
Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

author:Battlefield of time

Do you feel like you're getting a lot of information every day and missing a lot of it? Are you used to "watching a movie in five minutes" and "reading a book in eight minutes"? Are you used to finding answers to your doubts on a call? Are you used to looking at the hot search at the beginning of the day? If yes, then welcome to the Age of Fragmentation!

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

So how do people live in the age of fragmentation? Let's imagine such a scene, on a night when stars are scarce and have just eaten enough in a certain month, Juanjuan asks a question on a certain hu: how can the addiction of a certain sound, a certain article, and a certain Bo be broken? Soon, she saw Xiaoxin's answer: I am addicted, I am happy, why should I break? Seeing this answer, Juanjuan inexplicably raised a feeling of "just because she looked at you more in the crowd", so she replied to Xiaoxin's answer, and then Xiaoxin replied to Juanjuan's reply. The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, and they added WeChat. Half a month later, Xiao Xin sang to Juanjuan in WeChat, singing "Dear how lucky I am, I can meet you in the sea of people", since then, the two have become lovers, and each sent a circle of friends to announce that they were off the list.

Xiao Xin and Juan Juan are basically "like-minded", because they are the same, so they love each other. But there is a difference in their similarities, Juanjuan is self-doubting, has become addicted, and feels that addiction is not right; while Xiaoxin is addicted to addiction, as long as it feels good, it is not a big deal. But why are they addicted?

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

A certain tone, a certain Bo, a certain call, although it is a completely different nature of the APP, but they all have a common feature, that is, these products use the user's fragmented time, do not need the user to invest a lot of time at one time, but can allow the user to open at any time, experience at any time, do not need "book to pick up", there is no "unfinished to continue", at any time there are new things, a few minutes or even a few seconds, you can complete the reception of a piece of information, as if nothing delayed.

But soon you will find that you can open these products anytime, anywhere, and often you can't help but open them, and if you don't open your hands, you will scratch! Although each time is short, but can not stand frequently, accumulate into more, a day, spend a lot of time on these products. There is a famous love story in "Peony Pavilion": I don't know what to do, and I have always been deep. People like Juanjuan and Xiaoxin who are addicted to these products are probably: addiction does not know what to do, "a net and deep".

To design a product with this magic, it is necessary to first understand the relationship between fragmented time and information, and the core point is to "achieve as much attractive information output as possible in as little time as possible." A certain tone, a certain Bo, a certain call, these products, the function is different, but whether it is entertainment, news or the transmission of knowledge, they all do this.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

This sentence is a bit around, not very like human words, I separately to explain to you, "in the least possible time to do as much attractive information output as possible" This core value should be divided into "attractive information" and "in as little time as possible to do as much information output as possible" two parts, the latter is simply the high-frequency output of information, like compressed biscuits, a small piece can be eaten, just like Pan Changjiang teacher, condensed are the essence.

What I said at the beginning, "watching a movie in five minutes," is the high-frequency output of information. Whether there is a high-frequency output is the premise of product design, if your product is mainly "once upon a time", it is absolutely impossible to stand in fragmented time, you can only go to "Longing for Life" to try your luck.

The "attractive information" can be basically divided into three categories, namely "unpredictable information with positive feedback", "information that is easily accessible and has immediate feedback", and "authoritative information that has been integrated and divergent".

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

"Unpredictable and positive feedback" is the most effective way to engage users in fragmented times. "Unpredictable" refers to the refresh function of the product, a certain Bo, a certain tone, today's headlines will be automatically refreshed every time it is opened, brushed out of the things you have not seen in the past, you can not stop it from refreshing, these refreshed information may have what we like, interested in, but we do not know where this information is, when will appear, these unexpected small surprises in psychology called "random rewards", people like to buy lottery tickets, love to play slot machines, but also by the "random reward" psychology.

Seeing this, you may understand that you can't help but refresh a certain Bo because of this psychological mechanism, not your hand owes. And "positive feedback" means that the new news that comes out of the refresh is what you want to see, which sounds incredible at first, but after the invention of big data and intelligent push, this incredible has become a small meaning.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

The intelligent push function is like the roasting tea around Jia Baoyu, Wei Zhongxian around the Emperor of the Apocalypse, and Zhang Yizhi around Wu Zetian, which is specially invested in its favor, and what you like, push it to you. Xiao Xin just inadvertently read the photo of Teacher Cang twice, guess what? Since then, teachers such as Hatano Yui, Kitano Wang, and Momotani Eirika have been pushed to Xiaoxin, which is really dazzling, and he is overwhelmed to see it.

How can such "unpredictable and positive feedback" not be addictive? How can you make Xiaoxin not love it? However, a few days ago Juanjuan inadvertently saw Xiaoxin's certain Bo, angry, eyebrows tight, spitting out fragrance, forcing Xiaoxin to search for a week's NBA, and now his smart push has rarely seen Japanese teachers with good looks and less clothes, all of them are strong and strong American strong men who wear less. Although Xiaoxin is also a fan, but only these, there is inevitably a feeling of "fading out of the mouth". Even if it is a smart push, it still does not understand the involuntary nature of men.

