
ROMANO RICCI perfume has a soul

MODERN WEEKLY How do you define the fragrance brand you founded?

If ROMANO RICCI had to choose a word to describe the brand I founded, I would choose "unique" ( unique " . This uniqueness is reflected in many ways, first of all, compared with the so-called big-name perfumes in the industry, we are very special, we are niche, and we are only created for women; at the same time, compared with other so-called niche perfume brands, we are also special, because our creations are more free, more original, more creative. The perfume industry is an industry with a long history, and I want to make it unique and different through this modern interpretation. Juliette Has A Gun has two sides to women, on the one hand, Shakespeare's Juliet, and on the other hand, Juliette with a gun, symbolizing the independence of modern women. Such a woman has a strong two-sided personality, she is romantic, but independent, at the same time, she likes tradition, and likes modern creativity, she is full of feminine charm, but sometimes spontaneous and bold. Such a brand, you can use a lot of adjectives to describe, the main thing, I want to make everyone think it is very cool.

ROMANO RICCI perfume has a soul

Is there a single perfume that modern weekly Juliette Has A Gun has that is particularly important to you?

ROMANO RICCI Juliette Has A Gun is a 15-year-old brand, we have a total of perfumes, so we have a new perfume every year. This speed is relatively low compared to many of our competing brands. For me, each perfume symbolizes a year in my life, so it's hard to say which bottle is more special than the others. For me, every bottle of perfume is a fantasy, a fantasy about women, and through these perfumes I depict the image of the woman in my dreams. So, it's really hard for me to pick a bottle.

MODERN WEEKLY perfume is often associated with memory, a certain taste can remind you of a trip, a person you met, a story that happened. That's the beauty of the smell, and it's what perfume is all about, do you have any interesting scent stories you can share with us?

Romano RICCI Of course, perfume can make you reminisce and bring you back to the place where you remembered. However, it is also important that when you use a certain perfume, you are actually telling someone what kind of person you are. For example, Chinese tradition may not have the habit of using perfume, but I think that is changing. Now, Chinese are beginning to understand that they can define themselves by scent and decorate themselves, not just through clothing, makeup and hairstyles. You're right, many years later, when you smell a perfume, you will still remember the memories of that year, maybe you will forget the clothes a person wore, but you will remember his smell. That's the power of perfume. Stories like this have happened to me myself, for example, the perfume that my grandfather used, and as soon as I smell it, I feel like I'm back in time and that place. Smelling a certain perfume also reminds me of a girlfriend I once had. We have a taste that we particularly like because our brains are particularly sensitive to a certain taste, perhaps more sensitive than our vision. For example, a guest told me that her boyfriend couldn't forget her neck because of the smell of the perfume. For me, it was the best compliment.

MODERN WEEKLY The trend of perfume in each era is closely related to the fashion trend and even the concept of life at that time, such as No.5 represents a type of woman who is independent and not willing to become a male foil, and the use of green tea elements in perfume is in line with the slogan of shouting "natural", "simple" and "Zen", advocating yoga meditation in the 90s of the last century, then do you think that in this era we live in, what kind of perfume trend is respected, and what kind of life concept is aimed at?

ROMANO RICCI In fact, I don't pay attention to so-called fashion, or trends. I only focus on the woman, the woman I imagine, I want her to smell, she wants herself to smell. Maybe this woman will focus on fashion and trends, but these are by no means the only source of inspiration. I don't want to follow the trend, I just want to be my own perfume, which is important, I have to stick to this direction or I will lose my independence. Perfumers of many big-name perfumes have to be guided by the marketing department to create, because they will tell the perfumers what kind of flavors are currently popular in the market, and they create perfumes to please as many people as possible. And in the process of creation, I don't care if this is a taste that everyone likes, and I don't want to be bound by sales. So for me, I don't talk about so-called fashions and trends, just about creation. Fashion trends, every three months there are a batch of new, models on the catwalk to deduce them, if you really want to say big trends, perfume big changes in a few years ago, the cycle is actually much slower than the so-called fashion. If I want to talk about the revolutionary creation of perfume, maybe I can mention myself. I have created a perfume called not a perfume, which is an "anti-perfume" perfume, there is only one perfume raw material, completely free of natural raw materials, I made this perfume by molecular method. When you use it, it shows what you really are. I believe this is an innovative and revolutionary product. This perfume was launched in 2010 and has been imitated by many people since. I'm not saying I'm a genius, I mean, don't follow the so-called fashion trends, be bold and make the perfume you want to make. In this way, it is possible to "inadvertently" create great products, and perhaps influence others.

MODERN WEEKLY Your creative attitude is worth appreciating and learning, it does not cater to the market, but adheres to your own original intentions and original intentions.

ROMANO RICCI My creation is personal, we live in an era where there are too many boxes and so-called black and white, I don't want to be classified and positioned, I just want to create perfumes that I want to make. I think it's important to allow yourself to make mistakes, and only by allowing yourself to make mistakes will there be great miracles. Big companies can't do it because they're accountable to shareholders, companies don't allow perfumers to make mistakes, and every decision they make, every creation, is careful because their products have to make money. And I, the products I make are completely my personal creations, without considering more business pressure. I'm not criticizing big companies, I'm just saying that we do it differently.

Juliette Has A Gun is expanding and doing well in Europe and the UNITED STATES, but even so, we will not forget our original intention, and the profits will be reinvested in creation and research and development, forever maintaining slow creativity and innovation. I don't want to follow the trend, I just want to make my own perfume, which is very important, I have to stick to this direction, otherwise I will lose my independence.

ROMANO RICCI perfume has a soul

Juliette Has A Gun - NOT A PERFUME is not a perfume

ROMANO RICCI perfume has a soul

Juliette Has A Gun - Lady Vengeance

Editor-in-charge: Wang Hui

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