
Gold Medal College Entrance Examination Teacher Zhang Fan Express: Shaanxi launched the fourth undergraduate college teaching innovation competition

author:Gold medal college entrance examination volunteer filling expert

According to the "Notice of the Office of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province on Launching the Fourth Classroom Teaching Innovation Competition of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi" released by the official website of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province on October 26, 2021, the competition is sponsored by the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province and hosted by Northwestern Polytechnical University.

The competition is divided into title grouping and subject grouping:

The title group is divided into positive high group, deputy high group, intermediate and below group according to the professional and technical job level of the participating teachers.

The academic group is based on the "Catalogue of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Colleges and Universities (2020)", according to the 12 disciplines of each title group, and then divided into three competitions: liberal arts group, science and engineering group and technical group.

In terms of the process of the competition, it is divided into three stages: the school preliminary round, the provincial rematch, and the provincial final.

The varsity preliminary round must be held before the start of November.

The provincial rematch implements quota declaration, with a total of about 450 candidates, and each university selects and recommends according to the quota.

The Provincial Finals will be held in January 2022, and the Provincial Finals will be judged on the spot.

The awards of the competition will be set up as individual awards, excellent organization awards, and the Provincial Department of Education will issue commendations to the award-winning individuals and units.

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