"Information that is easily accessible and has immediate feedback" is actually the "melon seed theory" in psychology. Many people may have experienced that when we are faced with a plate of melon seeds, we may grab and sniff one at random, and then sniff another, unconsciously sniffing one after another, until a plate of melon seeds becomes a pile of melon seed skins, we are satisfied with a smile. This is because the action of sucking melon seeds is too simple, does not require skill, does not require time, and can be completed easily, which constitutes the initial temptation. And we can eat a melon seed by sniffing a melon seed, and the effort is immediately rewarded, and there is a "reward loop" in the human brain, if we do something, there is immediate positive feedback, and the brain encourages us to repeat it.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

On the other hand, if we only pay for something but do not return it, the brain will persuade us to pull it down as soon as possible, which is the psychological cause of the idiom "halfway abandoned". So people will be addicted to "instant feedback". For example, Juanjuan, using the time of waiting for the bus, she can see the popular outfits of the season on mushroom street, and she can also learn the fashionable outfits that suit herself in the season, and then buy herself the necessary equipment on Taobao when taking the bus. She will also send the link to Xiaoxin to ask him for advice, he will definitely say yes, she will complain about the expensive, and then the WeChat pop-up window shows: You received a transfer from Xiaoxin.

In these fragments of waiting for the car and sitting on the car, Juanjuan used Mushroom Street, Taobao and WeChat respectively, and these products all gave her "instant feedback", she knew what to wear at this time, she found the clothes to wear, she got the money to buy clothes, and she also tested her boyfriend and consolidated love. Such a "good effect, fast effect" product, who does not love it?

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

And many game consoles placed in bars also use the melon seed theory. The reason why people go to bars can be roughly boiled down to five points: relaxing, flirting, flirting, buying drunk, and partying. These are the right things, or the right things in this leisure time. But you can't always do only one thing, such as attempted sisterhood, want to alleviate the embarrassment, will go to the front of the game console to play for a while, or the appointment of people did not arrive, unwilling to sit at the bar, will also play a game machine, play a game of time is not much, will not delay the right thing, can end at any time, and can continue without stopping. Play as you go, which is also an instant reward that you can easily get.

I have a student who runs a bar, and he and my great aunt are "slightly the same as what the hero sees", combining the melon seed theory with fragmented time. He said putting game consoles in bars wouldn't significantly make business better, but would help increase customer stickiness. There were a few regular customers in his bar, who came to order a glass of wine and stood in front of the game console to play for a long time, and some of the guests who were ready to leave would also stay because they played the game console casually. Those adults with families and jobs have been forced to say goodbye to the game hall, but the addiction to the instant feedback brought by the game console is still there, and the game console that can be played with fragmented time and can get happiness immediately has become a temptation that they cannot resist.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

Knowing the "melon seed theory", we know why the wedding scene and the Chinese New Year's Eve kang head are placed on the melon seed peanuts, not walnut coconuts. Understanding the "instant feedback", we understand why time always flies when brushing a certain blog, but when writing a report, time is like a squeezed glue, quietly solidified.

In response to people's obsession with the psychology of instant feedback and the fragmentation of time more and more new lifestyles, many products came into being, so that users can experience these products well in fragmented time, and can make users fall in love with these finished products in a short fragmented time, which feels like Tang Bohu seeing Qiu Xiang, Ximen Qing seeing Pan Jinlian, I see my wife, love at first sight.

Another product that uses fragmented time to attract users relies on "authoritative information that has been integrated and divergent." For example, you just ask a question about the movie "Avengers", but you can see information about Marvel in the answer, you can see information about Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and other heroes independent movies, and you can also see what restrictive works the widow has made.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

Ask a question, you can get a complete set of information, this feature makes a lot of not scarce public information in the integration, divergence after the formation of independence, scarcity. In the early days, the strict invitation system of a certain call established a rigorous, professional and reliable "persona" for the certain call. With such a popular image, a "herd mentality" will be formed. The so-called herd mentality is "everyone says good", so I also feel good. After gaining the authoritative recognition of society, it is a natural thing to call a fire.

Like a certain Bo, a certain call is also based on the information anxiety of contemporary people, but the difference is that a certain Bo is satisfied with people's entertainment information, while a certain call satisfies people's knowledge information. A certain hu is like a life mentor, or a life mentor who is always waiting to answer your questions, and when you need it, it is there.

Young people like Juanjuan, who have just graduated, have a lot of questions about life, society, and the workplace, and will encounter knowledge blind spots at any time in their work, and in the past to add a knowledge point, they may have to check a lot of information and read a lot of books, but in a certain call, an answer will be solved, that is, the time of half a cup of coffee. With fragmented time, new knowledge can be obtained, which makes the vast number of enterprising young people fascinated, as soon as there is a problem, they want to go to a certain call to find the answer, and over time, there is no problem to go to a certain call to see the answer to other people's questions.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

If you want to design a finished product that can make consumers addicted by using fragmented time, so that the theory of addiction is combined with fragmented time, these points mentioned above are something you can't not know. Whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, the use of fragmented time is already a way of life for people, those products that target fragmented time as a selling point, not "taking advantage of people's danger", nor are they ill-intentioned, but the product of conforming to the times, just like in the industrial age, the railway was born, and in the era of the need to educate the husband, the washboard was born.

Addicted to these products that exploit fragmented time, not only because of the special mechanisms hidden in the brain, but also because of love, because inseparable.

Want to get addictive? Then let him piece together the complete happiness in bits and pieces

Supervised by Teacher Zheng Renqiang

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