not follow Luan Brother, I haven't played enough, Luan Brother will get me down! Full of absurd words, a handful of bitter tears!

Wang Jiulong: I most want to make one with Meng Ge, and I want to learn from Meng Ge and learn from him. (This regret is now complete)

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Zhang Jiunan: The regret of this season is not the cold bench, in fact, I most want to stand in the positive film and say crosstalk after ten periods, and there is also a regret that ninety percent did not come, and ninety percent of me may be better.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

He Jiuhua: The biggest regret is that I was too nervous, in the face of Master's failure to come up with the best state, maybe the state of Xiaoyuanzi is better than here, or I am too nervous.

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

Shang Jiuxi: The regret is too big, basically it is on the edge of the show, Zhang Jiunan and I add up, one did not participate in the first season, one did not participate in the second season.

Qin Xiaoxian: I didn't hold the final championship in seven periods, but if I really let me hold it, it wouldn't be good, so I think this one is already very good now!

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

The second season of "Deyun Dou Laughing Society" ended perfectly! We'll see you in the future!

Finally, what regrets and happiness do you have about the second season of the reunion?

Douxiao Society ended with regrets: Zhang Helun was sorry for He Jiuhua, and Shang Jiuxi showed helplessness

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